A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Started conversation Aug 16, 2007
[Narrator]: In the depths of SPACE... there floats, or should I say carries a dead-signal. Not really dead then, but undetectable by most senors and equipment. And on most worlds. One day, someone would find it, as they were bound to eventually and was likely to happen in time. What they found shocked them and left them in an unintelligible state. Once they came to...
Meanwhile, our heroes' course has them taken to and deposited them on a planet of mineral people. A different ship, but a larger freighter. Broken. They are more or less stranded on this strange world because their ship crashed on it. Razor's small freighter is docked inside the larger one also in a condition where it is unable to fly. He ran out of fuel.
Little do they know of the significant revelation that has been made. Less than several hundred kilometers from their current location ironically. ...
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Anole Posted Aug 16, 2007
I think you should continue and I'll pop in with Anole</>
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 16, 2007
I have some maths to finish and a tutoring session to get to but I'll see about setting something up. You can take the NPCs and run with them if you want though. We've got to get the/this ball rolling so to speak. *Nod*
*A mechanic bearing a striking resemblance to a certain rocky-orange Superhero in the Marvel comic books universe is checking the engine to the larger freighter*
[Razor Ecg]: "Anything?"
(From henceforth said rock creature will be referred to as Dan)
[Dan]: "Nope, don't got nothing and it looks like an essential part of your drive got clobbered. Probably gonna need to strip the whole thing and get a whole new engine."
[Razor Ecg]: "Hmm. I see."
*There is some fumbling around with parts as some are taken out of the compartment and set in a pile on the ground and others are put in to replace the totalled ones. Some repairbots are fussing around with trying to disassemble and fix some of the components in the pile that seem less completely wrecked than the others.*
[Razor Ecg]: <<>>
[Dan]: "What wuzzat?"
[Razor Ecg]: "Oh, nothing..."
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Anole Posted Aug 16, 2007
*A box that should of held an engine heldd a ten foot long (including tail) space dragon, who has been sleeping for months*
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
School starts in Three days and the math hasn't let up. Hmm.
Bwahaha... this is evil of me so I'll apologize in advance.
*Dan tries installing the dragon into the compartment. It fits but it doesn't fit quite correctly.*
"Uh, Mr. Ecg? This engine of yours, well first it looks awful funny and second it doesn't fit."
[Razor Ecg]: "An engine?! I don't remember having a spare [quite] like that. What do you mean?"
*He gets very confused*
A little slapstick entertainment never hurt anybod-... okay, I take that back. A little fictional slapstick never hurt anyone. Sorry about that, I... let my dark side win over for a brief moment.
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Anole Posted Aug 20, 2007
*the dragon opened his eyes to what was bringing him discomfort while he was asleep*
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
[Razor Ecg]: <<>
*Looks at the teeth*
"Are you alright in there?"
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
[Razor Ecg]: "That would be the highly paid mechanic. He comes from this barren world. Well, not barren. Sort of, almost... crystalline."
[Dan]: "So... Guessin' that's not an engine."
*Wrenches the dragon out of the compartment. He deposits the dragon on the floor.*
"That's gonna cost you some more than my original estimation."
[Razor Ecg]: "Do you like eggs?"
[Dan]: "What's an egg?"
*With the boiler hissing Razor Ecg uses a skillet and somehow steamcooks some eggs/ He does it again for the dragon.*
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
[Razor Ecg]: *Blinks his third eye*
"Um, let me think. You're on a planet, where the people and I think lots of the other things are made out of minerals. On a crash-landed ship. There's also a smaller ship that has no fuel to run it. We're stuck for now, pretty much. And apparently that green rocky creature over there is supposed to be a mechanic. Who says he is trying to fix it."
*Eats an egg*
"Anything else you wanted to know?" </>
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
[Razor Ecg]: "Um, I think the mechanic I'd hired dug you out from a crate that said 'Spare engine' on it. Notice the packaging pellets on the ground?"
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Anole Posted Aug 20, 2007
[Anole]: *notices pellets* "Oh, now I'm trying to remember how I ended up in the crate"
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
Thorn Posted Aug 20, 2007
*Both Razor Ecg and Dan at once* "It wasn't me."
Key: Complain about this post
Offshoot^3 : Season Three
- 1: Thorn (Aug 16, 2007)
- 2: Anole (Aug 16, 2007)
- 3: Thorn (Aug 16, 2007)
- 4: Anole (Aug 16, 2007)
- 5: Anole (Aug 19, 2007)
- 6: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 7: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
- 8: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 9: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
- 10: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 11: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
- 12: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 13: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
- 14: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 15: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
- 16: Thorn (Aug 20, 2007)
- 17: Anole (Aug 20, 2007)
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