A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods

The Labyrinth

Post 121

RedFish ><>

smiley - biggrin

The Labyrinth

Post 122

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea - singed, sodden, and backlog bewildered - stumbles around a bit before falling on her face and admitting defeat*

The Labyrinth

Post 123


awww smiley - smiley Get the poor thing lost in backlog.... hehe...

Congratulations RedFish!! another victory for the Dogs smiley - winkeye
smiley - cheers

Maybe this will make you feel better sea darlin'...you and RF are now full-fledged H2G2 Gods!!!

The Labyrinth

Post 124

RedFish ><>

~lifts up the bedraggled sea, puts her on a deckchar and gives her a cold (alhahol-free) drink~

The Labyrinth

Post 125

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - bruised thanks, redfish. thanks, apollo.

*sips drink*

The Labyrinth

Post 126


When you've recovered, what do you say to a mudwrestling match sea? smiley - winkeye

The Labyrinth

Post 127

RedFish ><>

~raises eyebrows~

[Fish have eyebrows?]

The Labyrinth

Post 128


There no rule against tag-teaming, RedFish.... smiley - winkeye

But sea IS a cat, and probably intimidated by us dogs....

p.s. .. there is now a Mud Pit thread on the BoG page smiley - biggrin

The Labyrinth

Post 129

a girl called Ben

*Ben manifests as the Mother*

Apollo, just to remind you that you *should* be on back-rub duties...

*And then transforms the Maiden, who winks at Apollo, before....*
*... turning into the Crone, who appears to have a smoking gun with her*

And Fish, don't forget that I have a barrel with your name on it.

*The crone looks thoughtfully at the gun, before turning back into the Maiden who says*

Now about that backrub, golden boy...

The Labyrinth

Post 130


Can we say... Multiple OmniPersonality Disorder?

The Labyrinth

Post 131

a girl called Ben

I don't know. Can you say it?

Whose back do you want to rub, anyway? Mother's, Maiden's or Crone's?

*smiley - zoom*Ben

The Labyrinth

Post 132

RedFish ><>

~eyes agcB suspiciously~

one day i will have wone three battles, and then, you mark my words, i'll...

~sees agcB's expression~

...i'll....um.... give you presents and stuff.... um... ~cowers~

The Labyrinth

Post 133

a girl called Ben


Presents! smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift

Nice little fishy fishy.... smiley - orangefishsmiley - smooch

a sweetheart called Ben

The Labyrinth

Post 134

RedFish ><>

gods smiley - gift?

The Labyrinth

Post 135

a girl called Ben

*Ben rolls around laughing so much she knocks over the massage oil, which seeps onto the gun, and even makes a mess in the barrel*

*Apollo slips in the oil, catches his foot on the gun, and knocks the side of his head on the barrel*

*For some reason, Ben finds this even funnier than the "God's smiley - gift" comment and is laughing so loudly that Apollo's dignitiy is even more bruised than the side of his head*

(Nice one RedFish)


The Labyrinth

Post 136

RedFish ><>

smiley - biggrin

The Labyrinth

Post 137

a girl called Ben

smiley - orangefishsmiley - smooch

The Labyrinth

Post 138

RedFish ><>

smiley - flyhi

The Labyrinth

Post 139


smiley - tongueout Your time will come....

all three of you.

The Labyrinth

Post 140

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

You're going to have to manage to win a battle before you can even hint at challenging anyone with any seriousness! smiley - tongueout Now once you're done with Ben's back rub, I want mine, please? smiley - biggrin

smiley - kiss Your's Truely,
smiley - planet The Bombshell Goddess

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