A Conversation for The Small but Vocal Minority

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Post 41

a girl called Ben

I should have looked before I posted, I see you also thought I had been a bit smiley - bruised before now.

Thanks Lucinda


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Post 42

Martin Harper

Yeah - to be honest I'm still a little dissappointed to find that your Short Guide is persona non grata smiley - sadface

Here's hoping it doesn't stay that way forever...

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Post 43

7rob7: Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)

Should there be some sort of designation for those of us who got whacked for posting the LeKZ link way back ago?

(I've never been too comfy with the responsibilties of 'squeaky-cleanism': too much work...)

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Post 44

a girl called Ben

How about smiley - cdouble since there were two sites at that time?

The FolKZ who advertised FolKZ should definitely be noted.


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Post 45

Martin Harper

Oh, probably, though I dunno if smiley - cdouble is the right one... I wonder if I should have an award for sending in the Greater Freedom Petition by snail mail, too - perhaps the smiley - peacedove could be pressed into service as a carrier pidgeon? smiley - smiley

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Post 46

Martin Harper

In the meantime, I'll use smiley - bruised to signify that.

And to forestall any censors complaining that I'm advocating this or condoning that, I've expanded the disclaimer. 'Tis a sad world we live in when one can't be proud of one's war wounds without being seen as a warmongerer... smiley - erm

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Post 47

The Theory

I've recieved a good 10 or so email from moderators... tis a tad annoying... clutterz up my email box...
(I ain't always self censoring!!)


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Post 48

Martin Harper

I marked you as smiley - bruised, theory - just for you... smiley - winkeye

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Post 49

David Conway

Hmmm... I've got an awful lot of smilies next to my name, for such a quiet small, vocal person.

Do we want to add a 'virginity restored' smilie for those of us who have been provided with clean slates?

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Post 50

The Theory


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Post 51

a girl called Ben

Virginity restored? smiley - chick?

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Post 52

The Theory

Yeah... that's good!


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Post 53

Martin Harper

Now smiley - chick I like! smiley - smiley

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Post 54

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

hang on...they threaten to de-ace me AND suspend me and I'm still an smiley - angel....theres something wrong there...

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Post 55

The Theory

Rat... deep down inside, you are a good dude, angel wings suit you...

Though today I got an email from Peta about my moderations...


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Post 56

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

threatend with suspension? I got threatend with de-aceing too though so I deserve better than smiley - angel...how about smiley - erm - I like smiley - erm...smiley - erm

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Post 57

The Theory

how about the for not being sure where Rat fits in the "fight agiants moderation" spectrum?


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Post 58

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

they just threatend to ban me for ignoring moderation rules, man!

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Post 59

The Theory

That's your problem... not mine... but this is what I sugest...

STOP TICKING OFF THE MODERATORS! Then everyone will be happy...


It is done

Post 60

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

all I wanted was a different smiley by my name smiley - wah

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