Petrol Tax in the UK

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If you live in the UK, you are taxed at 614% on your petrol.

Petrol is now approaching £0.90 per litre. That's £4.10 a gallon.
For every £50 fill-up, you're just giving the government £43 out of your own pocket.


For the average family, a 1p increase per litre in the cost of fuel means an extra £100 a year out of their pocket.

Work it out for yourself. In the weeks leading up to mid June, you all took a salary cut of around £700 a year.


Fuel duty has little to do with the environment.

Leaded petrol was supposedly taxed highly for environmental reasons. Why then, when it was replaced with LRP did the price not come down?
Diesel fuel is cheaper, yet pollutes more by producing carcinogens and
LPG is the cleanest fuel there is but you don't see the government
promoting that do you? They are not advertising the fact that they will reimburse you half the cost of an LPG fitting on a new car.


£38billion is sucked out of motorist's pockets each year in tax.

You buy the planet's most expensive petrol, but do you see that money going back into the roads? No you do not. A recent study pointed out that most of Britain's roads are up to 15 years beyond their structural refurbishment date.


Freight companies are suffering - so is our trade with the EU.

When a haulage company has to fill it's tanks with diesel taxed at such a ridiculous rate, it's running costs become so expensive that companies take their business to haulage firms based on the continent. That in turn means a loss of income for our country.
There are now plans afoot to stop companies from filling extra fuel tanks on the continent.


Public transport is not an option.

Buses and coaches become more expensive again because of the underlying cost of running them.
The privatised rail and bus companies continue to slash services and close branch routes because running them is not "cost effective." i.e. the shareholders aren't getting their dividends. And the government are doing nothing about it. Rail companies have been underperforming and missing targets as stipulated by their contracts ever since privatisation. Yet they're all still in business.
When was the last time you used public transport during rush hour and found it under-crowded?


So Act!

There is no major organisation that represents the British driver when it comes to matters of fuel duty. The government are bleeding motorists dry.
Why? Because they can. As long as public apathy continues, and we keep
paying ludicrous prices for our petrol, the government will keep laying on the tax.

Starting on Tuesday, August 1st 2000, BOYCOTT THE FORECOURT PUMPS ON THE 1ST OF EVERY MONTH UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT ACTS AND CUTS THE TAX. Don't buy any petrol or diesel.

Spread the word and force the government to listen. For once, let's stand up with a unified voice and make them understand that we will no longer be quietly steamrollered into a transport system that's crumbling under our feet whilst we pay for it through the nose. Tell them you have had enough off Rip-Off Britain.


If you work in a petrol station and support us:

I suggest you start printing on the receipts how much your punters just paid in tax. If people start getting receipts that read £40 (£31.60=tax), then they'll start to take notice.

If you're now thinking "Ooh that sounds a bit too much like hard work........"

....then you have no cause to complain when petrol reaches £1.00 a litre, or £4.56 a gallon by Christmas 2000.

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