A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
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Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Jan 24, 2006
Okay, space froods! Put your bios here.
Please list one character per post, and try to include the following:
Names and aliases
Physical description - add pic if you have one
Relevant details - age, annoying personal habits, goal in life, job if they have one
Brief summary of service on the Mariposa, or
Brief summary of appearance in the story
Location - where do they hang out?
Affinities - who are their known associates? Who do they particularly dislike?
Now you know why Nite Owl wanted this thread - the DIA wants a dossier on everybody, and Eli - lazy git - wants to get us to do all the work.
Who controls them will be clear. The person who controls the character is the one who posts the character. No fair posting other people's characters - let them describe their own. You may make mock elsewhere.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jan 24, 2006
- Dr Celva Tanna
- lightbrown hair (about shoulder-length), normal build, not too tall
- about 30 years old, exobiologist, engaged with Edward Herriot (with whom she wants to live on Fushal when he can leave starfleet in two years) always tries to be polite and a lady, originally comes from the planet Haya, has 2 brothers
animals so far:
Fuzzykins (Pseudocanis nobilis Ursae Minoris)
21 tigerbats from Ursa Minor
some spiders Malaba brought from the stables
2 porcuphants (Ladislaus and Katinka)
2 ektorps from Ikea (Karhu and Paksu)
- (with thanks to Dimitri
Dr Celva Tanna, an exobiologist, first came aboard the Mariposa at Betamax Delta, accompanied by her faithful dog, Fuzzykins, a Pseudocanis nobilis ursae minoris. At first shy and withdrawn - largely due to a recurrent disease she had acquired from an animal bite - Dr Tanna became more outgoing when she accompanied the away team to the planet Navarone. There she discovered a common interest - and ultimately romance - with Dr Eduard Herriot, a veterinarian aboard the Mariposa. Soon they were sharing quarters - if not, er, other things.
After discovering that the cure for her illness lay in fasting on asparagus and broccoli, followed by, er, other things, Drs Tanna and Herriot did the deed in the officers' sauna.
Since then, the two lovebirds have acquired new pets - their menagerie includes spiders, tiger bats, and two ektorps who followed Dr Tanna home from the planet Ikea. They have also acquired new quarters on H Deck, where they continue to do their research.
While on Ikea, Dr Herriot proposed marriage to Dr Tanna, and they are now officially engaged.
- lives in an apartment on H deck
- in love with Herriot, gets along with nearly everybody, maybe not with Brunhild
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2006
John Mankiller Lightfoot. 6'3", brown hair and eyes, lanky, wears mustache. Half Cherokee.
He's been around awhile. He's over 200, and that's all he'll admit to.
Annoying personal habits - turning into a large grey Maine coon cat, smoking cigars, running off without a word
Goal in life used to be to serve the galaxy. No idea what it is now. Ask his new owner.
Born 1822 in Hickory Valley, Tennessee.
Catapulted into the galaxy, April 6, 1862, at the Battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War. John was a major in the Confederate army. He was standing way too close to a cannon when it overheated and exploded.
Dimensionally converted onto the Avenger. Elektra Gheorgheni was delighted. John turned out to be a bit of a sorceror. The ensuing mayhem has gone down in galactic rumour as the Great Avenger Gang Bang. Details cannot be discussed here.
John was instrumental in organising:
Starfleet Academy's training program for ensigns
Starfleet Academy's training program for feral Gaels
The Galactic Rangers
Although John organised the Rangers, he is not their head, preferring instead to spend more of his time in working with Lord Abergavenny and the DIA.
Summary of Mariposa events:
John initially came aboard the Mariposa to assist Capt Sharpe, a good friend, with his shakedown cruise. He ended up organising a coup d'etat on the planet Navarone, being called away for hemp negotiations, and assisting in the coup d'etat at Elsinand/or, on the planet Ikea.
Also on Ikea, John married Layla Mai, former Lt Cmdr with the Galactic Rangers. They are now on their way to the planet Dixie, where John has a large cotton plantation, to grow cotton and babies.
