A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9161


*In his quarters, Lt. Lens has decided he has been at his console for far too long and switches it off. He can't shake the feeling someone may have played some sort of a prank on him but also wonders if the ship itself doesn't like him. He does some stretches and decides to take a nap.*

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9162

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron is in the arboretum with Tarak, she doesn't wear any shoes and only a light, white dress. She sings and dances through the soft grass. As her dog is used to this sort of behavior he doesn't pay much attention and goes to inspect some bushes instead. When he sees Kyra not far away he runs to her.*

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9163


*With a deep growl, Frankie lunges out of a nearby bush and tackles the strange dog to the ground*

*Kyra, who'd been watching Tarak coming, smiling, cries out in shock*

Frankie, no!

*Frankie looks up briefly, confused, and backs off, letting Tarak up. She continues to growl at the dog, who looks baffled*

*Kyra kneels between the two dogs, ignoring Frankie's growls, and quickly checks Tarak for wounds. When she is satisfied the dog is alright, she looks for its owner*

Oh, hi, Tav.

*She turns her attention back to Tarak, cuddling him and murmuring kind words into his ear. Frankie wags her tail uncertainly, and whines*

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9164

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tarak lets himself be cuddled but keeps his distance from Frankie, he isn't sure what's going on, they always got along well.*

*Tavaron dances to Kyra's direction*

Hi Kyra. Isn't that wonderful? It's getting spring!

*she looks at the dogs*

Is Frankie in a bad mood today?

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9165


*Kyra looks up at the trees for a second*

... I guess that depends on which hemisphere of which planet you're emulating.

*She turns her attention back to Tarak for a few more seconds, then lets him go back to Tavaron so she can comfort Frankie*

He startled her. She was just surprised.

*Kyra kisses the soft skin under Frankie's ear, and whispers 'good girl'*

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9166

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron pets her dog*

You shouldn't startle Frankie like that, hm?

*she looks at Kyra again*

Oh, it's just a general springly feeling I have. It's the right time for spring, I think. The tardis feels it, too.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9167


*Kyra moves away from the dogs so they can sniff and make up*

If you say so ... it feels more like autumn to me. But I've been on planet for a while, so I'm a bit discombobulated.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9168

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron shrugs*

Hard to say on a spaceship anyhow...

*she looks around, a bit distracted*

It will be Easter soon, you know? Maybe we should have a whole lot of bunnies?

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9169


*Kyra looks blank for a second, before registering the reference*

Oh, you mean that holiday about the guy who was nailed to a cross? I never really got the rabbit reference. But if chocolate is on offer, I'm not complaining.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9170

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron shook her head*

Nono, it's all about fertility... and bunnies get many children, I think. But yes, there should definitely be chocolate, and eggs. Do you know which animal lays the biggest eggs?

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9171


*Kyra shakes her head, bewildered*

No, but I don't think it's bunnies.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9172

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron laughs*

Definitely not bunnies, no. But whatever it is, we should get one and paint it. Wouldn't that be great? A huge egg in the arbo, or maybe on observation deck.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9173


*Kyra is now beyond confused, but she decides to just play along*

I'm not sure if the cap'n would like it, especially if it's a really big bird. It might swoop on people. Protect its egg, 'specially if we tried to eat it.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9174

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron nods*

Oh yes, we should only get the egg, not the bird... or maybe it isn't even a bird. I mean, you don't buy chickens if you want just an egg, right? I mean, unless you are a farmer maybe.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9175


*Kyra thinks for a moment, chewing her lip*

Shouldn't you leave the egg with the mother?

*She thinks she must be missing something important about this ritual, because it doesn't make sense to her*

What do you want a big egg for?

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9176

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron looses some of her enthusiasm*

Yes, I guess you are right, the egg should stay with the mother. But it would be great... maybe we could make a huge egg out of plaster?

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9177


*Kyra nods, smiling, realising the significance of the symbol, even if she doesn't understand its origin*

Yeah, sure. Maybe there could be things inside it. I dunno, gifts, or something. For the crew.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9178

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron grins*

Ooooh, a very good idea! Maybe we could put the chocolate into the egg.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9179


*Nodding solemnly, Kyra puts Frankie back on a leash*

Of course. You have to have chocolate.

Beta rpg, Book the Seventh

Post 9180

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron nods*

Yes, chocolate is always nice.

*she thinks for a moment, imagining the big egg, staring up at the stars*

There's still some time, I'll think of something.

*she looks at Kyra again*

And how are you? Anything new?

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