A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation

Official complaint

Post 41

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

fair one...


Post 42


This post has been removed.


Post 43


This post has been removed.


Post 44

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

errr what?


Post 45

E G Mel

If you remove the smiley - bleeps I think what Insomniac is trying to say is:

*That she believes that the rules are only attributed to some people and not all.

*That she believes the site and the people who run it try to cover up their mistakes/lies by selective moderation

I am now going to Yikes the post as I consider it insulting to the people who put a lot of work into this site. Especially now that the numbers have been reduced.

smiley - zen We are all human and to err is human, please do not expect everyone to be perfect all the time.

Mel smiley - hsif


Post 46

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Okily Dokily, and perhaps it was said badly and with unwarranted harshness. However selective enforcement of rules will cause resentment and anger; be this real or imagined.

I would say a death threat is somthing that should trigger the transgressions procedure, simple as that.


Post 47

E G Mel

I have prodded TPTB on this issue, last I heard they were looking at some technical information.

I agree that selective enforcement of rules will cause problems however I ask you to remember that the h2g2 site is now running with a <./>Team</.> of only 2 and I prefer that they took their time and got it right than hastily enforcing a punishment which they may later regret.

Though saying this I am probably considered part of 'The Mob' so no-one will take any notice of me smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif


Post 48

badger party tony party green party

Never the less your efforts are much appreciated.smiley - rose

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 49

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I understand what you are saying... but the WHOLE point of the transfressions procedure is precisely to deal with this sort of thing. By its nature it STOPs TPTB from being able to just make a snap decision, and forces them to look camly over time all the facts, as well as individual researchers opinions.

I ask this question to the editors:-

What is the point in having a transgressions procedure if it not used?


Post 50

Noggin the Nog

Everyone hates the referee smiley - winkeye

Seriously though Mel, you've been doing a good job and taking a certain amount of undeserved flak with good grace. smiley - ok



Post 51

E G Mel


Well according to the transgressions procedure the first step is an official warning.

I'm not sure how criminal the Death Threat was, I don't know how the law would stand on it. If it was considered Criminal then TPTB could terminate the account without any further notice. Regardless of who was sitting behind the computer when the post was written it is the account that is held responsible I believe.

Mel smiley - hsif

P.S I wouldn't say I was a referee or that I have received that much flak, I'm just trying to answer a few questions to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for the support though smiley - smiley


Post 52


E G Mel,

As i have never had issue with you before, i cant say that either of my posts, the 1 awaiting moderation or the 1 that was yikesed was aimed at you, but those who i am pointing the finger at know who they are, however, since you have a more eloquent way with words, your post basically covers what i said anywaysmiley - biggrin

Those that do work hard and make a worthwhile contribution to this site, do so either by overlooking the things that shouldnt happen or are ignorant of the goings on, turning a blind eye however is almost as bad as actually being involved in mob activity, those that do speak up against what is wrong are in many cases bullied into either giving up their 'badge' or feeling that the best thing to do is walk away from this site, not something h2g2 should be proud of by any means, but if the truth is covered up, who cares right? not those involved..Fortunately there are a few good people on this site, that i am aware of that have neither walked away or kept quiet, those are the 'only' people h2g2 should be proud of, unfortunately these people are few and far between!.............

"We are all human, and to err is human"
i know that, there is nobody on this planet that can say they havent made mistakes, but it takes a bigger man/woman to stand up and be counted for their mistakes, unfortunately the people who i am referring to prefer to lie and deny, attack others for pointing their mistakes out, and i cant tell you how sick to death i am of hearing that phrase, particularly in 'The aces Code Of Conduct' thread by aces and staff members who used that as a great little get out clause everytime some truth was uncovered before a chance to cover their tracks was had!

I dont expect anyone to be perfect all the time, God only knows im not!, but id have a lot more respect for these people if they told the truth, thats if they even know what it is!

I could also point out i was told that that particular thread would be 'looked into' by Jim no less, in february but as yet i see no evidence of it, another lie to shut us up?!

