A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Sarah's Log

Post 41

Garius Lupus

I like the idea, but I don't know how the energy can be rerouted. It would be like rerouting a nuclear blast. Uli has magical abilities, as you've seen, but I think it is way more powerful than she can handle. smiley - sadface

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't think it is possible. smiley - sadface On the other hand, if you can come up with a plausible way, then I'll be happy to let you run with it.

Sarah's Log

Post 42

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well, a nuclear blast is harnessed in reactors...

Thanks for letting me know what you think. I'm going to pull both 'Lizzie' and Uli in to this, to see if they have any suggestions in terms of the magical function of this. Hopefully the three of us together can do something.

If not, I have a couple of other options. smiley - smiley

Oh, speaking of cunning plans, what do you think of Sarah's push to get Richardson and Amelia together? smiley - laugh


Sarah's Log

Post 43

Garius Lupus

I just read that! Great stuff smiley - laugh

I hope the 3 of you come up with something. smiley - biggrin

Sarah's Log

Post 44

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

You and me both. smiley - winkeye

I'll come up with the basics over the weekend and I'll talk with Uli and 'Lizzie' on Monday. smiley - smiley


Sarah's Log

Post 45

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

All my plans have come crashing down, I fear. Albert doesn't seem as interested in Rnagel as she had led me to believe. And now he is warning me of some horrible thing about to happen. I am more afraid for Benjamin than myself. I have done enough harm in my life, that I deserve whatever befalls me, but he is a good man. I would shield him if I could.

But I have made a good friend in Uli. And I have regained the Soulstone, thanks to her. Now I must do my best to live up to her expectations of me. This means that I must find a way to use the energy from the explosion of the Soulstone in such a way that it does not harm any of us. I intend to find out the heart's desire of each person aboard the ship and see if I cannot provide it for them using that energy. I hope that Uli will be able to help me, as she is more adept in the magical ways than I. I shall also ask 'Lizzie', as she had said that she could use the stone itself.

I have a few selfish desires that I plan to acheive using the power, as well. I shall get my Lizzie back. And, if she so desires, I shall make the current 'Lizzie' a member of out family, permanently. I know that it is not what Benjamin refered to when he suggested that we have another child, but hopefully he will be accepting of this addition to our family, as well.

Now I must gain the confidence of each person, at least enough to find out what they want. I shall record my findings here, that I may not forget them...

Sarah's Log

Post 46

Garius Lupus

Some notes on the soulstone (I have been talking with Mac smiley - biggrin)

The Soulstone is BIG, you can't ever use it up since it's storing all the magic from a huge city full of powerful mages. If you try a ritual, then it has to be REALLY good. The original spell sealing it and your release spell both act to block the chanelling of the Stone's magic. Partial or imperfect effects may result - i.e there could be SIDE EFFECTS.

This is all stuff that you would figure out on your own, after having contemplated the thing for most of your life.

Sarah's Log

Post 47

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - biggrin Thanks, GL. I was afraid of something like this, so I've developed a back-up cunning plan which involves sending the Soulstone to a time far, far away. I need to get confirmation from Jade on some of my suspicions (Lorenzen is a Nazi?!?!?!), but as soon as I do that, I am ready to move.


Sarah's Log

Post 48

Garius Lupus

What makes you think Lorenzen is a Nazi?!?!?!?!?!?

Sarah's Log

Post 49

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well, between his description, his mentioning Goering and my natural mistrust... Well, there we are. smiley - devil


Sarah's Log

Post 50

Garius Lupus

I see. Well, as a good GM should, I won't confirm or deny it. smiley - biggrin

Sarah's Log

Post 51

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - biggrin


Sarah's Log

Post 52

Garius Lupus

I assume you are still carrying the soulstone. I don't remember you putting it anywhere.

Sarah's Log

Post 53

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I have it wrapped in the doeskin Uli gave me in my bodice. smiley - winkeye


Sarah's Log

Post 54

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I'm taking great pains so that no one knows I took the SoulStone from my bodice or that I return it there. smiley - winkeye


Sarah's Log

Post 55

Garius Lupus

Aha! I had thought you told me it was on your person. smiley - winkeye You sneaky smiley - devil, you. smiley - biggrin

Sarah's Log

Post 56

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - biggrin That's the idea.

smiley - devil


Sarah's Log

Post 57

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Silly question for you, GL. I can make magic items release their energy explosively. What about spells? If a spell is cast on an object, the spell lends that object magic power. Therefore, in theory, it should be possible to make that object release the energy, right?



Sarah's Log

Post 58

Garius Lupus

I think that is a bit of a long shot smiley - biggrin

But your ritual magic has been successful so far. When Gillings said his first poem, you felt the soulstone heating up uncomfortably. When you said you own poem, it cooled again. His second poem started it heating again, but your second poem countered that.

Those outcomes are based on dice throws, so who knows how the duel will end. You might want to find some way out of it.

Sarah's Log

Post 59

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

That's why I was hoping to release the power from the spell on the door and windows. An explosive end to the duel. smiley - winkeye


Sarah's Log

Post 60

Garius Lupus

Ah, now I see where you were going with that. Very clever! I think the way your release spell works is that it releases stored magical energy. So the thing has to be like a magical battery, with some magical charge. I don't think the object of a spell is such - it's not so much storing magical energy as being under the control of magical energy. Now, if only your spell would work on people...

Anyway, there is no stopping you trying to counter the locking spell, just like you countered the heat spell. However, you are not particularly strong in magical ability (evern if luck WAS on your side recently), so it may or may not work. (If you try it, I will post whether it works). smiley - biggrin

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