A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation


Post 161

badger party tony party green party

You can take it how you like does it sound like an insult?

Why would I insult you?

If I called you a woman would that be an insult, even if I meant it as an insult? Females have many positive posibilities and capabilities afterall.

Why are you insulted by the fact that I find your postings by and large amusing? isnt a bit of levity a good thing in this troubled world we live insmiley - tongueout

If you feel bad I feel sorry for you, but dont take on sosmiley - hug

smiley - rainbow


Post 162

Researcher 724267

Well since you invited me ferretbadger

I was hoping to ba able to get on with it but you and blicky badger destroyed any chance I had before I had even got halfway started. Even my polite requests for you to stop it came to nothing and I had an in-ofencive post pulled with no explanation.

Either way this is my last post



Post 163

Researcher 724267

smiley - blush Maybe if I were able or inclined to stay I would start using that preview button



are te propper links

There, now that was my last post, no, really it is this time smiley - erm honest.


Post 164

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Are you saying that you didn't receive the reply that was sent to you? I'm sure it is still on file and can be sent again, if you wish.


Post 165

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

OK Apparition; I am saorry you were not able to complete errr... your... exercise or whatever it was simply by posting on your personal space.

Perhaps the reason me and Blicky posted was because:-

a) You were talking about us
b) You brought what you were doing to our attention
c) You are clearly Apparition/Wraith, the person whose *FAULT* all of this is, trying no doubt to once again engage in revisions of what actually happened.

Now here is what I think now, crikey how is this still going on? THe answer is simple IMHO it is because Della, and Apparition still evidently think they have done *NOTHING* wrong....

I am astonished that they still peddle this line over and over again.

Now folks here is my two point plan for you guys to end this situation:-

1) Both Della and Apparition actually *APOLOGISE* for what happened then
2) Stop trying to rewrite history

I reckon that would pretty much end it without the need for Apparition to create new accounts that just "Document" the "War" as h calls it...

smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

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