Layla gave John a wedding ring made of the same metal that Gael collars are made of. Although this renders John incapable of leaving Layla, it also renders him useless as a Gael trainer, to the glee of the Gaels.
John is a rolling stone. Whether he will now gather mosses in an old manse is anybody's guess.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Kyra Posted Jan 25, 2006
Kyra Christopoulos
20 years old, 5'6", black hair and eyes, slim, but strong.
Annoying personal habits: Picks fights, steals, has a violent temper
Goal in life: To make money and not die
Kyra was born in Westhaven on Rigel VI, and orphaned at four. She joined a smuggling crew at twelve and arrested by Starfleet at nineteen for Gael smuggling. She informed on her crew and joined Starfleet as part of settlement agreement.
Originally assigned to Supply, she came to the attention of Commander Mai after stowing away to steal an addictive drug on Tantulus, and was given the responsibilty for training the marines, much to her displeasure. After beating up more than her fair share of marines, she eventually was charged with grievous bodily harm and conduct unbecoming an officer after she stabbed Lieutenant Santos with a sword. After a trial on Arcturus, she was sentenced to serve Community Service with various Larris'.
On board the Mariposa Kyra has made a rocky friendship with the Gaels of the warren and several other crewmembers, including the diplomat Eli Charognard, whom she hopes will be able to stop her getting into trouble every time she wakes up*
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2006
Dr Radu Popescu - apparent age about 40, actual age over 300. Dark hair and eyes, 6 feet tall (183 cm)
Origins: Radu was born in the town of Gheorgheni, in Transylvania, in the mid-18th Century. He became valet to Alexei Gheorgheni, the aristocratic vampire, and had many adventures with him that nobody knows about - and he ain't telling. He followed Alexei into the galaxy, and lived for a time on Romulus, before obtaining Alexei's permission to strike out on his own.
Following his own inclination, he moved to the Confederation and turned his knowledge of Gheorgheni science into a career as an astromorphic veterinarian.
His passion: studying astromorphs.
His goal: to solve the riddle of the astromorph.
His good qualities: discretion, thoroughness, tact, a sharp intellect, intellectual curiosity
His irritating qualities (largely from a Gael perspective): doggedness, nosiness, the inability to form contractions
Unusual habits: Extreme politeness, kissing lady's hands, the ability to entertain himself
Dr Popescu is usually to be found in his quarters or his laboratory, studying the Romulan army ants, on which he has written a paper.
Since joining the Mariposa, Dr Popescu has made friends with Drs Tanna and Herriot, solved a few minor puzzles concerning astromorphs, and visited the planet Ikea, where he had a pleasant encounter with the mucklas, and an unpleasant one with some paranoid conspirators. He enjoys talking to Eli Charognard, and treats the Gaels fairly - most of the time - but is somewhat distant, as he doesn't want to lose his scientific detachment.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2006
Lieutenant Alleyne Devereaux - black hair, unbelievably empathic brown eyes, 5'10". Apparent age, 24. Actual age - he's lost track, 38, maybe?
Profession: Shuttle pilot.
Born: 1921 in Hampstead, England. Served as a fighter pilot in the Second World War, one of The Few who protected England in the Battle of Britain. Shot down in 1943, spent two years in POW camp in Germany. Good friend of Wing Commander Robin Dewhurst, the mysterious Merovingian. Converted to galaxy by being far too close to a warp power source - a very old oak tree - at the exact moment when the Trinity test bomb was exploded at Alamagordo. Has taken to his new life like a duck to water, largely because a)he likes flying, and b)he has always known he was bisexual, so Gaels were a nice surprise.
Mariposa story - There isn't one. He flies the shuttle. He participates in amateur theatricals. He entertains - and is entertained by - Rory. He minds his own business. He runs a clean, comfortable, safe shuttle. He has no obsessions or hangups.
Most irritating quality: Uses RAF slang.
Most endearing quality: He is a very good listener.
