A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation

Official complaint

Post 21

badger party tony party green party

Lies, not even new lies Della, OK so its late and I can forgive you for not being original, but lets straighten out one or two things. Member and I are not a faction. Neither was I ever in a team with az. I was not coaching Dave Obvious (although I did warn that arguing with you was often futile, but do not let this put him off posting points to threads you were on). These are merely inventions of your own paranoia. If you were trying to find out whats going on why did you just jump to conclusions *if* blickybadger didn't do this, alone or in cahoots with someone else, I will be very surprised indeed. if someone else is responsible, it's not at all unusual for us to suspect blickybadger, Whether or not you usually think its me is neither he nor there in establishing my guilt. It reminds me of English police and the Irish, Southern US police and black men, Nazis and the Jews. as he and at least one other person have kept up a campaign of harassment and torment all year. A campaign of hate might be considered posting death threats and messages entitled "WAR" on other peoples PS's, which is what YOU, that's YOU Della have been doing. What I have been doing is clarifying some points with you and your family who insist it is alright to make ignorant and racially abusive posts. The site might be big enough, but not when they follow us everywhere and harass us all hard out, as they have been doing. As I have explained we do have lots of similar interests Della and there is nothing wrong with a researcher checking what new slanders others might be posting about them. As you can see from this thread which I started to give support to a researcher who was in an unpleasant and uncalled for tangle with "The Wraith". http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F55377?thread=382064 All posts by the real me carry the badger seal of approval. one love

Official complaint

Post 22

Researcher 524695

I don't trust Math Wizard to have the brains to go back a page and read my reply (post 20), so here it is again in case he missed it:

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

I think I am an adult, and I am right.

"How can you say such a stupid and incensitive thing as that?"

The word is "insensitive" - and what do you mean by "that"? Try to be more specific.

"I can't think of the right thing to say to you"

I forgive you for being inarticulate.

" but if I could, it would be so offensive that you would want to kill me."

Please do not assume that everyone else is as violent and immature as you are. Understand, please, that there is NOTHING you could say to me that would make me want to kill you. My mother raised me to respect the lives and opinions of others. It's just a shame yours didn't do the same for you.

"It would be the kind of thing - like what you said - that would make you want to torture me, make me scream, make me apologise for ever being born. Because that's how I feel about you."

I pity you your upbringing, boy, that you are so full of unfocussed rage and hate.

You are guilty of "projection", however. I am not the sort of person who enjoys torturing others. I certainly am not the kind of person who would want to make another human being scream or apologise for ever being born. Those feelings are yours, not mine. Your mother must be very proud of you.

Official complaint

Post 23

The H2G2 Editors

We have received complaints regarding this incident and will be addressing them offsite within the next day or so once we have all the information we need.

In the meantime, we request that everyone walks away from this discussion now - this is neither healthy, appropriate or desirable for it to be prolongued further.

Once again, can we please remind you to use the Moderation system and the complaints button rather than posting complaints on site. The Moderators are on hand to give 24-hour support, while the in-house team generally keep to UK office hours.


The h2g2 Editors.

Official complaint

Post 24


Hi Folks,

I visit only infrequently.However the times that I have dropped by I have found that, and I suppose this is the tenor of my message, that della and her family are engaged in, on at least one thread, vitrolic abuse of other researchers.

Not once have I found that these people, ( della and clan ) will at least give blicky, azahar and others that dissagree with them the benefit of the doubt. There has been no willingness to engage in dialogue that would enhance understanding. At every turn those at odds with della and co have at some stage and at some length turned the other cheek and attempted to resolve or at least come to an accomodation. I do not see the same willingness from della and family.

My own bias you may decide from my small number of posts, however the large number of evidential and damning ( my opinion) posts by della and familia, I believe require a suitable reprimand.

It is an unenviable task to be faced with, however I would urge you to consider the responses / posts of della and clan, when faced with a differing opinion, as examples of who they are and as a guide to their suitability to access this site:
Examples to my mind are;

the lack of acknowledgement of their own mistakes made,

the failure to understand anothers P.O.V.,

the alacrity to make a venomous response- not a query to clarify-,

the continuation of a dissagreement when the protaginist has asked and accepted closure.