Ill respect anyone who is big enough to say i made a mistake or i was wrong, but 'some' of the people on this site lie and lie and lie time and time again, and TPTB do smiley - bleep about it, and you wonder why the resentment?? Just out of curiousity which rules does this researcher 'Della' and her family have to follow? the real rules or the unofficial rules? smiley - biggrin

No hard feeling for yikesing my post though, i dont know you or what you stand for smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 53



Ok so it may have sounded a little harsh, i do have my own little way with words but i stand by everything i said smiley - smiley

Selective enforcement of the rules does breed resentment but i assure you there is cause, what i said wasnt imagined!

For further confirmation check out 'The aces Code Of Conduct' thread, from what truths not been hidden, you can make up your own mind smiley - smiley

A death threat you'd think was just cause for banning a researcher, but when you dont know by which set of rules TPTB are going by it is difficult to tell, in 1 case having a sence of humour was crime enough, though to make it more believable the transgressions procedure was put into place very quickly and the procedure was questionable...smiley - erm

smiley - fullmoon


Post 54


E G Mel,

"I have prodded TPTB on this issue".

lets hope all involved arent holding their breath afterall, when i made a complaint, i was ignored, ridiculed, told to prove it, when i eventually after requests from h2 and staff sent them an email (back in the beginning of november i believe of last year but dont hold me to that), explaining my issues i recieved no reply, eventually Jimster (again dont hold me to that, 1 of the Jim's), asked if i had sent my email to the right address, i confirmed he ignored that and no effort was made to find these 'missing' emails, though i dont believe for 1 minute the emails are missing, unfortunately in that thread more than a handful of aces came into question, so TPTB if they pulled them would have to take a long hard look at themselves!

Incidentally nobody bothered to ask if i still have a copy of those emails, why? Think about it
smiley - laugh

I understand there are now only 2 mods, but it wasnt always like that and some of the questionable behaviour/rules that are/are not applied depending on the given situation/individual has been going on for a long time, Jim only took over this year or something he said that somewhere, doesnt look to me like anythings changed if this threads anything to go by!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 55

E G Mel

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space"I dont know you or what you stand for"

I'll start with this bit first, I stand for a site to be proud of and in my mind that doesn't contain a lot of deleted expletives smiley - winkeye

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space"those are the 'only' people h2g2 should be proud of"

I tend to be proud of many of the researchers and what this site has achieved regardless of whether or not they agree with my viewpoint on the way the site is run.
You cannot critisise the work of the road sweeper because he feels the government is doing a good job and you don't. You can tell him that you don't agree with his opinions but it wont make his roads any less clean.
By that stance you can't say that a researcher's entries/clubs/debates are any more/less pride worthy than another because of their stance on the managment. Merit should be judged on merit alone and not on political stance. That is one of the purposes of freedom of speech.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space"turning a blind eye however is almost as bad as actually being involved in mob activity"

I agree that turning a blind eye is not the way to go on, "Bad things happen because good men (sic) stand by and do nothing" is I believe the quote for which you are looking. smiley - smiley

I find nowadays that there are grudges held against the staff (not even at individuals but at the team as a whole, it seems anyone with their name in Italics is game) which means that when people address them in posts they don't do so in the manner they would if they were face to face. It is often hard to remember that the person at the other end of the internet is human. So many of these problems would be resolved quickly if people were face to face.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space"I could also point out i was told that that particular thread would be 'looked into' by Jim no less, in february but as yet i see no evidence of it, another lie to shut us up?!"

When things are being 'looked into' it is easy to let them slip on the to-do pile (I know I have done it, you start looking into it then something high priority comes along and suddenly your to-do list is forgotten), maybe a polite prod via email would remind him that he said he would look into it. smiley - smiley Having just read your most recent post maybe you should attach all the previous emails you have written. smiley - winkeye

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space"Just out of curiousity which rules does this researcher 'Della' and her family have to follow? the real rules or the unofficial rules?"

In my mind we all have to follow the rules as written in the <./>HouseRules</.>, if you feel that something contravenes the rules you Yikes it and/or contact h2g2 support via email. If after this you feel that the problem hasn't been dealt with you may consider looking higher up the ladder, though this I would consider as a last resort.

