This is the Message Centre for The Mysterious Penaluna

Greetings Fellow Researcher...

Post 1


Hello... ~grin~... welcome to the guide... a great place to be and do things that you have always wanted to do and you have never plucked up the courage thus far... ~grinny grin~

Me an ACE and its my job... and very proud me is of having it... to welcome you to h2g2... ~Greebo nods happily~... hmmm.. let me point you in the direction of some pages you might like to visit...

New user page:-
ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) Homepage:-
The H2G2 post (community newspaper):-
Greebo's Party:-
Greebo & Oss' Word Game:-

Of course you can go anywhere you like... ~grin~... join in conversations... all researchers will welcome you.... we are so nice here... come visit me by clicking on the link above this message... ~grin~... you know the one that says Greebo T. Cat. ACE ... plenty is always happening there....

Have fun... and if you have any question... don't hesitate to ask...

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Greetings Fellow Researcher...

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