A Conversation for H2G2 London winter meet; Saturday 14 January 2006

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 261

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Only because the studs are two feet long and you were impaling innocent passengers. It looked bloody good though.

You still got the pint glass with the hidden thumb-screws?

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 262

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

naa, I lent that to a 'friend' and they've not given it yet back.... I'll probably take the longer matching whips this time though.... they're relaly well cordinated to go with the thigh length boots, and match perfectly...

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 263

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Count me in as a possible, dependant on the date - as long as I'm not on night shift I'll be there.

Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - biker

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 264


Winning date - 14th January 2006
smiley - bluefish

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 265


smiley - ok

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 266


smiley - magic........putting it in my diary as we speak smiley - biggrin

Any suggestions for cheap accomodation much appreciated smiley - cheers

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 267

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

yeah i'm inĀ¬smiley - smiley

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 268

aka Bel - A87832164

I've just booked the flights smiley - magic

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 269


Just for you? or hubby too? smiley - bigeyes

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 270

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - somersault Woohoo!

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 271

aka Bel - A87832164

For both of us smiley - smiley

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 272


Sounds like it should be a good turnout then smiley - biggrin

Will be interesting to put names to faces!

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 273

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


I'll fill in me I'm-taking-the-weekend-off-work-phone-me-and-you're-dead form

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 274

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm starting wondering how I will manage to talk to so many people in so few time smiley - bigeyes

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 275


smiley - rofl.......good on ya girl smiley - cheers

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 276

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - evilgrin

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 277


Yay and get ready for meeeeeeee! smiley - evilgrin

Should be fun I reckon! We'll take over the whole pub! smiley - laugh

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 278


I wonder what tricks RF, Roymondo and 2legs planned last night at their mini meet? smiley - laughsmiley - erm

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 279

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

They don't have to plan - those guys are.... shall we say.... SPONTANEOUS!!

Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - biker

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 280

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

The 14th is do-able. I'm supposed to be at work, but I'm sure I can get some time off in the afternoon to get across. Maybe put in a day's holiday, midday Saturday to midday Sunday?

Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - biker

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