A Conversation for Hypatia For President of H2G2 Campaign Headquarters

Go Hyp!

Post 21


Can I just apologise for the election – ask a simple question and all smiley - spacesmiley - bleepsmiley - space breaks loose smiley - spacesmiley - erm

Go Hyp!

Post 22


Where where? Gossip gossip?!

Go Hyp!

Post 23

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I rather like the idea being the Grand High Inquisitor...slightly menacing, but lovable. Karl Rove without the rove-ness.

Go Hyp!

Post 24

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Coolio nice idea is a Gread Inquistoe thingy, he/she will need a dungony of coursesmiley - laugh

Go Hyp!

Post 25

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I shall be voting for Hyp. I'm not expecting a cabinet position, because I'm not sure that the world of h2g2 would accept an owl as a Secretary. smiley - smiley Come to think of it, are owls even allowed to vote? smiley - yikes

Go Hyp!

Post 26

Titania (gone for lunch)

Count me in!

Go Hyp!

Post 27


I wish to add my support to Hypatia's campaign.
I do this in an unselfish spirit - I need no bribes to be counted among the admirers of Hypatia's political acumen, I just want to go and live on an island somewhere - Oh, I do already. smiley - biggrin

Go Hyp!

Post 28

LL Waz

Hypatia gave me sweets - my vote will always be Hypatia's smiley - smiley.

Go Hyp!

Go Hyp!

Post 29

Witty Moniker

*Ponders future cabinet position.*

Would that be the drinks cabinet? How about Secretary of Mixology?

smiley - stiffdrink

Go Hyp!

Post 30


smiley - laugh Sounds appropriate.

*clears throat* When elected I will provide each of my supporters a quart Mason jar filled with Uncle Harvey's moonshine. Please apply to the Secretary of Mixology for your permit to get p****d on the premises.

Go Hyp!

Post 31

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

As I will be secretary of state if we win, I need to find a useful task during the campaign.

How about if I organize a banquet and charge 10 moxons a plate? We need to raise funds to pay off Uncle Harvey.

Go Hyp!

Post 32

Witty Moniker


*Takes out pda and strikes a perky pose... pen poised.*

I'll place an order for a pad of permit pages. People will by piling up to apply for their permits. I'd better procure plenty to prevent the populace from plotzing.

Does Uncle Harvey's 'shine have an octane rating?

Go Hyp!

Post 33


Well, they tried to analyze it once by seeing if they could get Clem's Lawnboy to run on it. The mix was too rich for it. smiley - erm

Go Hyp!

Post 34


I think I've got the page up to date.

We're trying to churn out a platform via email. If anyone has any bright ideas, this is as good a place as any... smiley - smiley

Tell your friends! smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Go Hyp!

Post 35


Oh, y'know a journal entry sending people to this page would be an excellent idea... Maybe an email to an h2g2 friend or an addition to the nickname.

Go Hyp!

smiley - blacksheep

Go Hyp!

Post 36

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hem, hem, hem... now, I know I'm vague and elf-like and all that jazz - but I still haven't been added to the list of Hyp's supporters (see posting no.26 in this conversation)

Go Hyp!

Post 37


smiley - yikes Jodan!!!!!


Our future Ambassador from Sweden and Flamenco dance instructor hasn't been added to the list.


Go Hyp!

Post 38


Ti, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how that happened. Here, dear. have a soothing tisane and some pecan shortbread cookies while we wait for Jodan to come back online. smiley - smoochsmiley - gift

Go Hyp!

Post 39

Titania (gone for lunch)

Mmmm - pecan shortbread?smiley - drool Although I think I'd prefer hot chocolate to tisane, if that's not too much trouble...

Go Hyp!

Post 40


No trouble at all. Would you like a little cinnamon in your hot chocolate? Or some of those cute little marshmallows to float on top?

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