A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation


Post 141

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I doubt very much if i could have phrased it so eloquently ,but I whole heartily agree with the ,feeling exspressed in the bservations made by blickybadger.

smiley - applause


Post 142


Hello there,

I'd just like to say that the stuff I keep posting about moderation is not a 'speech'; I'm afraid it's just the truth and I'm going to have to keep repeating it until everybody is aware of it.

IV: I'm sure it's purely unintentional but your posts quite often seem to me to be rather rude. We will always be as helpful as we can but it'd be great if you could think about tempering the tone a little.



Post 143


Sorry just catching up... smiley - flustered

In the middle of all this I lost sight of the real issue at the heart of this and would like to thank Blickybadger for being so reasonable about the whole thing. Just like to add to the smiley - applause


Post 144



smiley - wowA whole page dedicated to Awol with other Awol links off it, thats impressive though there are a lot of names youve failed to put up including his current 1 smiley - smiley
Im not disputing with anyone the fact he came in under different names, (something a lot of people do on here particularly staff/aces ive noticed for whatever reason), whilst he was pending a ban..What i would dispute is the content of some modded posts were not in anyway in breach of the house rules, i suppose we will forever have to agree to disagree on that point, (and nobody will ever have the chance to question that now they have gone)!, certain individuals misread his posts which in most cases were just plain funny and not aimed at anybody in particular, i guess you'd need a s.o.h to appreciate that though, also his page was removed because he jokingly set up a rival newspaper to ThePost! must of overlooked the dont set up a rival newspaper in the rules..the way in which he was removed (or not as things have transpired), is questionable to say the least, that and the fact that there was a campaign in the aces forum to get him out just makes the whole thing completely bogus as far as im concerned but hey its just my opinion smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 145


This post has been removed.


Post 146

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

IV just so you know I have yikesed your last post. IMO it was out of order.

Whatever your point is IV (not quite sure myself) it should not be made here nor in this manner. Why not get some manner then bring up your point inthe right place...


Post 147


Well, the one thing I think shouldn't have been yikesed in that last posting of IV's was that they had said they had said enough on this thread and now would leave it.

smiley - ok

So, we can now get back to the matter at hand without anymore distractions.

Though I'm afraid, FB, that by yikesing that posting IV will be back.

I hope not. They can start their own complaint thread, imo.



Post 148

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well I hope not too... IMHO there was no need for that.


Post 149


Gosh I'm sorry anyone could feel so bitter that they would post something like that. I do hope you feel much better soon IV. And don't worry, I may be daft as a brush but I'm at least sentient enough to know that a post as unnecessarily extreme as that says a lot more about the person posting it than any intended target - so no offence taken.

Fair points though. I will of course be sending out my CV and exam certificates to all interested parties. It does of course hurt me very much that IV has no respect for me but I will just have to soldier on - in time, I pray, the pain will fade.


Post 150


I agree Azahar,let us indeed return to the matters central to this thread....
a) Is Blickbadger guilty of the allegations made against him?
b) Should the actual perpetrator of the hoax be punished?

c) Is his (BB) accuser guilty of false accusation?
d) If so should they face censure/reparation for their actions?

Having been away let me recap for my own,if not others, benefit..As far as I know the saga began with apparition impersonating Blickybadger,by copying his home page and postings, the issuing of a serious death threat to Blicky ,then this, an official complaint...

Della said
“We are being harassed by a researcher who calls himself Blickybadger……….We want him deleted and blacklisted at the very least……..when I challenged him days ago, he had the nerve to try to imply that it had been done by other son”

When Blickbadger defends himself and suggests that Apparition may have been responsible – as it turned out,

Della goes on…..

“You are such liars, the pair of you. I am shocked at what h2g2 has become. You know full well that Apparition/Wraith did no such thing, and there is nothing, nothing at all you won't stoop to, you low life creeps”………adding “There is no kindness or genuine desire for mediation in them...”

Time goes by, as it does and the truth slowly dawns on della and clan, and so we get…..

Della in apologetic mode,

“Maths Wizard wants to apologise for the death threats (which believe me, he really meant) but if someone else is responsible, it's not at all unusual for us to suspect blickybadger…”

And now Maths wizard,( this time to Member)

“Who the hell do you think you are? How can you say such a stupid and insensitive thing as that? I can't think of the right thing to say to you, but if I could, it would be so offensive that you would want to kill me. It would be the kind of thing - like what you said - that would make you want to torture me, make me scream, make me apologise for ever being born. Because that's how I feel about you.”

Her we have the apology referred to later by Della,

“About the death threat. That was made by me…Now that I know that blickybadger was not responsible for the thing that I was so angry about, I apologise for making the threat”

Well that wasn’t bad, though he tends to make it a little half hearted by adding…..,

“And for the record, the reason I stayed away was because I have an important history assignment to finish, and actually still do, not at all because I knew I had done something wrong.”

Not exactly flush with remorse.

Still he made an interesting remark in the same post,

“It was something said in the heat of the moment, and the only reason it was in a posting made by Della was because she was logged in at the time, and posted what I said.”

So Della actually wrote out the threat and posted it.

On another post she says,

“The 'death threat' was uttered on my account yes, but not by me.”