To me these are but a few of the downright rotten things this group of people have done, all the while claiming innocence. There appears to be no contrition AT ALL. Whereas others who have done less (well some have overstepped the mark, but in both an invigorating and intelligent and after great provocation way, inviting considered response) have continually engaged the della family in conversation.

Unfortuneately reciprocity is non existent. By this repeated and habitual failure I request at least Pre mod of della and apparition and maths wizard.

regards , Peckish.

Official complaint

Post 25

Researcher 524695


If you want to express such ideas, they are more appropriately dealt with in emails to the editors, I think. I don't wish you put you off contributing, but this thread at least should really be let lie, especially as the Editors have requested it so.

Official complaint

Post 26


Apologies to all;

I did not know how to access another forum to express my opinion, without disrupting threads that had moved on from relating events concerning apparitions stupid, cruel and obviously dishonest postings.

I do note that at the time of this posting there has been no acknowledgment by della of the really base accusations she has made to Blicky and no retraction.

regards ...............Peckish

Official complaint

Post 27


Seems to me that the only person in this who has cause for official complaint is blicky. Hootoo isn't a hostile place, it's the people on board. Sometimes.

Official complaint

Post 28

Researcher 524695

" the only person in this who has cause for official complaint is blicky"

Oh, I don't know. Personally I'm of the opinion that anyone who uses hootoo now has cause for complaint.

A hypocritical racist liar and her violent, objectionable offspring have literally and seriously threatened the life of another user of this service, and there have been NO official repercussions. No ban, no premoderation, not even a proper apology from the perpetrator(s).

I think that is cause for serious complaint from *everyone* - I mean, doesn't this place have standards? What if they go on for an encore to post some links to some kiddie porn? Presumably that will simply be moderated away and forgotten about too.

Official complaint

Post 29


"A hypocritical racist liar and her violent, objectionable offspring have literally and seriously threatened the life of another user of this service, and there have been NO official repercussions. No ban, no premoderation, not even a proper apology from the perpetrator(s)."

This seems just a tad mountain-out-of-molehill where I'm sitting.
Of course if any death threats issued over a public forum had any actual chance of being carried out, then perhaps this would all be very valid.

Official complaint

Post 30


hi Moth,

I think whether a death threat could actually be carried out or not is a bit beside the point - I think it is actually illegal to utter death threats. It isn't simply against h2g2 House Rules, it is actually against the law to do this.

That being said, within the context of h2g2, where is the apology for this?

Okay, I can understand that Della made this comment out of anger and ignorance, but this does not preclude that she shouldn't take responsibility for her actions and issue a public apology. At least, that is how I see it.

And so should Apparition, for impersonating blickybadger. Which started this whole thing. And which is also against House Rules.

Where are the apologies?


Official complaint

Post 31



Why haven't these people at least been put on pre-mod?


Official complaint

Post 32


Well that still brings me back to this being about an apology to blicky and he seems to be taking the situation better than some others.

Official complaint

Post 33

Noggin the Nog

Hi Moth. Long time no see

I did post to Apparition's PS saying that an apology to Blicky would be appropriate, shortly before he made his "falling on my sword" speech on the "Outa Here" thread, including his refusal to apologise. smiley - sigh


Official complaint

Post 34


Noggin (waves back)
Been busy, just thought I'd drop by and see what's going on. (instead of coursework ! ) So I'm out of the loop. Just seems like a death threat from - what- the muppets should be laughable not have all this pantomime outrage attached to it. I think you have to have a certain maturity to be able to apologise for an embarassing mistake.
As for the moderators, I presume they have to get to the crux of the matter - who to believe and whatever - before they pre mod.

Official complaint

Post 35

Noggin the Nog

Impersonation and death threats should mean instant premod. Those are both pretty clear cut; deciding whether further action is needed given all the circumstances would take longer.


Official complaint

Post 36


Did anyone yipe the 'death threat'?

Official complaint

Post 37




Post 38

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Official complaint

Post 39

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Ho ho Member.....

However I really cannot see how this has not been dealt with under the transgressions procedure.

Posting a death threat seems to me to be considerably worse than the interpretation of what LeKZ posted.....

Perhaps horrible posts only merit bannings depending on whom they are posted at?

Official complaint

Post 40


Oi, Member, smiley - smiley

I thought we were leaving this thread lie, as per the request of the moderators.

I agree that it is shameful that nothing has been done yet, but do you think us chatting here will make any difference? I would like to think so . . .


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