Mel smiley - hsif


Post 56

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


I am not saying that I necessarily think that Della should get a lifetime ban; but that it should be dealt with as a serious matter under the transgressions procedure.

If threatening to have a researcher killed does not constitute a serious breach of the rules then I wonder *what* exactly would?


Post 57

E G Mel

This is what I tried to explain.

Either it's illegal in the UK, in which case the Italics terminate the account *or* it's not illegal and following the official transgressions procedure she is given a warning for a first time offence.

Anything else would be applying a set of new rules created just for Della which would be exactly what Insomniac was complaining about.

Maybe this signifys that the procedure isn't equipped to deal with all eventualities, I don't know. The whole point of a community is that things aren't always right first time so you adapt them as you encounter new experiences. However adapting something like the rules can be tricky as it may be seen as favouritism or worse discrimination.

As I have said before I am glad I'm not in that office faced with this situation.

Mel smiley - hsif


Post 58

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

well I suppose the thing to do is to wait and see what tptb decide on the issue now...


Post 59

Researcher 524695

"If threatening to have a researcher killed does not constitute a serious breach of the rules then I wonder *what* exactly would?"

hear hear


Post 60


E G Mel,

What i meant by that was as i dont know you i dont know what category you fall into on this site, i have no issue with you, i dont know how you conduct yourself on this site, so until a time comes that i should i will treat you with the same respect youve shown me smiley - smiley

I make no appologies for my choice of words, even if to some they sound a little harsh, if you object to the "smiley - bleep" smiley which i chose to use rather than my own preferences, you should take issue with h2, as it is 1 of the smileys, i see no reason not to use it, particularly as if id used the words of my choice then that post would of upset more than the people it was directed at smiley - smiley

There are no doubt thousands of researchers we havent come into contact with yet, i believe my post was only critising 'some' that blatantly abuse the rules of this site and is evidently overlooked/encouraged by TPTB, but i think you knew what i meant anyway smiley - smiley

I wasnt looking for a quote but the 1 you have used does lend itself to the situation very well smiley - biggrin

If grudges are held toward the staff as a whole i have no sympathy for them, they could stand up and be counted or cover it up/keep quiet because somebodies complaining about an online pal, you like your quotes, heres 1 for you....."You make your bed, you lie in it".......Im only saying it like it is. Im not holding a grudge though i just have no faith in anything they say, if you felt you was being lied to or somebody was taking the smiley - bleep would you take the word of said person? smiley - smiley

With regard to the other thread i mentioned, if Jim ever bothered looking into it like he said he would, if he took anything serious about what was said in that thread by a lot of people on this site, if he took any notice of the thread links within that thread, if he put 2 and 2 together opened his eyes and saw who was always on the defensive, which posts were being yikesed within minutes of being posted, if he asked me if i had copies of the emails i sent (that is of course if hes bothered), if he showed any interest whatsoever i would be the 1st to personally msg him and appologise for my complete lack of faith and trust in his word, however some proven/some covered up facts about the staff also went into that thread so without taking a long hard look at 'some' staff/'some' aces actions i dont think he really can act on everything within that thread without looking a little closer to home, so until something changes drastically around h2 i have no faith in anything thats been said, but i would also add i dont hold every staff member/ace/guru/whatever with contempt, only those that have acted badly/lied/abused site rules/given patronising appologies begrugedly etc, those i do not know i have no reason to treat differently or with anything other than the same respect they show others smiley - smiley

It is widely know that there are 2 sets of rules on this site, the HouseRules and the unofficial rules, if you are not aware of the others that are often applied, might i suggest you read them, i have, very enlightening!, so you have a better understanding of where some of where the confusion lies smiley - biggrin As for Yikesing posts, i would sooner everyone got the chance to see certain posts rather than hide the truth, i find the only offensive ones are them that contain personal information, insults on the other hand, well only words arent they, im a little more thick skinned than your average researcher so my feelings wont get hurt if somebody calls me this that or the other smiley - laugh

Please dont, even if you say it with all good intention bother telling me to contact h2 support, there is more chance of getting 6 numbers on the lotto than getting a reply from them! Higher up the ladder? Like who? staff?
smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

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