Hmm perhaps first spoken by another in a room in her home, but then as we learnt from her son, SHE wrote it out and SHE posted it.

Again in the same post.

“We've acknowledged the error and apologised elsewhere”

And this is it,

“In know now that it wasn't blicky, and I am sorry that I nutted off at him - but the history with him was such that it was so easy for me to believe it was the kind of thing he *would* do! I over-reacted, and I am sorry.”


Time flowed; many attempts were made by several researchers to appease della, to appeal to her christian values, many calls for reconciliation. Till Blickbadger made this magnanimous gesture of peace,

“OK I’ve had a little think.

I don’t like to see people banned, freedom of speech blah blah

Equally I dont like to see people intimidated for any reason that they have no control over or for simply being in dispute with the one doing the intimidating. As this can lead to defacto bans and censorship of ideas in that people wont post what they really think for fear of being "set upon" in some way. Self moderation is an important part of this site. Not just the yikes button but that we talk to each other about and spend a little time thinking about, just which words we will and and will avoid using.

I wouls still like to see a proper apology from Della one where she does not half way through say that though I did not do what she accused me of it is still the kind of thing I would do, when I have never done anything of the sort.

I'd like to see apparition back who knows maybe he is?

The site needs different voices we should just be careful about how we use them. I feel this is the main lesson of this whole business, if we learn that it will be worth more to me and the site than any apology.

one love ”

It was duly brought to della attention three days ago, dellas’ response,

“Read and noted” , WOW, read AND noted, but wait there's more,

“Truth to tell, I am scared to contact him - for fear of being misunderstood”

What absolute poppycock! Della appears to have no difficulty in stating rather plainly her vitriol. The only misunderstanding would be on how sincere she would be…..yes so much safer not to try huh?

It was again pleaded by another researcher..

“Well Della it is up to you but I think you are missing an opportunity”

No reply by della so far…….

So della has not really apologised to Blick, by any measure that would equate with her actions and the violence of her accusations, yet still posts with ease. Hinting darkly at 'tough times for her' and 'letting drop' how timid she is in the face of some cruel opposition. She continues the farce that it was not her threat, though it is easily seen that it would not have made the light of day had not della written it out and posted it herself.

Not withstanding Blickys’ olive branch, so rudely dismissed, could you let me know whether investigations into this matter are still ongoing and when we might reasonably expect a outcome concerning my earlier questions?

My thanks,



Post 151


An excellent summary, Peckish! smiley - ok Gosh, that must have taken you ages to put together. Well done.



Post 152

Smij - Formerly Jimster

At the risk of repeating what Natalie has previously said, we have discussed this offsite with Della and with those Researchers who complained about the situation via the complaints system. I think Della now understands what actually happened here and knows that this kind of behaviour, no matter what the believed provocation or related circumstances, is unacceptable. Likewise, Blickybadger has made his position very clear in an eloquent and mature post to this very thread.


Post 153

badger party tony party green party

smiley - ta very much everyone.

As I have said this has taught me some very important lessons I hope they are apparent to others and we can all carry something useful forward from here.

I have been supported by some people willing to look a little deeper than surface accusations. Prepared to see that unfair and unjusttified accusations have not been left unsanswered.

It is hard for me to imagine how it will do anyone any good to have Della publicly flogged or either of her sons banned. What I hope happens next time someone does something similar again is that the same spirit is used to answer and combat such unfair use of this site. The Italics could have taken stronger and swifter action, but I think we have gotten more out of it by thrashing most of it out in public by the community. Hopefully the community will be better for it in the future.

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 154

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"It is hard for me to imagine how it will do anyone any good to have Della publicly flogged or either of her sons banned."

smiley - applause

Mate I think you have hit the nail on the head there; probably time to let sleeping dogs lie now... This thread has probably become quite circular and unproductive now. Hats off to you again Blicky...


Post 155


Hi Az,

No not too long, about an hour, what with all the back reading and copy and paste, most of it was just in a couple of threads.

Hi Blicky,

Congratulations on the upcoming nuptuals. As a twenty year veteran I can highly recommend it!

Apologies for having you to again visit the unpleasantness. I don't get on too often or for long and unfortunately I find dellas rudeness and insincere timidity quite galling. Coupled with her stated beliefs in an 'it', when she completely fails to show any compassion, remorse or forgiveness........ah well, you get the picture.

Hello Italics, I shall desist forthwith and posthaste, toodlepip!smiley - cheers all round.



Post 156

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well "Appari..." sorry "Dont Mind Me" why dont you post here and tell us what you think of the "Central Thread to the War"?


Post 157

Researcher 524695

smiley - smiley


Post 158

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

whats going on here ? and vampy u are awol thats what i believe.dont ask me how i know


Post 159

badger party tony party green party

It appears that the caps key on your key board is broken, that or you dont know where it is.

Oh you mean on the thread well I could type what has happened into this PC then press post and you would then hopefully read and understand it or I could cut out my laborious part in that and cut and paste from the thread or I could just tellyou to read the back log. Whcih would tell you what is happening here with out me doing much at all.

The last one sounds good to mesmiley - winkeye

good to see you baboon this thread needs a smiley - jester

smiley - rainbow


Post 160

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

a smiley - jester is that meant to be an insult? just asking before i answer back and get yikesed

Key: Complain about this post