Usually to be found either in the shuttle bay, his quarters, or the warren, occasionally in a mess hall. Gets along with everybody, but gives D'Arcy a wide berth.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jan 25, 2006
Unterweltraumführerin Brunhild von Forchtenstein zu Hinterpfuiteufel
tall, blonde, Romulan, sometimes has problems with the English language, usually wearing her black uniform, she is in her mid 30s and usually walks around with her german shepherd Senta
likes to shout at people and even hit them, which she didn't do anymore since her crop (which she got from her father) is broken and as she is now in a, er, 'knitting club' she has better self control
it seems like she had a very bad childhood
Brunhild came on the Mariposa shortly before they reached Tantalus and shall serve as Romulan liaison while in fact she spent most time shouting at people. After she whipped Jamie with her crop and Alexei Gheorgheni told her to stop with this bad habit she tried to get control over herself but only succeeded much later when she started her therapy in the knitting club. She is still constantly annoyed and in bad mood but really tries hard.
she is 'friends' (as far as she can be) with Santos and Paul, who are in the knitting club, too
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 25, 2006
Jamison Stuart Douglass - aka Jamie, Viscount Douglass of Ben Wyvis
Red hair, blue eyes, 5'7". Species: Gael. Age: 25, looks a shade younger.
Born in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Believed himself to be the son of the Earl of Douglass, in reality the son of Dmitri Gheorgheni, the old sly-boots. Grew up in an old Scottish castle, attended the Sankt-Benedikt-Gymnasium, a military school for Merovingians, in the vicinity of Siegen, Germany. Also in a castle. Served in the British Rhine army as a lieutenant.
On December 10, 1970, Jamie, serving in Belfast, Northern Ireland, was celebrating his birthday by going to a pub in an unsafe area to hear his friend Rory play with his ceilidh band. When he came out of the pub and tried to start his VW Bug, the resultant car-bomb explosion propelled him into the galaxy.
He landed on Rigel VI, where he was rescued from Gael traders by Starfleet. Since then, Jamie has served on the CSS January, and the RSS Rabe, a Romulan vessel, during an ill-advised experiment on the part of Starfleet.
Since coming to the Mariposa, Jamie has been dissed by almost everyone aboard, patronised by a cat, forced to impersonate a prince, bred, wed, and ignored. He enjoys himself as much as he can get away with.
Annoying personal habits: Take your pick. He's moody, touchy, and randy by turns. Sings, whistles, and hums at inappropriate times and places. Laughs and cries at the drop of an epad. Tells humans a lot of stuff they don't want to know. Is remarkably thick for a Gael.
Endearing personal habits: Oh, well, he's not got any, unless you want to ask Morgan, his mate - who says he's an eejit, but he's *her* eejit.
Goal in life: Spend as much time having fun as the universe will let him. His definition of fun includes sex, smoking pot, and getting creative with words and music.
Has a son, Toirdhealbhach. Usually hangs out in the warren, the wendy house, or (literally) in the engine room. Spends Fourth Watch in the Captain's quarters, since he's the astral engineer.
Likes and dislikes - doesn't really apply, since he's a Gael. Gaels love everybody - they just don't like them very much sometimes. Jamie is beginning to have a sneaking sympathy for the marines, both because everybody else picks on them, and because Lt Cmdr Lee keeps giving him The Eye.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 26, 2006
Morgan Herrington - strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'7" Species: Gael. Age: 27.
Born 1838 in Basingstoke, Morgan was brought up in a fine upper-middle-class family and sent to finishing school in Switzerland, from which she escaped at the age of 18. Being an adventurous sort of girl, she took up photography (collodion negative, albumen print process) and set out to explore Africa. She once shot a rogue elephant. In the heart of Africa one fine day in 1862, Morgan found herself in a very eerie spot, and time seemed to stop. When it started again, she followed a path through the rainforest, and came to a clearing - which turned out to be on the planet Wisteria. There she was spotted by a Starfleet agent, and sent to Magellan for training. She served at Starfleet HQ on Alpha for awhile, and on the Orion, before being transferred to the Mariposa for breeding purposes.
