A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation


Post 121

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


In response to your post 116:-

Dont get the wrong idea I do not personally doubt the translation is pretty well accurate; however my point is the two things were of comparable severity. One resulted in a life ban (the hootoo equivilant of *PUBLIC* execution) and one has resulted no discernable action whatsoever.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of both the cases IMHO this is apparantly unfair. If I was LeKZ I would be thinking:-

"How come I got banned and they didn't? Well it must have been about something else and the post was just an excuse otherwise they would have banned Della" I do not know if she does think that but in the same circumstances that is what I would have thought.

I just think the way these things have been dealt with is inconsistant.


Post 122

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I wasn't around at the time, but I understand that the history of LeKZ was much more complicated than might first be apparent from looking at that one thread. That was more the last straw than the cause. As Natalie has already said, we are discussing this situation offsite at the moment. We're hopeful that an appropriate resolution can be reached.


Post 123

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Fair enough then Jim.... I 'spose I had better leav it at that... .


Post 124

Star Fleet...

smiley - book


Post 125


I hope I don't come across as nit-picky or anything like that, but I still think that IV's complaints belong on another thread as they seem to be somewhat clouding the issue as to whether Della should be banned from the site for issuing a death threat towards another researcher. Not to mention starting this official complaint asking that blicky be banned from the site for things he had not even done! The italics end up responding to IV's (most likely) valid complaints about a past issue without perhaps giving them time to be able to look at the complaint that was first posted on this thread.

For the record, I am not sure that Della should be banned, but she should at least have something done (pre-mod?) so that she does not feel she can just get away with this sort of thing.

At the moment she is going around on at least one other thread saying she has 'no idea' as to how she is responsible for any of this. And she is continuing to blame blicky for her own bad behaviour.



Post 126


Hello there,

Due to the earlier comments in this thread, I really do not want to write this again - but I have to as I don't feel that it's been taken on board. *All* of the complaints we received about this matter within the moderation system have been answered. Prolonging the discussion in this manner is not constructive.



Post 127


Sorry Natalie, it was not my intention to try and prolong anything.

I was just wondering why IV's postings received long responses from the italics and the subject at hand was not receiving any responses.



Post 128

Smij - Formerly Jimster

It's because IV's points are on a general matter, whereas the original posting was about a specific case. The subject at hand is receiving responses, but not in public. Anyone who has actually read beyond the initial complaint will realise that this is a very delicate situation that extends beyond the original threat.


Post 129

badger party tony party green party

How and where are these responses being made and do you need me to respond?


Post 130

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Responses are made through the usual complaints procedure (you'll see the ! or smiley - yikes button next to the original posting). Whether or not you respond is entirely up to you, Blickybadger, as you're the person most affected by this.


Post 131



Oh well i like to be helpful especially if it means pointing things out that are sometimes 'overlooked' or appear to be ignored smiley - biggrin

Yes there was a lot of posts in the aces code of conduct thread, obviously tells you a lot of people felt pretty strongly about what was going on at the time! Of those that were hidden i do hope werent overlooked though Jimster, as a lot of the posts hidden i believed were hidden for a reason, i would like to think in your position, you looked at everything, some of those hidden posts were relevant (and before its suggested only a few were posted by me) smiley - smiley

Well lets hope lessons Are learnt hey smiley - smiley

Jimster have to be honest here, I have no respect for any ace just because they have given up their time to hold the badge, it was their choice afterall, as was yours to do your job. If they do turn out to be a good ace that will become obvious in time and i'll be more than happy to show them the respect they earn and in turn, ill treat anyone with the same respect they show me and is deserved smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 132



Ok i see the point your making, whether Lekz deserved to be banned or not, we may probably never know the full circumstannces, dont know about you but i certainly wasnt around then, well if i was i probably didnt get past logging in, it took me a long time to work out how best to use this site! As for Della, this is happening now so im sure a lot of people will be aware of whats gone on, i dont think it helps everything being done behind closed doors, and i completely agree about the inconsistancy! I personally would specifically love Natelie to tell me why Awol was banned...eh Natalie? lol smiley - winkeye However, i know this wont happen as somethings simply are not discussed are they..some might say it depends who you 'tick' off/or not what you know but who but im not implying anything myself smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 133



Ok point taken but i am only replying to posts put to me smiley - smiley
I certainly dont want to cloud these issues, clouding issues on h2 is something i dont wish to do at all..I hope BlickyBadger does get some sort of responce soon as is only fair, i had a few of the responces id hoped to get answered eventually, its a pity they werent responded to in the correct thread and i realise bringing them up in here doesnt help the current situation, ill try my best to stick to the thread matter ok? smiley - smiley

lets hope the other matter you brought up is taken note of aswell in deciding how best to deal with things!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 134



My points are on a general matter? they were important at the time and still are, and without wishing to steer the thread away from the current subject again, had you of discussed it at the time, rather than the speech Natalie keeps putting up about refusing to discuss the specifics end of it might of helped the situation, i understand you wont go into too many details, but you have said here you are looking into it,
and that is helpful in itself, when people know whats going on, (or something at least), they dont jump to conclusions or assumptions, you also said it is a delicate situation so im sure most can appreciate it'll take a little time, perhaps you have learnt something from that thread too? smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 135

Smij - Formerly Jimster

IV, you can review the reasons why AWOL was banned by returning to the Discussion Perdaining to the Lifetime Ban of AWOL page - A1285210.


Post 136

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well IV having read the AWOL ban page it is quite clear. Posting to h2g2 whilst under the transgression procedure is a lifetime ban pure and simple.

AWOL has only himself to blame.


Post 137

badger party tony party green party

OK Ive had a little think.

I dont like to see people banned, freedom of speech blah blahsmiley - yawn

Equally I dont like to see people intimidated for any reason that they have no control over or for simply being in dispute with the one doing the intimidating. As this can lead to defacto bans and censorship of ideas in that people wont post what they really think for fear of being "set upon" in some way. Self moderation is an important part of this site. Not just the yikes button but that we talk to each other about and spend a little time thinking about, just which words we will and and will avoid using.

I wouls still like to see a proper apology from Della one where she does not half way through say that though I did not do what she accused me of it is still the kind of thing I would do, when I have never done anything of the sort.

I'd like to see apparition back who knows maybe he is?

The site needs different voices we should just be careful about how we use them. I feel this is the main lesson of this whole business, if we learn that it will be worth more to me and the site than any apology.

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 138

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - applause


Post 139


smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause



Post 140

E G Mel

I think you've hit the nail on the head there Blicky smiley - ok

Mel smiley - hsif

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