A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6301

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*NSDW brings paul an iced soy decaffeinated cappuccino with shavings of dark chocolate and a hint of nutmeg and no sugar*

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6302

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - online2longsmiley - teawith a smiley - stiffdrink in it.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6303

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - wow Thank you!

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6304

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you are welcome. think i'll have smiley - coffee with smiley - stiffdrink myself - just as a precaution

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6305


Don't mind if I do! Same for me, but hold the smiley - coffee.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6306

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*volunteers to hold kes' smiley - coffee*

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6307

Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too)

I'm available to hold smiley - cappuccino

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6308

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Yes, but who is holding *you*, FPR?

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6309

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

big brother & the holding company?

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6310

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffish

smiley - bluefishsmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrink

smiley - shark I spect we will be alright now the nav is here,where are we. smiley - sharksmiley - sharksmiley - shark
smiley - shark

smiley - orangefish

smiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffish

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6311

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"All right" and smiley - sharksmiley - shark don't seem to go very well together, but what do I know? smiley - erm

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6312

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - schooloffishI know this is supposed to be a special ship, but aint we supposed to be above water.smiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinkWhere's the navigator, captain glug, theirs to much water in my drink.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6313

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i see your predicament smiley - erm

somebody shut that port-hole at once! smiley - cross

and bring me a dry martini smiley - stiffdrink

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6314

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - stiffdrink for you cap'n, shaken but not sturred

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6315

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am very often shaken when riding in this ship smiley - online2long, and very seldom stirred to do anything. smiley - zzz

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6316

Pirate Alexander LeGray

That's it 'stirred' and you know yesterday I forgot how to spell Q.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6317

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

and now you remember how to spell Q smiley - huh

enlighten us, please, while i sip this shaken (not stirred) smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6318

Pirate Alexander LeGray

Longlinetobeservervedsmiley - stiffdrink

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6319

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - whistle

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 6320

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

schisch isch a schignificantly large smiley - cdouble

smiley - pirate

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