A Conversation for Petrol Tax in the UK

Free Travel in the UK

Post 21


We will not know unless we try.

If you live in the UK, join the protest that will not use the petrol pumps on the 1st of August, and the first of each month after that.

Then we shall see.

Free Travel in the UK

Post 22


Redhillian, you cannot overwrite the MC for two reasons.

One, it clearly states "for ever" in the text.

Two, it is a treaty, between the sovereign and the people, and cannot be overturned by statute, which is from the government. The government cannot overturn any treaties, as that is above their jurisdiction. They are granted their power by the sovereign, but they cannot supplant the sovereign.

Free Travel in the UK

Post 23

Rojo Habe (48-1+2-7)

"to buy and sell without any manner of evil tolls"

So what it really means is: VAT and Income Tax are illegal.

"except in Time of War"

I believe Income Tax was introduced to finance the Napoleonic Wars, and never rescinded.

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