Who is Dustin Penaluna?

Who is Dustin Penaluna? Is he a rebellious loner, wandering through the fringes of society, or a powerful member of the very system he claims to oppose? Is he a true artist of the new millenium, possessed of a burning creative fire unrivaled by his contemporaries, or a deadbeat slob with a fake British accent attempting to pass off piece after piece of uninspired crap as "art"? Is he the very image of Adonis, seething with irresistable sexual allure and raw animal attraction, or an evil disfigured genius who is bent on controlling, with the help of an unstoppable array of advanced technologies, the minds and booties of beautiful young women everywhere?

No. Dustin Penaluna is none of these things. He is simply a slacker from the suburbs of Seattle with artistic intentions who suddenly found himself with the capabilities to create a webpage in mock glory of his own imaginary grandeur. (http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/penaluna" >http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/penaluna) Dustin Penaluna likes to take pictures. He thinks they're pretty good. He dabbles in literature and sincerely believes he approaches adequacy. So fear not, beautiful young women of the world, your booties are safe. For now.

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Greetings Fellow Researcher... Mar 4, 2000


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Can Something come from Nothing? Mar 4, 2000 Dec 19, 2004


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The Mysterious Penaluna

Researcher U113623


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