A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods


Post 21

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

so have been attacked? and no, I have no ring, if an avatar of mine is to die, I meerly possess another one, similar to Emperor Palpatine, and somewhat like what the Borg Queen does. HDS in Lexx uses a similar way of doing it as well, but requires the cleansing of the host mind, and the Sith just force that mind into remision

*fades in between etherial and physical plane, becomes a lighter shadow that is in-desiferable from the others in the process*


Post 22


*time stop finishes casting*

*health back from regeneration*
*casts etherealness on the shadowstuff, sending it to the ethereal plane*

*casts temporal stasis on HDS*

if either of those spells get through the battle is over. imprisonment cannot be avoided unless you have a protection spell against high level magic... actually its a lot like death magic and may be unfair... but temporal stasis will jusdt hold you their permanently until someone dispels it

*casts contingent resurrection on the lich's body*

*time stop ends*


Post 23

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*casts a high anti-magic ward, energy shield (diverts damage to mana pool), and then activates Sanctuary, an aura that repels and damages the undead at a 10 meter range*

*The temporal stasis fails due to HDS's multi-versal nature and HDS fades into hyperspace (as he is part Shadow) to avoid the impisonment. HDS taps hyperspace and gains a massive surplus in mana and health*

what's a lich?


Post 24


*attacks HDS as he casts Antimagic ward, this has a good chance of disrupting any spell you attempt to get out.


Post 25

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

then I suppose one of other multi-vers personalities, or another avatar from this one will have to take over for me, but either way, stopping one does not stop them all

attacks with what? and how?


Post 26


I don't get what you mean by multi-versal personalities.
Are you saying I'm fighting more than one person?
All you need to do to avoid the spell is block it, save vs it, or something.

*to clarify:
The lich whom spectre is inside of attacks Hds with Spectre's black sword*


Post 27

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*the lich worm is violently repelled by HDS's Sanctuary aura*

*dodges the chrono-thingy, casts Fist of the Heavens, another undead seeking bolt of energy flies from the sky towards Spectre*

the infinate-multi-verse is an infinate number of realities with some sort of difference, either minor, polar, or any other kind. there-for there are a great number of His Divine Shadows, some as powerful, some less, some more. If one of me is to become detatched or removed from its reality, then another must come into existance as this reality is not the one in which His Shadow does not exist


Post 28


The way I see it, you're saying there's an infinite number of you and if one dies then another takes his place. I'm only fighting one of you, I hope you know.

*casts spell trap*
(please from now on state the level of any spell you cast, if it has a level, for the purposes of this spell)


Post 29


*oh and spectre takes a bit of damage from this fist of the heavens, and also casts "maze" on hds(takes you out of this reality fro 4 rounds, and then you appear back, letting me do whatever I wish while your'e gone*


Post 30

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*casts reflect on himself to reflect maze and spell trap back on its original caster*


Post 31


*spell trap, being a protection spell, protects vs. maze*

*casts spellstrike, which will remove your reflect-thingy*


Post 32



Post 33

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*the spell and aura wash away, HDS casts Grimm Ward, which erects a massive totem to frighten and damage undead, then casts Fist of the Heavens again*


Post 34


*backs away from this "grim ward"*
*Fist of thje HEavens(level?) gets stopped by the spell trap*
*casts spell reflection*
*casts Khelben's Warding Whip on HDS*

*ducks back behind a tomb*


Post 35

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

how long is this spell trap effective? let's just say its high

*HDS casts a magical ward overhimself to reinforce his cloak's interwoven magics and wards and reflect bounces off, hurling HDS back a few feet in the process, as he flies back, the Khelben's whip flies overhis head and lashes backward, as whips tend to do*

*HDS disapperates from the ground and re-apperates in the air, he lifts his hands, the whether darkens, the clouds deepen and get bigger and wider, lightning flashes accross the sky, a freezing wind blows inward and groundward from all directions. Lightning flashes to the ground, causing fires, snow begins to tuble from the sky in great amounts*


Post 36


*fades out of this plane*
*comes back with a weird little thing that came from somewhere odd...*
*tosses the "World's most Interesting Bomb" on the ground, which will draw HDS very close to it in a magical curiousity, before exploding in his face*


Post 37

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*glances at the bomb seceptically*

are you kidding?

*claps his hands, as he draws them away a little sphere is in his hands, he presses a button and tosses it at the uninteresting bomb. when the ball hits the ground it explodes, but not like normal things explode, this thingy explodes and turns into a sphere of energy 5 meters wide, when the bright sphere disapears, there is a perfectly spherical depression in the ground and the bomb is gone*

*casts energy shield, blade shield, and activates his Defiance aura, then casts Blessed Hammer (level 25), a hammer of magical undead smiting light begins to spin quickly in a tight circle around HDS and the circle quickly expands outwards*

so you are uneffected by elemental spells?


Post 38


I am affected by them but I would advise nto trying to use cold or fire

(adds 30 more levels)


Post 39

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

1.) Fist of the Heavens is annoyingly high, it's level 30+.

2.) your protest: it is a break in continuity to force me to walk up to a bomb and let it blow up in my face, nor should it even be suggested.

3.) yes, I do smiley - biggrin

4.) why is ot a good idea to use fire and ice spells?

*casts level 20 Frozen Orb, a ball of all freezing ice flies out from between HDS's hands at Spectre, as the ball travels, it releases thousands of little razor blades that also freeze and cut the things they touch*


Post 40


What I meant about the "forcing thing" is that you can't just declare it doesn't work. It *is* the most interesting thing you've seen. Instead of declaring it void you should come up with a better way to ignore it.

That is a high level... well then I'll have to go for Epic D&D spells, they can get up to abotu the equiavalent of level 40. Plus I've made some of my own spells up. The highest level D&D spell is "vengeful gaze of god" which does about 300d6 damage to you and 100d6 to me., or something like that. very dangerous.

Fire just won't do anything because part of my incorporeal material is the hellfire stuff, sorta like chunky lava, and the cold because it'll heal me. I'm not sure why they don't cancel each other out,I'm working on that. So my elemental properties may randomly change sometime during the battle

*goes incorporeal*

*casts "hellball", which is an orb of elemental energy that does, on average, 66 sonic, 66 fire, 66 cold, 66 acid, and 66 electrical damage.*

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