She is mated (and bonded) with Jamie Douglass, and they have a cub, Toirdhealbhach. She is the queen of the Mariposa warren.
Most annoying trait - Bossiness (according to Gael toms), shyness (according to humans).
Greatest talent - Cooking. (Well, not according to Jamie, but who cares what he thinks?)
Goals in life - To keep her toms in Good Order, and to have Jamie to herself whenever she can. Also to keep Captain Sharpe in line.
To be found in the warren most of the time, unless accompanied by one of the toms.
Affinities - Basically, the warren complement, being rather shy of everyone else except Tavaron. Has an Attitude about the Captain, upon whom she has committed Spam.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
elekragheorgheni Posted Jan 26, 2006
Richard Sharpe 6' 1' , blond hair, wiry.
Richard Sharpe was born on the now defunct Earth to a mother who was on the game and had the sense to die shortly afterwards in
Yorkshire in England in about 176? . Bad years for record keeping. Raised in workhouse. No schooling. Went to London - -the rookery.
Learned to fight dirty.
Sentenced to hang, saved by being forced to join army. Got flogged. Got made a bl**day officer out of the ranks by saving Arthur
Wellesley's (later Lord Wellington) life. Got stuck in Portugal and Spain aiding Wellesley's spymasters and leading
suicidal missions called 'forlorn hopes' to take walled cities (and maintain a rank or be promoted). Led a group of riflemen
called 'The Chosen Men' who were deadly marksmen -------- Sergeant Harper, Sergeant Cooper, Corporal Daniel Hagman.
They would slaughter Frenchmen one by one - firing 4 bullets a minute targeting officers.
After marching through Portugal, Spain, France, and finally Belgium, was caught up in the Time Scoop of Lady Aurora's Institute.
Sharpe emerged in the Galaxy. Sent to StarFleet Academy on Alpha. Got high marks? ?! Assigned to be Captain of a
Gheorgheni ship--The Mariposa. Not sure that this is not another forlorn hope.
Friends: Old comrades -- Sgt Cooper, Sgt Harper, Corporal Hagman
John Lightfoot -- until his unfortunate alliance with former Commander Mai.
Alleyne Devereaux
Jeremy Metcalfe
Henri Langouste
Suspicious of : Eli Charognard who has a habit of borrowing Jamison for planetary plots.
Reservations about: Jason Lee.
Tom, tabby and cubsitter of Jamison Douglass, Rory Donahue, Liam O' Hanlon, Morgan Herrington and Turlough Herrington
Favourite places: Wendy house, bridge, his shower, his quarters and the stable
Favourite animals: Jamison Douglass, Ariel and Trooper
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 29, 2006
Rory Donahue - red hair, blue eyes, 5'2" tall. Species: Gael. Apparent age: 20. Actual age:54.
Backstory - Rory grew up in Donegal, Ireland, the son of Kevin Donahue, a concert pianist who was knighted for his work in the Second World War (and who is now a Gael tom on the CSS Orion)m and Brigette Donahue, nee Dichter, a Prussian and a former tank commander in the Afrika Korps.
Rory grew up in affluence, but had little interest in the affairs of the larger world, preferring to enjoy the sixties by travelling with a ceilidh band. He also discovered early that he was gay, which didn't worry him at all. Jamie Douglass and he have been close friends since early childhood.
When Jamie was 'killed' by an IRA car bomb, Rory was devastated. He played at Jamie's funeral - http://www.geocities.com/celticlyricscorner/compilations/celticmoods.htm#island - http://www.oneoffmidi.co.uk/Midi%20Demos/Latest%20Demo/theislan.mid
One day not long after that, Rory was walking in the woods and encountered some leprechauns who invited him to a picnic. Rory found this such a cliche that he couldn't resist joining them. When he left, he found himself going through the Arcturan Star Gate, and arriving at the Gael Holding Centre there.
