A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 81

Sookie (a.k.a Hipskitch)

Well now
There is no such thing as nothing, eh?
1. What is a vacuum?
2. What is a void? (i.e. outside of universe)
3. What is there between the ears of the average star-trek fan?
Peace out,
Hipskitch (Soon to be Sookie)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 82


Something from nothing?

Something is probably crated by something.....

If there wre nothing there would be nothing to set something in motion..er....so something had to set something in motion...whatever something issmiley - sadface umm....I've got to stop...it's too late....I'll give myself nighmaressmiley - winkeyesmiley - fish

There is "something" in between the ears of the average trek fan....though usualy you can't find it.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 83


But do two nothings make a something? Or can you not have two nothings? Just how many nothings are there?

It took a long time as a species for us to invent zero as a maths thing, which is something, while still being nothing. So should it not take a bit longer for us to do something to find nothing?

Hell, I dunno, but at least my head doesn't hurt.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 84


Pandora ... couldn't resist it could you?! smiley - winkeye

Alas, this is beyond my reptile brain.*Sigh* For instance, how do we absolutely KNOW there is no such thing as noThing? Yet, if it truly "existed" would we be able to name it/debate it/ recognise it /experience it? Wouldn't all our someThings just disintegrate into .......

If we can't proof the [non]existence of noThing, then how can we be absolutely sure of our perceptions of someThing? smiley - winkeye

Re. the mime ...the sound or lack of it, is irrelevant. Please feel free to disagree!smiley - smiley One more thing - where's the person who started all this? But...WHY??!!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 85

Fluff McFluffy a.k.a Fluffy the Vampire Slayer

Hey Shade!

I think I kinda agree with your big bang never stopping thing. Do you mean that the big is still going bang and that is why the universe is, apparently, still expanding? Coz that’s what I thought.
I don't completely understand the whole 'physics' thing *, but if the universe is still spinningly expanding onwards and outwards, won't it eventually run out of GPE (or whatever powers it) and be forced past its (shall we say) elastic limit by (Hmmm…I'll choose&#8230smiley - winkeye centrepetal force? And what then? By all rights, shouldn't it come spiralling back in again? Maybe so much so that it all crashes in the middle with a big crunch - then spew everything back out again in 'Big Bang' kinda way?
Is that similar to your theory?
*I got through GCSE physics by having my friends explain everything using the metaphor of shoes. 'If I have two size 7 clarks shoes, and you have one size 5 shoe from Dolcies, it will take five and a half shoe laces for Time to equal distance times mass…' It didn't help of course, I passed my exam by using what ever word I felt sounded best. I have a test with the teacher's comment on it of 'stop writing inersia for every answer. NONE OF THE ANSWERS ARE INERTIA!'


Please tell me, did I miss something important in the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy? Was '42' what was before the universe? I never really got the whole, well plot I spose, of what 42 meant to the universe in the book - I thought no one did. That you weren't meant to. So I made up my own reason. I've written it out but I felt that it's too long and irrelivant to put into this conversation, so I've stuck it into my homepage. Click on my name to read it….Please click on my name and read it, I try to explain it to my friends but they just say 'I haven't read all the books' or 'No, no, I like the inconclusive way it ends here, I don't really feel like forming my own conclusion thankyou'.….Will no one help me understand!!……Oh woe is me…….

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 86


Hipckitch, soon to be Sookie. Oh but how I instantly liked you!!!
1. What is a vacuum? That's an easy one. It's something that came from
nothing! HA! (There now, you've gone & helped me spoil the fun by actually giving THE answer) There are other answers as well, i.e. a
vacuum is space, theoretically I think that would make it perfect. And
I happen to have a very nice vacuum that sucks up little blue dober-
man hairs throughout my cabin. (sorry, could'nt resist)
2. What is a void? Empty, naturally. And I'm hoping to a-void too many
more questions of this type!
3. Please try to refrain from the belittlement of the disabled. Most of us know the average Star-Trek fan has a multitude of dead & dying
brain cells between their poor little (probably wishing they were
pointy) ears. Now you've REALLY gone & done it...is there such a thing as 'an average' Star-Trek fan?!?
Take Care, Pandora

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 87


No Savanna, I could'nt resist...and don't for one minute think THAT
dose'nt frighten the cornflakes right outta' me!!!

About the mime. I think you missed my point altogether. What I meant
was: If a mime falls in the woods...does he say ouch, or bloody Hell,
or some such thing? I was'nt going for anything deep and meaningful
on THAT one...I mean we ARE speaking of a mime here.

