A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 1


This is a question which is relevant to Everything, especially those relating to theories of Reincarnation and people who have Everything.
If Everything has a Beginning and an Ending then we must ask, "What was the first thing and where did it come from?"
To those with mystical or religious tendencies then some god, or similar entity, will probably be the easy fallback as in "god knows", therefore, "I don't need to know 'cos he tells me so!" Otherwise known as "Blind Belief". But in this age of Science perhaps there is a more sensible answer to Can Something come from Nothing?"
I have an Idea, but that is the nearest thing I have of Something that comes from Nothing?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 2


God isn't nothing.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 3


How Sad. An example of 'Blind Belief'.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 4

Researcher 007

Yes. Something can come from nothing. This is both acording to most advanced physics and according to other way of knowing. According to physics, absolute vacume or "nothing" is exactly the same as two opposite waves or particle and unti- particle which cancel each other. According to uncertainty principle the oposite waves or paricles "have some free random movement" that can create something from this nothing.
It is another question if all this process is just random or "is there some inteligent behaind this process. I wish you all a very happy new Millennium.smiley - smiley Researcher 007 smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 5

Silver Surfer 67

Define:- Nothing. I don't believe anyone can as no one has yet experienced or seen such an item. It is all just theory and man made law. Believe me we should think of nothing as being something. It has value I am certain.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 6

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Oh please, just stop giving me a headache.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 7



Where was the headache before it appeared? Was it caused by a thought? Something which is perhaps, nothing? And which is faster than the Speed of Light (approx 12,000,000 miles a minute). This poses another question which is:

"How fast is the speed of thought"?

To cure your headache use the 'off' switch.

Die dulce fruere! ....... Minus-One

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 8

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

No-it doesn't help. You're making my head hurt even more. It's because these types of questions do my head in.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 9

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

hey Esti, maybe a choccy is what you need for that headache. i still have the one you gave me earlier. (hands Esti the choccy) i had nothing yesterday, and now i have something, but i have no idea where it came from. can you help me ,Vegiman?smiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 10

Buick Regal

You should get out of the way of the headachions. As far as something coming from nothing is concerned; I see this all the time!

Just watch a group of politicians to see hot air created from a whole group of nothings.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 11

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

you know, i used to work in a place that made door hinges for buick regals. maybe you know my best friend, jackie?smiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 12

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanx alicat. Now I feel much better! Just please don't ask me any more of those questions on thingies coming from nothing. smiley - winkeye

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 13

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

ok, esti, i promise no more questions. hope the headache's gone.smiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 14

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanks, it has. Have another choccy smiley - fish
*offers alicat a choccy smiley - fish *

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 15


So what does all this have to do with getting guide entries approved?

It seems like a pretty good example of not much being produced from a complete waste of time.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 16

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well, are you going to contribute anything useful?


Post 17


I keep trying, but people keep talking bollocks where usefulness could flourish.

Actually useful is only one criteria. I would also be happy to see people contributing material that is amusing, informative, or just plain interesting - all of which are "useful" I suppose.

But by and large forums are spent discussing the weather, your headache, last night's TV etc. and quite frankly that kind of stuff holds no interest to anybody viewing that stuff at a distance in time, or space.

This entry pissed me off because it's a forum for the "submission guidelines" entry, and I was looking for dialogue on the issue of what happens when your stuff is accepted. (I'm not very happy at what has been done with some of my stuff by the editors!) Instead I find a rather pointless discussion that has absolutely no relation to the topic in hand.

There is the "ask H2g2" forum, and another one for random discussions. This issue, or others very similar, are being discussed ad nauseum there, so why start again here? If you really care that much and had something to say then why not write an entry on the topic and get it linked from the front page? That way people who aren't interested in what you have to say don't have to waste their time reading it to discover that there's nothing here of use to them.

If you don't agree with me then I might as well go to every entry you've written, every forum you're in, and your home page and start conversations that don't mean anything to you. Then when you want to pursue what's important to you you'll find my pointless rantings in your way.

'nuff said?


Post 18

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

are you always this miserable, or do you have a headache? here, have a choccy smiley - fish. they're magic, so maybe they will transform you into a more interesting person, and you will find these forums more entertaining. hi, katsy. did you have a nice weekend?smiley - fish@


Post 19

Sookie (a.k.a Hipskitch)

Hey guys,
I have some spooky mysterious questions as well:
1. Can nothing come from something?
2. If a tree falls on a mime, does he make a noise?
3. How do they get the caramel in a caramilk bar?

These questions have puzzled man since the beginning of time..
And wow, those were probably the stupidest jokes I ever did tell
I'm sorry for wasting your time..
::walks off muttering something about bad judgement::


Post 20

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

tee, hee, hee... i love your mime joke. there's no such thing as bad judgement in my world.smiley - fish@

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