A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 281

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* refills everyones glasses *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 282

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::promptly drains his again::

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 283

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Would anyone like to buy a very small horse?

Or an Aston Martin DB7 with torpedos behind the headlights?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 284

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* fills glasses again *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 285

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* Thinks the Aston Martin would look good next to the new A4 *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 286

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

I thought they were Stinger(tm) Missles...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 287

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

froody! what kind of horse it is?

and how small?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 288

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

smiley - biggrin
The A4 would put the DB7 in the shade, Light.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 289

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Nah, torpedos, Joe. That's why its going cheap, mate. The stingers.. now there you'd be talking a monkey if not a piano, but the one I'm trying to shift, I could only do for half a marge and an apple...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 290

Lighthousegirl - back on board

But what a handsome couple they would make!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 291

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

*gives up and drinks smiley - bubbly*

*the small rat returns to Lizzy and curls up in her lap*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 292

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

What's a marge and how do you come by just half of it?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 293


*decides it's not worth figuring out and downs another smiley - stiffdrink instead*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 294

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

i was going to ask that, but i decided it wasn't worth it

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 295

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Lizzy: They are those really small horses, you know.. that run around in Devon, in packs, looking for trouble. About the saize of little dogs. Or big cats.

Joe: Half a marge is, like, 2 shufflebugs and an orangutan.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 296

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

smiley - laugh

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 297

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* refills glasses and gets more smiley - bubbly from the cooler *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 298

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Light: I agree- they would look mighty fine together smiley - smiley

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 299

Lighthousegirl - back on board

How about two crates of smiley - bubbly for them and all the smiley - donuts 001 can eat for 6 months?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 300

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

*definately gives up on the conversation*

*drinks smiley - bubbly*

*absentmindedly strokes rat*

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