A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14201

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me and smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spacesmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14202

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

*exorcises smiley - ghost* I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14203

Ivan the Terribly Average

I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14204


I win smiley - biggrin

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14205

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

For now though I win!smiley - ok

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14206

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hi Jaz'd! I just have time for a quick win before I get trapped in a meeting...

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14207

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me and smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spacesmiley - space We Win!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14208

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Looking into the Well of Souls and the multi coloured swirls spiralling down to the depths the farther away from the brink they are the more you can recognize the forms they had in life. Some seem to be engaged in pleasurable activities as they approach. Two or more forms joining just before they dissolve. Farther still some seem to kneel and before there the terror can be seen plainly in some that have yet to understand. In the terror zone faces can be discerned, anguished screams ring out in silence. Some claw at the sky in futile attempts to escape. There is no escape. Even farther out those that have no idea what is in store seem uneasy. Here you can plainly see the forms they had grotesque as they are their misdeeds draping them with formless dark and foretelling their fates soon to come. Some pass in beauty and peace swiftly through the terror zone hardly noticing those about them. Quickly moving into the center of the well and passing from sight. They are few, draped in light moving on to the next plain finished there time on this. All the others condemned to try again and pass this way uncounted times until...

they get it right.

Still me and smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14209

Ivan the Terribly Average

The meeting's over, so I'm free to win again.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14210

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me and smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - space We Win!!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14211

Ivan the Terribly Average

Now I'm home, so I can win at my leisure... smiley - bubblysmiley - magic

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14212

Call me Harry

I'll keep this simple so those with short attention spans can realize the futility of their puny attempts at surpassing my pre-eminence.

smiley - tongueout

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14213

Bobaah - MxLxHxC

Wrong, Yo'

T'is I, T3H W1NN4H

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14214

Ivan the Terribly Average

I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14215

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me andsmiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - tongueout

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14216

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.


The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14217

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spaceAnd smiley - ghost

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

smiley - nahnahsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnah
smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - nahnah

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14218

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Hello boys!!!

Now show a lady the good grace that your mothers taught you & let ME WIN!!!!!!!
smiley - smooch
*flutters eyelashes*

smiley - rofl

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14219

Soaring Kite


i winsmiley - aliensmile

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14220


i win smiley - zen

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The Last One To Post Here Wins

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