A Conversation for Pratchetts Anonymous

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 221

Researcher 185550

Well, letsee, 5th elephant was 24th novel. That means that Truth was 26th, and Thief of Time was 27. Then came Last Hero, at 28. Finally, there's Amazing Maurice, at 29. Then there'r three Truckers books, so that makes it 32. There's Good Omens, which makes it 33, and Carpet people, which makes it 34. Then There's Strata, 35, and finally, The Science of the Discworld, 36. That divides nicely into 4, nine eachsmiley - geek.

All review your favourite book (I'm doing Wyrd Sisters<sitch&gtsmiley - winkeye. Whichever one of you reads this first start a conversation on my space (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U185550) and tell everyone about it. Then put all your reviews there, if anyone has any serious objections about them change it, and I'll put it into a guide entry. After that, well, I dunno. Would you prefer to do it by categories (Witches, Rincewind, City Watch, Independant Characters we Never See Again, etc...) or by just working through the list?

As for the review format, well i reckon there should be a smiley - star rating at the end, a category(e.g. Rincewind, City Watch, etc) a short story spoiler, and who the review was by. Any suggestions for otherwise?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 222

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

i nt read any non-discworldy ones except dark side of the sun which was gud smiley - smiley but that was agees ago!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 223

Researcher 185550

d'you have it/from library?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 224

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

library smiley - sadface

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 225

Researcher 185550

Well, just review your favourite discworld novel and post it on my space. U know how to the convo, yeah?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 226

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

yeah i'll figure it out. i bet every1 reviews the same book or summin now tho! smiley - winkeye

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 227

Researcher 185550

Then I'll start asking (telling) people what books to review and if they haven't got it.... well they can do another book.:-p

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 228

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

ok, i'll do maskerade 4 u then. dunno wen will get it don tho
woo-hoo! only half day left @ school b4 the hols! smiley - biggrin & we're watching a video (get 2 bring our own) in the only 2 lessons we've got! (both chemistry taught by husband & wife. scarey! smiley - erm)

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 229

Researcher 185550

Excellent. I bin off school since friday. Ahhhhhhhhhh..... the joy of getting up at noon.smiley - zzz

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 230

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

smiley - grr
then again, i only did xmas shoppin 4 peeps @ sch on monday so the extra weeks probly a gud thing. we hardly got any lessons anyway! so i jus get 2 have fun wiv my mates & use internet @ sch 2 reply on here!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 231

Researcher 185550

smiley - cheers
By the way, could you rope as many people into this review thing as possible- it'll save time.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 232

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

falsie can do sum. he loves the books & does expressive english! shud b right up his street!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 233

Researcher 185550

Excellent. Just re-reading Thief/Time btw.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 234

Stu The Gnu

Careless people left Last Hero around so I know what i've got for Christmas ( no I didn't go snooping it was in a transparant-ish shopping bag that got whipped out of my view but not fast enough ) I'll be good and act all surprised though.

Reviews hmmmm not done a review since I was at school smiley - yikes many moons ago but i'll have a go (even if the reviews are biased by the fact we all like Terry's books). 'Witches Abroad' is my favourite if no ones already got it in mind?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 235

Researcher 185550

You don't need to do a review if you don't wanna. I don't think that anyone has Witches Abroad in mind. Also got last hero. Thought it was great:

These men are RUBIES insane. They're sure to RUBIES kill me. RUBIES. etc.... RUBIES. Has anyone ever noticed what a strange sounding word 'rubies' is?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 236

Stu The Gnu

The artwork in 'Last Hero' is fantastic, (shame about Josh Kirby, wasn't it).

I am now being forced to read 'Harry Potter' alright not forced exactly, I just want to know what all the fuss is about.

Going a bit tangital now. They're making another 'Harry Potter' book into a movie. I heard a wisper that 'Good Omens' is being made into a movie too, anyone know anything?

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 237

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

hey, i got two books, wot you dont mention, darkside of the sun, oh my mystake the missus has mentioned that one, and i got the unadulterated smiley - cat

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 238

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

plus loadsa short stories, like the chickens of hollywood

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 239

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

oooh, more books 4 me 2 steal off u! smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 240

Researcher 185550

I just got 'The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents'. So far it looks good. hmmmmmmmmm, I'm gonna try and write my 1st review (Wyrd Sisters) today, just makin it up as I go along.

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