Oh Look!
Hey Wow! What is this? There's a lot of room in here.
Hey, what are you doing with that fish? What?! Put it where? IN MY EAR?! Are you nuts?
OW! Yes, I can understand you now.
You mean that fish is telling me what you are saying..... Forget it, I don't want to know. Anyway, I'm here to apply for the post of Guide researcher....
I've got it? You don't have any questions? Want to see my CV? NO!? Oh, OK, what do I do about my suspense account, and do you want my bank details and NI number?
FREE!! What is this? You want me to spend my time and effort writing stuff down for you, which you then make a mint from? Do I have MUG written on mt forehead or what?
FUN!? It's a bit of fun? Well, I'll have a look, but I aint promising nothing.....
Well, I suppose that now I am here, you guys are wanting to know a thing or two about me huh?
OK, I am 26 at the moment, work in IT support, and I am an ex-pat Scot, living in England.
My hobbies include Motor Racing, and devouring books (I love the taste of fantasy ones). I also fill my time by drinking beer, and watching things like Buffy, Stargate etc.
Anything else you wanna know, you are gonna have to make the effort and ask.
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Driving | Jun 9, 2000 |
Welcome Shade... | Feb 25, 2000 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Difficult? | Jun 1, 2000 | Jul 20, 2008 |
Sex | Mar 2, 2000 | Jul 3, 2008 |
Like God | Feb 23, 2000 | Oct 27, 2007 |
Can Something come from Nothing? | Feb 23, 2000 | Dec 19, 2004 |
I think I'm lost.... | Jun 9, 2000 | Nov 1, 2002 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."