A Conversation for H2G2 Anonymous

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 181


A very much delayed double post

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 182


One of us must have had too much to drink, or the system can't cope with the smiley - ale. The postings are being delayed. I replied to a posting that had just been posted and when I immediately checked the conversation loads of postings had been made. Not possible, something is amiss and it's not just my typing. (I am going to wear my backspace button out this evening).

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 183


I think the system is drunk

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 184

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But why would it do that?
Something up with my computer or internet/ethernet connection?
Or something up I mean wrong on the site here?
smiley - drunk

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 185


We all seem to be experiencing a glitch. Maybe the PTB are trying to help cure us by using aversion therapy. I don't like it, it won't work, please stop. I promise I'll do some work over the weekend. Maybe I'll look into alcohol abuse.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 186


The site is drunk
Or too many researchers have had too much smiley - ale
Or maybe too many smiley - ale pictures have been made and the site can't handle them:-d

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 187


That was a rather pathetic smiley I made at the end of that postsmiley - biggrin

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 188


Isnot me wot drunk too much, onest guv, I is only on my 2nd bottle ov wine and that's all. I fine, just taking a little time for the messages in my brain to reach my fingers and tell them which keys not to press for a posting to make most sense. Not smiley - drunk

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 189

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, come to that I ain't drunk either, I have only had 12 assorted cans and bottles of smiley - ale Oh; make that 13, another bottle has bit the dust.. <>

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 190


I'm not smiley - drunk either. I think the internet is though.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 191


My brain is clear, it's just my eyesight that is blurry and my co-ordination impaired. This is a good friday night. Sitting around, drinking with friends smiley - smiley

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 192


I wonder where Vogonpoet is tonight?
Maybe had too much smiley - ale

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 193

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Have you started on that bottle of Australian wine you were "saving" yet?

I am currently on another bottle of Fuddles, its not too bad, I am trying, rather sucessfully to drink all the odd bottles and cans of beer I have hanging around, so I can buy some more maybe tommorrow smiley - biggrin

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 194


I used to collect odd bottles of beer. I used to go to the supermarket and think that's an interesting bottle and so buy it to try (I think that's female thinking). I tried some interesting beers, the criteria was that it had to have a queerky name and an interesting label. I haven't started on the Australian red, I'm drinking another bottle of white. Slipping into Gilly Goulden mode, it has an interesting taste of rhubarb. I love rhubarb so that's fine with me, and after a while you don't care anyway. I think I have tried fuddles and it's OK. I still love a decent pint of Old Speckled Hen, 6X or Spitfire best though. I live quite near the Shephard Neame Brewary so most pubs round here are Shepard Neame.

Oh no, I've got hicups.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 195

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

speckled Hen is good, I haven't got any of that In my collection of beer tonight (that drunk and that left)...
I must admitt however, it is all going a tad squiffy now, I think the ciggerette I just had (why I went off for a moment+to give time for my laptop to cool down; it gets reallly hot after a few hours; so I turn it off every hour for 5 mins, other wise it goes a it funny...),
Currently I have taken the great leap; drinking my least favourate of the evening, the first of three cans of Boddingtons, its not too bad, being in Manchester it is pretty cheap round here...
But, smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin I am saving the pierce de la resistance (cr*P french I know) to the end smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin I have two ottles of Broadside, which although its not quite as good out of a bottle as from a cask is pretty smiley - cool in my book.

I have already had two bottles of Spitfire (yeah, you are right I like getting the pretty labels/odd named stuff for fun, but its not too bad);
Three cans of IPA, steady, but not great.
the two bottles of fuddles, pretty good.
A can of Guiness, which is fine, but I'me not a huge fan, prefering Beamish I think.
Two bottles of Hob goblin, strange label/cool name again, but really nice as well.
Two cans of John Smiths; which I don't know why I have cause I don't like it too much.
Two bottles of Bishops Finger; good label/really cool name again!!! Nice beer as well,
And the one at the mo; first of three Boddingtons....

I think that is all I have had so far, can't see any others on the floor/in the bin...

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 196


Hobgoblin is a beer I tried coz I liked the name, label and colour. Boddingtons and John Smiths is muck (that's me being polite). I'm not too keen on northern beers, they're too artificial. Practically lager in my book. They are keg instead of cask in pubs. Bishop's Finger is a popular beer round here. Fuddles and IPA are Ok. I've never heard of Broadside. I find Guiness too heavy but I like Old Peculiar, it is almost a stout and tastes fantastic but I can't drink very much of it because it is so rich and thick.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 197

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Broadside is brewed in Southworld in suffolk by Adanams, its stronger than the adanams bitr sef nd much better smiley - biggrin oh, you are right abouboddigtons an John smiths, I don't really like them, which is why I am trying to get rid of them; I'me on the second boddings now yuck; only one more to go..

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 198


Around here, the cheapest and easiest pint to buy is Master Brew - a Shephard Neame beer. It's tolerable, at least it is cask, but it works like ex-lax in a glass. Not pleasant if you have drunk rather a lot of it. Did you hear about the controversial adverts for Spitfire? I didn't actually see any but I heard about them on the news. They advertised Spitfire by taking the mickey out of the Germans. I think some adverts had to be withdrawn. There are a lot of Breweries round here (I suppose it's close to the hops), I can't wait for the Canterbury beer festival, I'm going to find some people to drag along.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 199

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The Cambridge Beer festivil is smiley - cool Never heard of your local smiley - ale though, and I never saw or heard of the Spitfire adverts, could see how they could get in trubble though. smiley - alesmiley - sleepysmiley - cdoublesmiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 200


Being in the extreme south east of England, Kent is kind of forgotten (much to my annoyance as I am very passionate about my culture and heritage) it's almost like there is nothing south of London. I'm sure the routes of this is historical but it's too boring to go into here.

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