Rory has been around the nebulae a few times, and is like a wise little old man in some ways. In others, he's like a mischievous child.
Most endearing trait - His adorable smile.
Most annoying traits - Telling people off, being insubordinate, torturing ensigns with practical jokes
Since arriving on the Mariposa in a cryopod labelled 'feral Gael' - causing Dr Herriot to call Security for backup - Rory has managed to irritate a number of people, as well as establish himself as an authority on all matters scientific and hyperspatial.
Rory went stray on the planet Navarone, helping to bring about the much-needed coup d'etat there. He invented the device for talking to the crystalline entities of Tantalus, leading to the rescue of the marines and the quarantine of the planet. On Ikea, he helped the others communicate with the mucklas.
Rory is a first-rate musician.
Locations - The warren, the Communications Office, Hyperspatial Astrogation Lab, the wendy house, Lt Devereaux' quarters, the shuttle Chrysalis.
Likes and Dislikes - Is critical of humans, likes Kyra, is amused by Malaba, thinks Schroedinger's a hoot, used to like Dr Tanna until she took up with Herriot, hates Herriot with a passion. Eyes the Captain warily.
Goal in life - To get them where they're going with minimal damage to his fellow Gaels, and to help Jamie grow up.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Kyra Posted Jan 31, 2006
Olivia McLaren
Sergeant and nurse
Ash-blonde hair, blue eyes, 34 years old
McLaren is first and foremost a nurse, but is not afraid to use her military training on her more difficult patients to get them to eat and sleep when they'd rather run around the ship and try to kill themselves or each other.
She harbours particular animosity towards Kyra Christopoulos, as she believes that she is violent and murderous and tried to kill Lieutenant Santos on several occasions. She tells herself that her interest in Santos is strictly as a sympathetic nurse, but she has risked severe mental anguish on numerous occasions to try to talk some sense into her stubborn patient.
McLaren has only been seen to be a sympathetic nurse when she is with either Santos or Nurse Sabian Larris. With all others she is strict and proper, and accepts no excuse for irresponsible behaviour.
McLaren grew up on an unremarkable planet somewhere in the Confederation and joined Starfleet as one of the seemingly few willing crewmembers. She is a capable nurse, and while her bedside manner leaves something to be desired where Kyra is concerned, she is a person you wouldn't mind having around in a medical emergency.
McLaren is almost always found in sickbay with Santos or Sabian, or yelling at one of the two bumbling junior nurses, Josephine and Fidelma.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Kyra Posted Jan 31, 2006
Declan Wolfe
5'10", dark hair, light blue eyes, 32 years old
Captain Wolfe is a JAG officer, brought on board to deal with instances of petty thievery and assault, and can act as a defense attorney in the event of a more serious charge, although he'd prefer not to.
He was the prosecutor in Kyra Christopoulos' court case, and is a little miffed that she got off so lightly. He is not one to hold a grudge, however, and is content to wait until she screws up again.
Wolfe is business-like and fair, but his brisk manner makes him seem cold and humourless.
Wolfe grew up on the planet Ireland, a planet of cliches which Wolfe somehow managed to avoid being tainted by. He has a pleasant accent, but no other stereotypical Irish characteristics.
He's spent most of his stay on the Mariposa so far hidden away in his office, catching up on the mounds of files on the colorful crewmembers of the ship, from the captain down. He is likely to have his work cut out for him in the future.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Kyra Posted Feb 1, 2006
Josephine Jacqueline McKenzie
Blonde hair, grey eyes, 5'8", 22 years old
Josephine is a junior nurse who spends most of her time doing her nails, reading the latest fashion magazines, or gossiping instead of looking after her patients, which is lucky for them.
She choices her friends based first on looks, then on their behaviour towards her, which is why she would have been friends with Kyra and Tavaron if they hadn't seen right through her. Luckily, there are many on board who don't see right through her, so Josephine has quite a following. One of her friends is Fidelma Cashel.
Josephine spends as little time as possible in sickbay, as sick people make her feel queasy. She instead hangs out in messhalls and various lounges.