Would you (or ANYone) be willing to take pity on me? You see I don't seem to be able to enter my Home Page information. Mac (my computer)
keeps tellng me I need help. I have no idea what I've done but I do
know that it puts my panties in a bunch to have a hunk of plastic
repeatedly telling me to get help!!! And I composed such an interesting page...even if I do have to say so myself!

Keep Cozy, Pandora (167573)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 88


But where did the something come from? smiley - winkeye Maybe we should just beam back to the beer pool! smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 89


I only know what the warthog said when he ran into the lion and I don't think I'm allowed to say it here. But it's a short 4 letter word. Guess, that's what the mime said!smiley - winkeye About the computer problem, go and ask Bruce,on the Aces page, he's amazingly talented with the computer stuff. smiley - smiley


Post 90

Fruitbat (Eric the)

I, too, am rather tired of the inside-chats that appear instead of contributing ideas or commentary on ideas; sometimes the comments are cute and furry, but mostly they're occupying space unnecessarily.

I think you've a legitimate complaint here; I stay away from group-chats for the same reason...and will now sign off as I've clogged this space rather more than I meant to...


Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 91

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

AHHH! There's so many messages to reply to I don't have time for them all!
Hey Fluff, are you a Buffy fan? I'm a dedicated fan. I was thinking of starting up forum for Buffy fans. Let me know ifyou're interested.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 92

The Mysterious Penaluna

Everything is Nothing! I asked somebody what the matter was, and they said "Nothing". If everything is matter and matter is nothing than everything is nothing!

And on the mime note, if you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 93

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

What's a mime? And can SOMEBODY suggest what I should say on my answer phone?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 94

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

A mime is an annoying person who doesn't speak, Katsy. How have you been?smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 95

Sookie (a.k.a Hipskitch)

Here's a little something I learned about myself:
I can do anything as long as I don't try
The mime, the start trek fan, etc.
Once I try, I loose it
If I _try_ to do an english accent, I can't
If I just let it flow, it sounds perfect.
Here's an example of me _trying_ to be funny
re:re:Star Trek fans
Why are Star Trek fans so stupid?
Everytime one of their braincells die, the rest go to the funeral!

The lesson here is: Never try.

About about the two nothings making something
two somethings make nothing
matter and anti-matter.

Fluffy loves Buffy!!

Post 96

Fluff McFluffy a.k.a Fluffy the Vampire Slayer

I'm mad keen on Buffy! It is such a sharp witty show! It's like friends kick the X-Files arse! It rock (so hard it falls over) There is only one conversation I could find about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all it said was summut like 'Angel is cute'.
Don't you just love Spike's dry sense of humour? Since Dru got dusted he has become a way more funky character. + his accent is miles better than hers!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 97

Glisher Operative

As far as I understand it, Nothing is an absence of Something. Also, Something can not be created, just converted from one form to another (ie. Something Convservation). Does this not mean that Nothing can not be converted into Something unless Nothing is a form of Something, in which case, where did the Something go for it to be converted into Nothing which can then be converted into Something again?

Are you still reading this?

Also, on a different point - Nothing is faster than light right? So can't you simply harness this immense power of Nothing to go faster than light and therefore enabling you to go back in time and ask the Creator, God, or, failing that the falling tree (preferably wold, wise and speaks fluent English) or any other form of intelligence "Can Something come from Nothing", thus benefiting from their superior knowledge and understanding.

And if Sookie is right, shouldn't I stop trying to talk Physics since all I mangage to do is ramble on about Nothing partically thus concealing the Nothing in this Something, demonstrating that Nothing can indeed from Something if you look closely enough which completly goes against what I said before? Doesn't it?

And does the answer to this question actually matter (or anti-matter or dark matter for that fact), like it's not like Mr Turk is actually going to beam down and some of us that we're wrong and we've done Nothing interesting, from a lot of argument (Something).

OK - now I've got a headache and I'm going to have a nice blue chocolate cookie. One more thing, how do they make blue chocolate cookies?

PS Sorry if I confused you into a headache too, so feel free to help yourself to my pink blue chocolate cookie jar. smiley - smiley

Fluffy loves Buffy!!

Post 98


Spike is the best character on the show!!!!!

Last I saw, he's become a regular(or is that on "Angel?). Either way, I think he needs a show of his own!smiley - winkeye


Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 99

Sookie (a.k.a Hipskitch)

Hmmm... I think Glisher, you've proved something can come from nothing...
smiley - smiley


Post 100

Mr Wizard

If a mime is arrested do the cops tell him he has the right to remain silent?
If a man is in the forest and there isn't a woman around, is everything he say still wrong?

Sorry with all the stuff about mimes and trees I had to put my 2cents in

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