A Conversation for Petrol Tax in the UK

Fed up with Fat Cats

Post 1


Are you fed up with the fat cats too?

This is not my campaign, I am mereley giving it more exposure, as it is a cause that I beleive in. For too long the government of this country have sucked in funds from where they want, and distrubuted it how they want.

I for one wish to say that I have had enough of my tax money, from petrol and the rest, not being put back into the roads or the public transport sectors.

I wil add my voice to this campaign, in the hope that one more voice can make a difference.

I urge you to do the same.

Fed up with Fat Cats

Post 2

Researcher 138755

I think we as a nation agree that the petrol prices in the UK are nothing short of absolutely scandalous!!! I personally am sickened by the way the government shows no concern what so ever about charging these prices and expect us to all sit down and shut up while there wallets are filled! What can be done to make these people listen and put an end to the ever growing trend of increased prices throughout "RIP OFF BRITAIN!!!"

Fed up with Fat Cats

Post 3


What can be done?

For the moment, join the campaign. Fill your car up on any day other than the 1st of each month, and we shall see if the government take notice.

If they do not, we shall think of something else. Needless to say, we will keep you posted.

Fed up with Fat Cats

Post 4

Researcher 138962

Is it true southern england pays more for petrol than anywhere else on the planet?

I was also told there is no tax on aviation fuel in the UK ?
No wonder our airports are so popular/ overcrowded/ delayed etc!
How long before a major disaster & then an enquiry & then an appeal etc etc. - all making money for the ruling classes- without improving safety for us. It'll be the same for roads planes trains hospitals you name it until we do some thing like this!
Keep up the good work

As usual great joe public - bus, train, car, lorry, drivers foot the bill.

As far as I can tell (I'm 28 yrs) the UK government (no particular party) are fat cats !

Fed up with Fat Cats

Post 5



I have been doing a lot more reading on the subject, and I like even less what I see.

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