Josephine was raised on a villa on the leisure planet Diphda III, the only child of doting and over-protective parents Lesley and Gertrude. She went to the most prestigious school on the planet and enjoyed the highlife until she crashed the family's private hover-yacht into the villa, causing more damage than even mother and daddy could overlook. She was packed off quick-smart to a nurses' school and joined Starfleet in order to get herself back in daddy's good-books and get daddy's cheque-book back.
Most annoying characteristics: She's an airhead, very self-involved and catty.
Best quality: Erm, her hair?
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Kyra Posted Feb 1, 2006
Fidelma Cashel
Brown hair and eyes, 5'5", 21 years old
Fildelma is a junior nurse who means well, and tries to look after the patients to the best of her ability. She is somewhat vacuous, however, and easily lead by Josephine. She has a good heart, but it's hidden beneath layers and layers of fluff, so she has the effect of a marshmellow - harmless, but not good for much.
Fildelma was raised on a planet a lot like earth, on a tiny island hidden at the bottom well away from every other centre of civilisation. Effectively, her home town is a tiny dot on a tiny island on an insignificant planet, and she therefore feels a little inadequate next to Josephine.
Fidelma joined Starfleet as a nurse to see interesting places and meet interesting people. So far, however, all she's seen is the sickbay and the only person she sees much of is Josephine. She feels that so far the universe is a giant disappointment.
Most irritating characteristic: She is a bumbling airhead who listens to Josephine too much
Best quality: She is optimistic and friendly
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
Liam O'Hanlon - Brown hair and eyes, 6'6", apparent age - hard to tell, late 30s, maybe. Muscular, broken nose, understanding eyes, walks like the bogger-trotter he is. Species: Gael.
Liam was a 'Croppy Boy', or member of the Irish uprising of 1798, at which time he was hanged by the British. To his surprise, he didn't end up in Purgatory - or did he? Before becoming a rebel, Liam lived on a subsistence farm in County Antrim, Ireland, Old Earth.
Liam has been around the galaxy for awhile, even during the Clone Wars, which he won't talk about. For a long time he managed to fool Starfleet into thinking he wasn't much use except as manual labour, but he's actually a first-rate hyperspatial astrogator. He's also extremely wise. And he knows more about certain kinds of magic than even the Gheorghenis. He says a lot less than he knows.
Goal in life - He's not telling.
Locations - The Warren, wherever he works, the wendy house, Ensign Metcalfe's quarters.
Likes and dislikes - he keeps these to himself, mostly, as well. Although he hates people messing with his musical instruments.
Most endearing trait - Listening.
Most annoying habit - Making Starfleet officers feel intimidated by his size.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
Toirdhealbhach (Herrington) - Red hair, blue eyes, 5'7". Apparent age - mid-twenties. Actual age - Three months. Species: Gael.
Toirdhealbhach (pronounced TUR-ah-lakh) was born on the Mariposa to Jamie and Morgan in a Gael birthing ceremony, the first of its kind between feral Gaels. It took Toirdhealbhach a day to begin speaking, although it took him less time to spam the ship's communications systems. Since then, he has established himself as a mouthy young genius with a stubborn streak, and a penchant for telling people more truth than they wish to hear. He's going to be a powerful astral engineer someday. In the meantime, he's going to keep the officers hopping.
Goal in life - Doesn't need one. Follows his nose.
Most endearing trait - Take your pick. He's cute, and sweet, and clever.
Most annoying habit - Sticking out his lower lip.
Locations - The Warren, the offices, the Laundry.
Likes and dislikes - Likes new experiences, sex, music. Takes after his old man. Is fond of Bess in the Laundry, Billy Carter (though he doesn't understand most of what Billy says), and his Warren family. Thinks the Captain is fun, and Elektra Gheorgheni is a really nice lady. Though she told him not to say that in public.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
Lieutenant Commander Barnabas Collins - Dark hair, dark brown eyes, 6'0". Apparent age - 45. Actual age - about 300, give or take. Species: Homo vampiricus.
