A Conversation for Pratchetts Anonymous

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 241

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

i got amazing maurice this morning 4 my birthday, i finished it earlier his afternoon! it IS v v v v gud smiley - ok

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 242

Researcher 185550

Thought your birthday was tomorrow? (3.1.01 nononononnon damn damn DAMN it's 02 now)

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 243

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

well it was 3rd where i was when i wrote that! smiley - smiley
i dint spot ir diliberate 01 not 02 mistake until u pointed it out 2 b honest!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 244

Researcher 185550

*twangs guitar*

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Other Omylouse,
Happy birthday to you!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 245

Researcher 185550

*twangs guitar*

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Other Omylouse,
Happy birthday to you!

*gives smiley - gift to Omy.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 246


Oo, a birthday smiley - smiley This requires smiley - bubbly and it just so happens I have a few crates with me (what a lucky co-incidence smiley - winkeye ) Happy Birthday Omylouse smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cake

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 247

Stu The Gnu


Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 248

Researcher 185550

*drinks far too much smiley - bubbly, vomits, tries to do the can-can but falls over, and then starts singing the Hedgehog song*

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 249

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

thanks guys! smiley - blush

*opens smiley - gift to find copy of the last hero*

smiley - wownot got this 1 yet!smiley - cheers

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 250

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*-decides to join in the Hedgehog song, having drunk too much apple tango-*
...and with a giraffe if you stand on a stool, but the hedgehog can never be...
*-slips at rather oportune moment, there by muffling the rude bit-*
...at all

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 251

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

gud job uve not gotten a magic ring like Frodo (or roo!)

*takes embarassing foto of falsie falling over!*

heeheehee!!! smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 252

Researcher 185550

...With a snail, if you slow to a crawl, but the hedgehog...
*vomits again*

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 253

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

this looks like a gud time 2 start pole dancing again! smiley - biggrin
.... if any1 can find us some gud music!
*wanders off to find that pink fluffy thing roadkill liked so much* be sure 2 have some notes handy when i get back lads! smiley - winkeye

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 254


*finds a Queen CD and puts that on* Here you are Omylouse - this should be good to pole dance to, well, interesting anyway. smiley - cheers

A wizard's staff has a nob on the end...

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 255

Researcher 185550

*prepares a wad of notes*
Many thanks omylouse, I just did my maths mocksmiley - blue. THAT sobered me up.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 256

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

well get ready 2 let ur hair down again! smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 257

Researcher 185550

Chemistry smiley - sadface.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 258

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

ick! smiley - sadface

got chem lesson this afternoon.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 259

Researcher 185550

Now Fre reading.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 260

Stu The Gnu

Help, I've become inexplicably addicted to the 'Harry Potter' books.

I've even took (forced) sons to see the film.

Help, help what can i do?

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