A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Three Ns

Post 94681

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

indeed it probably is. I for one like both.

i will be back in ten minutes once i have had a shower.

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94682

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Never watched much Doctor Who but I loves me some Pratchett.

The Three Ns

Post 94683


I knitted myself a Dr Who scarf. smiley - tardis and this time of year it is chilly enough to wear it. smiley - biggrin

The Three Ns

Post 94684

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

if i remember the tardis doen't have a heater smiley - brr

The Three Ns

Post 94685

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

David Tennatn <drool.

i think i miht have enough layers on now to go out in the snow for a little while.

back soon.

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94686

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

have fun but beware ice warriorssmiley - biggrin

The Three Ns

Post 94687

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

hehe, i just took a leisurly walk around the outside of the building enjoying being outside in the snow, i took a few pictures which i will no doubt stik on flickr later or withing the next few days, there was one interesting part, when i was scrambling through some bushes because i didnt realise that the path came to an end smiley - laugh i also notived that it is really difficult to see the edges of the kerbs, so i am going to have to be extra careful when i walk to church later.

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94688

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

well we did get some snow in england but only a light smattering

The Three Ns

Post 94689

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

it is abou two inches deep and still falling here. today is gonna be good as long as i behave myself and dont get into too many smiley - snowball fights!

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94690

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

smiley - brr
*looks out window*
i think the penguin has frozen

The Three Ns

Post 94691

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

are you sure thats a penguin KOTF? just looks lke the conifre bush covered with snow to me!

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94692

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

well its got a gun on it i'll go have a look
*leaves room and enters 5 mins later covered in snow*
its a penguin and i for got about the 6:11 goods with a snow plow

The Three Ns

Post 94693

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

$.11, oh the train, umm do you want what help a mouse can give with moving the stuff?

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94694

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

no,no just need to clean the snow off my self and thaw out this armed and dangerous penguin

The Three Ns

Post 94695

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

but KOTF, you are a smiley - dragon doesnt the snow melt when it toughes your scales anyway?

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94696

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

well it did melt but it was so cold outside it refroze

The Three Ns

Post 94697

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

ah i see smiley - winkeye

my concentrati9on is waning, so i am going to see if i can get an hour or so of sleep before i have to leave on my three mile trek to church.

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94698

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?


The Three Ns

Post 94699

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

i do feel somewhat more human now that i have had some sleep. Now to get ready to brave the elemenys again.

minismiley - mouse

The Three Ns

Post 94700

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

look the penguins defrosted
*points to shivering penguin by the fire*

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