A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 21

Garius Lupus

The coin is reddish in colour and has a fish on one side. The fish appears to be a herring. smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye The other side has a portrait of someone wearing a crown.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 22

Witty Moniker

Hmmmm, it must belong to Lord Reflection. smiley - winkeye

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 23

Garius Lupus

It just may - you never know. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 24

Witty Moniker

GL, would you kindly tell me what my Truesight sees when I look at Uli's transformation? We're in the Mess and Uli's staring down the cat.


Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 25

Witty Moniker

Oh heck... why don't we just go 'round the table and get a reading on each entity.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 26

Garius Lupus

Uli's transformation: For a moment, Uli actually became a white bear! Just like the little one she wears. You are astounded - how can someone be human one moment and a bear the next? She has truly powerful magic. So far, she has used her magic for the benefit of the ship and those aboard, and seems nice. You hope she continues that way.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 27

Garius Lupus

The others around the table: your Truesight hasn't told you much more than you already know. You did sense that Volkert's tale meant more to him than he let on - his emotions seemed to run high while he was telling it.

As the meeting continues, you may want to consult your Truesight some more. Feel free to ask again. smiley - biggrin

: Log Entry #4 - Lizzie Briggs

Post 28

Witty Moniker

Well, I've done it. I've confessed my true identity to Sarah. She took it better than I expected. She will stop at nothing to get Lizzie back and I will do everything I can to help her. I'm so relieved that she understands that I was not responsible.

But first we must work together to find her amulet. It's somewhere on the ship and presents a danger to us all. Captain Briggs has called us all together in an attempt to put all the pieces together.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 29

Witty Moniker


I watched Lorenzen bust open the lockers in the forecastle and load all the contents into Gilling's locker. I'd appreciate knowing precisely what those items are. Thanks.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 30

Garius Lupus

Okay, what he piled in (besides the usual clothing, etc.) was:

A bottle of amber liquid
A strange bubble-like thing, filled with clear liquid in which floats a pinkish-grey wrinkled thing (which you recognise from your human-studies text book as a human brain)
The above two things were in Gillings chest to begin with, but seem to belong to Lorenzen.
From Goodschad's chest came two flintlock pistols, about 150 years old but in mint condition.
Lorenzen also put a strange thing from his pocket into the chest. It is metallic, about the size of a harmonica (ooc - I hope those existed then), but smooth, with various buttons and holes in it.

The gun that Lorenzen took is like nothing you have ever seen. It is a machine gun.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 31

Garius Lupus

Oh, and I almost forgot.

One of the ship's pistols was in Marten's chest and was stuffed by Lorenzen into Gilling's chest.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 32

Witty Moniker

Garius, what's the current status of my amulet. Was its power completely drained after I tried to tie up the kraken?

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 33

Garius Lupus

Your amulet isn't drained - it just can't handle another tingle spell for a while. Everything else should work, though.

Log Entry #5 - Lizzie Briggs

Post 34

Witty Moniker

Captain Brigg's meeting was interrupted by a kraken attack. Everyone worked together to save Cook Head from the beast. Papa was hurt, but Miss Uli was able to save him with her magic.

Magic... pah! I am so pathetically weak. Everyone else has mystical gadgets or fancy magic. Meanwhile I must merely wait and let events play themselves out, hoping that Sarah finds her amulet in time to avoid... whatever it is we have to avoid.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 35

Witty Moniker

Garius, in the Captain's Cabin thread, Sarah says the Soulstone is real and Gilling says it is a decoy. What does my Truesight tell me about those statements?

Oh, and who is Wolfgang and what happened to post #514?

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 36

Garius Lupus

The soulstone that Sarah showed WAS the real one. And Gillings was telling the truth when he said the one he saw didn't come from the cupboard. Your truesight clears up this seeming paradox by telling you that Sarah has the soulstone on her person and had it there before she went to the cupboard.

I posted to the ooc thread explaining the moderated post and the Wolfgang in the title for my post. Basically, it was a rogue post and it was the last in the thread when I posted my post, so my post took on its title.

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 37

Witty Moniker

I see... thank you. smiley - smiley

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 38

Witty Moniker

GL, about those 6 inch high illusions I can make...

Do they have substance, can they pick up an object? Or are they images only?

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 39

Garius Lupus

Weeeeellll, it does say that you can make them do anything you want for a minute, so I think that would include picking things up. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Lizzie Briggs

Post 40

Witty Moniker

I was hoping you would say that! smiley - biggrin

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