A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Generator Room

Post 641


*The voice-activated jukebox kicks in with Greatest Hits from The Rocky Horror Show.*

The Generator Room

Post 642

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*Tells voice-activated jukebox to shut up*

!!!Look...there's that Inarticulate thingy again...

Can we get it to hurl some ice into this bucket or something??

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 643


We will be arriving at the oddly-named "Coward's Station" soon ... according to the camel drover. Perhaps they have a water tank?

The Generator Room

Post 644

F F Churchton

Thats where I'm public enemy number one!!!
*Hides in air conditioning unit*

The Generator Room

Post 645

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

Hmm... Getting some complaints aboard ship of too warm in the cabins. Lets see. Compressors on line, condenser coils clean, cooling tower fan in order. Suction pressure 60psig.,discharge 245 psig. AHA!! Just as I suspected. The control section is cluttered with brass. Let me just apply a dose from this can of "Aroint Thee Admiral!!" That should clear thing up a bit.smiley - winkeye

The Generator Room

Post 646

F F Churchton

*Scurees away from the cooling system and into the cudboard*

The Generator Room

Post 647


Now that you got that cleared up how about doing something about those Anti Gravitational Devices so we can sail into Port Augusta Harbor instead of being pulled by these smelly old Camels.

The Generator Room

Post 648

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Need any help with anything? I've got a talent for tech...
*Notices his pocket TV is broken. He tunes it... doesn't work. He taps it against a table... doesn't work. BLAMM! smiley - star He shoots it with the Railgun, spraying pocket TV bits all over the room.*
Like I said...

The Generator Room

Post 649

F F Churchton

We could pass a Electronics shop in Sydney or Newcastle or any retail park that happens to be in our way!!!

The Generator Room

Post 650


Don't know if we've got the capacitance for that .... might meet some resistance .... better check the catalogue on their ohm page ...

The Generator Room

Post 651

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

what's the rush? and what's wrong with camels?

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 652

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

Watt are you talking about Kes? opens up a treasure chest full of joules

The Generator Room

Post 653

F F Churchton

...down in the volts of the ship, where the current affairs team work!!!

The Generator Room

Post 654

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

ohm my god smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 655

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

I see that we have sparked a new round of puns. Even the captain has made an powerful contribution, more than amp-le actually.

The Generator Room

Post 656

F F Churchton


The Generator Room

Post 657


I wonder if the admiral is getting hard of hearing
maye we should transformer.

The Generator Room

Post 658

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

I'm sure there would be some resistance. And maybe some impedance from her friends.

The Generator Room

Post 659


Snack, anyone?
*Passes round a bowl of currents.*

The Generator Room

Post 660

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

:: re-fuses to eat any ::

smiley - pirate

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