How to explain

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I am the master of useless words, mainly in English, but some in German. I can also say cat, telephone and s**thead in Finnish, but I haven't found a way to make a constructive sentence out of them yet. But How can I learn such amazingly useless words?! I don't hear you cry (coz lets face it, no ones going to read this and if they do they'll probably be quite far away.)It's quite simple, make up a story so tenuously linked to the word that you're trying to remember, that you think "this is stupid, I'll never remember xxxxxx means yyyyyy". (Ya see, it's a cunning sneaky way of tricking your own brain hee, hee, hee)

This is a way of remembering one German verb;

Once upon a time, there was a bee. This bee was, as all bees are, very small and not very strong, but this particular bee was so small that he was only a 'be'. Now this 'be' didn't like being weak and was quite upset about it so, one day, he made a decision and joined the local gym. He started to work on his upper body strength by lifting weights, however what with him only being half a bee and the weights being several times his actual size he had to strain really hard and his tiny 'be' muscles were under a lot of stress and he felt quite ill, sick even.
So whenever you hear the pained cries of a be - toning (his muscles) think
: sich betonen - to stress (or emphasise)

If you would like to learn beeinflussen, erledigen, beschliessen, einwenden, behandeln or any other difficult words I might know, ya know where to ask.
Also: The functions of the liver - in relation to shoes
How to work out molecular mass conversions - in relation to shoes
How to dumb down GCSE Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology - using the metaphor of shoes
The basic concept of the metaphor of shoes
How to understand the metaphor of shoes
The major problem with the metaphor of shoes

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Life, the Universe and Everything&#8230;.

I think that the whole purpose of life the universe and everything beginning, was for it to end. (I mean, that&#8217;s why everything begins isn't it? Nobody starts off on a journey just to wander aimlessly onward until they run out of pavement) And I also think that there was no 'question' to be answered, but a task. That's why the great computer couldn't find the 'question' when the people asked him for it; because there wasn't one and he knew it. He knew that being a computer he could never facilitate the ending of the universe that it had to be a planet. A planet on which there was/would be a seedy inept civilization that were/would be so backward that they still thought/think/would think that digital watches were/are/would be a pretty neat idea. The kind of civilization which would be too intraverted to save themselves from being destroyed to build a intagalactic space highway. The kind of civilization which would have nightclubs. At least 42 nightclubs. A selfish civilization which nailed a guy to a tree for saying 'hey, why not lets be nice to each other for a change?!' - Have I set the scene yet? Oh yeah and for this to work time can do whatever it wants, existance has to be linear.

OK here goes - TASK end universe. Create 'Earth' (perveyor of the solution), Earths purpose is to find why 42 is the answer. Put Earth where it will one day need to be destroyed. Create the indestructable Arthur Dent. Destroy the Earth. Arthur Dent will not be destroyed, Arthur will create Random. Arthur and Random will start trying to get home to Earth and start to travel through different realities to find it. The highway builders will need to destroy Earth in every reality because it is in a plural zone. Random goes to the last Earth and hides in a nightclub. Ford and Arthur search for Random on the last Earth. Because existance is linear, they must find her before the Earth is (i.e. can be) destroyed. WHEN the Earth is destroyed it will leave a whole in the MishMash, which will frey away until the universe no longer exists. This is where the Earth finally finds a way to make the solution be 42.

To find Random, Arthur and Ford search 42 nightclubs.

I know it's not very good, but it ties up all but one major loose end in the story and the solution to the task was 42.

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Oh, and I'm 18 year old female studying Art, German and Design A-Level at King Alfred's School Sixth form in Wantage Oxford (U.K)


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