A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy puts the glass of juice in front of Kyra and sits down on her other side. *
Do you mean you didn't talk to him?
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 12, 2008
*Kyra sighs*
No, I did. And it was alright. Can we not talk about it right now?
*She closes her eyes*
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy exchanges yet another glance with Eli, and both of them nod. *
Of course. Are you hungry?
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 12, 2008
*Kyra shakes her head, but sits up anyway*
But I'll help make dinner.
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy smiles at Kyra. *
Sure, if you want to.
* Eli has already started to collect the neccessary pots and pans. *
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 12, 2008
*As they cook dinner, Kyra starts slowly telling Eli and Lucy what happened, or rather, what didn't happen*
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Eli and Lucy refrain from commenting until Kyra indicates she has told all about her meeting with her father. *
* As Eli sets the table, Lucy looks at Kyra while ladling thick lentil soup into bowls. *
Are you going to see him again?
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 12, 2008
*Kyra nods*
I didn't come all this way to leave it like that. I don't know if I'll want to know him, but I've got to try.
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Eli puts a basket of garlic bread on the table. *
Please be careful. And not just because you don't know what *he* wants...
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 12, 2008
*Kyra nods*
I know </>
*She picks at her food, playing over their meeting again in her mind, and thinking of new things she wishes she had said to him*
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy places her hand on Kyra's for a moment, giving her an encouraging smile. *
If there's anything we can do...
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy chuckles and smiles warmly at Kyra. *
But if it isn't, you *will* let us know, right?
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Eli smiles at the two women. *
I know something you both can do - eat your soup before it goes cold.
* He winks at them and dips a chunk of garlic bread into his bowl. *
Rigel VI
Otus Nycteus Posted Apr 12, 2008
* Lucy chuckles again and starts on her soup. During their meal, they chat of nothing in particular, sharing a glass of wine afterwards. *
* A little while later, Eli and Lucy retreat to their room after saying goodnight to Kyra and Frankie. *
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 13, 2008
*Kyra spends an entire day with her father, learning things about her mother and her cousins that she never knew. Most of the things she learns wouldn't have interested anyone else, but Kyra treasures each new nugget of knowledge as if it were as valuable as gold*
*When it's time for Kyra to return to the tardis at night, she declines, preferring to accompany her father to where he works, at a seedy-looking casino-slash-bar. That, of course, is only his night job. He works at a car-lot during the day. Kyra is inordinately proud of him, both for working two jobs, and for being at the forefront of Rigel VI's advance into the technological age. Although cars have been available on Rigel VI for centuries, it is only recently they have become more than a luxury item. Kyra is aware of what a boon this could be for the ordinary citizens, and in her mind, she is proud to associate her father with the advance in consumerism on the planet. Maybe he isn't a spy for a secret government agency, sent away for her own protection. Maybe he is just an ex-con struggling to make ends meet. That's okay. He's her dad*
*Kyra's happy*
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 19, 2008
*For the next four or five days Kyra doesn't return to the tardis. She spends the time with her father, trying to make up for years of his absence*
Rigel VI
Kyra Posted Apr 24, 2008
*Kyra's having the time of her life, and she never wants it to end. Her father takes her out for ice-cream*
*They sit and talk and laugh, and share everything children should be able to share with their parents. She never wants to leave*
*She groans as she starts to wake up. Her head is pounding, and when she touches her forehead her fingers come away sticky with blood. She sits up slowly and looks around*
*She's sore all over, but nothing appears to be broken or missing*
*After a brief debate with herself, she decides to head back to the tardis. She doesn't even notice the stares she receives as she walks through the streets, her mind focused on not thinking about her father*
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Rigel VI
- 381: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 382: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 383: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 384: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 385: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 386: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 387: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 388: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 389: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 390: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 391: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 392: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 393: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 394: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 395: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 396: Kyra (Apr 12, 2008)
- 397: Otus Nycteus (Apr 12, 2008)
- 398: Kyra (Apr 13, 2008)
- 399: Kyra (Apr 19, 2008)
- 400: Kyra (Apr 24, 2008)
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