A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

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Post 81

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Or the space between Marvin the unoriginal's ears. The Beatles will rock into infinity. I am playing the White Album as we speak. Definately their greatest album. Sgt Pepper was a bit over produced for my taste.

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Post 82


number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9.....need I go on

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Post 83

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Here's a definition of infinity from a fire and brimstone preacher trying to scare the shit out of his flock: "Imagine yourself at the centre of a 5,000 mile diameter steel ball. Every 1,000 years a sparrow flies by and brushes the ball with its wings. When the sparrow has worn the ball down to the centre, you're STILL no nearer the end of infinty than you were before." Now that seems like a long time to me. But then waiting for my web server to post stuff seems like an infinity, so what do I know.
And of course, it's all colours at once.

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Post 84


hey Pink, you out there anywhere??

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Post 85

Zach Garland

[looking around for Pink] I don't see anyone...

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Post 86

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I think Pink is out with Lilly

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Post 87

The man in the shack

You know how when you look at a brightly coloured object for a while then close your eyes and you see that object in negative colour. So each colour is two colours in a sense. Also we're the only animals who perceive oranges as being orange in colour. Other creatures see them as blue. Sorry, I should've stayed at the boredom forum. I'm going to bed now. Bye.

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Post 88

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The man in the shack goes to bed. Dims lights, the refrain Lilly the pink, the pink, the pink the pink swirling around in his head drives him, ever so slowly, insane

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Post 89

The man in the shack

Just before he falls into the baying, tentacle ridden abyys, He turns up the lights.Shadows are cast upon the walls of the shack and lurking in one of them he espies looneytunes brandishing a bottle of medicinal compound, an impish grin distorting his face. Leaping tiger-like across the shack he brings toons to the ground and grasping hold of the bottle, downs it in one.

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Post 90

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Loonytunes organises 24 brass bands, lead by the Salvation Army All Stars wearing pink carnations, to hold an impromptu concert outside the man in the shack's, shack

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Post 91

The man in the shack

Bursting out of the door of the shack, the man no longer in the shack sounds a mighty fanfare through his hollowed moose horn and summons the massed ranks of the national welsh baptist choir. Hemming in the salvation army with a pincer movement, they begin to sing "she'll be wearing pink pyjamas when she comes" with all their heart, body and soul.

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Post 92

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Wailing and chanting peels over the mountain tops. Julie Andrews, checking out venues for her next movie, flys in wearing a pink dress

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Post 93

The man in the shack

Reeling slightly from this unexpected turn of events, the man in the shack pulls a modified dog whistle from his waistcoat pocket. He blows a silent invocation that only one man can hear. The ground begins to tremble as harry seycome thunders his way, minatour-like, through the valleys and cwyms.

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Post 94

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Yes, yes...and then?

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Post 95


I know where Pink is !!

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Post 96


aaaw shaddap u bunch of old hippies smiley - fish

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Post 97


If the colour of infinity is blue then what is the colour of nothing?

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Post 98

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Picks up his pink slip and enormous redundancy payout from other forum participants.

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Post 99


coming to this converation late I will just say that my fave beatles song is *Blackbird* sooo profound you can't touch the bottom!! I hope that you will bring Hairy Sea-comb et al around soon Shack!!Anyone wishing to find really witty sayings & other daft stuff should visit "Wilde & Howling" forthwith smiley - smiley

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Post 100

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Mull Of Kintyre drones in the background

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