Barnabas Collins was born in New England in the 18th Century. He became a vampire in the 1790s. His adventures have been chronicled exhaustively in the series 'Dark Shadows'. A5169648.
He came to the galaxy courtesy of the I Ching, a form of dimensional conversion common on the show. Since then, he has served with distinction in Starfleet, becoming a vegetarian and taking The Pledge not to bite people.
On the Mariposa, he is indefatigable in his duties as First Officer. He has recently begun nursing a pash for Elektra Gheorgheni, the only woman who can make him forget his lost love Josette.
Goal in life - To serve, to endure, perhaps to find love at long last.
Most endearing trait - Unswerving loyalty.
Most annoying habits - Needs little sleep, and doesn't miss much. Doesn't talk much, either.
Locations - The Bridge, and his quarters. That's about it.
Likes and dislikes - Who knows? Other than, of course, Elektra Gheorgheni. Well, at least two people like her.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
Lieutenant Commander Harvey Stovall - No hair, blue eyes, 6'0. Apparent age - about 55. Actual age - about 55.
Job on Mariposa - Adjutant of shuttle bay.
Harvey Stovall was the adjutant of a USAF base in England during WWII. On the day the Trinity explosion went off, he was having a drink in a pub in Soho where a UXB suddenly went off. He found himself drinking elsewhere.
Harvey's a good, reliable guy. Does his job, keeps to himself, mostly.
Hasn't been around long enough for anybody to poke at him much. Lt Devereaux likes him, because he doesn't take any guff from idiots, crazies, or Smiths, and runs an efficient shuttle bay.
Location - Shuttle bay, his quarters, the senior officers' mess.
Habits, traits, etc - Don't know yet. He smokes a pipe, drinks coffee. Might like women, but this is an unconfirmed rumour.
Beta rpg dramatis personae
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
Dmitri Gheorgheni - black hair, brown eyes, 6'4". Age: That would be telling. Species: Vaguely humanoid, mostly.
Dmitri is a Gheorgheni. Most of his biography is frankly none of your business. Unhappy on the planet Earth, Dmitri, who thought it rather a shame that the planet should vanish without trace, built a space station in orbit in preparation for the coming diasaster - intending it as a rescue vehicle. He made it the only way he knew how - using his own energy fields to make a sort of akashanantyayatana.
Unfortunately, Dmitri's work had to be accelerated when power-hungry Earthers decided to invade his station. So he made a rush job of it, going to the Arboretum and dying beneath a tree to complete the final fields needed to render Alpha Station a viable space vessel. Then he returned from beyond the point of death to take the Beta ship through Dimensional Conversion.
Once safely at Betamax Delta, Dmitri made a gift of the starship to Confederation Starfleet, and left in his tardis. He has since returned to check up on the progress of his experiment, and pronounced himself satisfied. He has also finally copped to the fact that he is the father of Jamison Douglass - a fact that left Jamison singularly unimpressed.
Locations - Anywhere he wants to go.
Most endearing trait - Calm.
Most annoying trait - An extremely warped sense of humour.
Goal in life - That, too, would be telling.
Likes and dislikes - Seems to be fond of Elektra. Abhors violence and being put in charge of things.
Most famous quote - 'There's not a reason for everything.'
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Beta rpg dramatis personae
- 1: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 24, 2006)
- 2: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jan 24, 2006)
- 3: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2006)
- 4: Kyra (Jan 25, 2006)
- 5: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2006)
- 6: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2006)
- 7: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jan 25, 2006)
- 8: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 25, 2006)
- 9: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 26, 2006)
- 10: elekragheorgheni (Jan 26, 2006)
- 11: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jan 29, 2006)
- 12: Kyra (Jan 31, 2006)
- 13: Kyra (Jan 31, 2006)
- 14: Kyra (Feb 1, 2006)
- 15: Kyra (Feb 1, 2006)
- 16: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 17: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 18: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 19: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 20: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."