Beer Review Page

29 Conversations

Welcome to the Beer Review Page (not to be confused with the Peer Review Page, which has an altogether more prosaic purpose), the area of h2g2 where you help me to decide which beers go into the Educated Gullet. You can tell me about your own favourites, or those of your friends, or those outstanding beers you've simply come across during your wanderings through life.

The h2g2 Scouts have the special job of finding and reviewing Entries, but anyone can suggest an beer on this page and add their own comments. However, before you endorse any beer, please make sure the beer you have in mind fits in with our Gustatorial Guidelines, and please don't recommend beers unless you think that they are truly well brewed and delicious. The community will1 comment on the beers that you have recommended, so be discerning.

How to Recommend a Beer

Once you've decided on the beer you'd like to recommend for inclusion in the Educated Gullet, please:
  • Remember to begin a new conversation for each recommended beer, maybe with a page number (ie A395624) of an Entry about the beer, and the name of the brewer as the subject of the conversation. To create a new conversation, click on the 'Discuss this Entry' button, and enter the AXXXXX number and the name of your recommended beer into the 'Subject' line.

If you think that the beers recommended are, indeed, wonderful, feel free to jump into the conversation and nod your assent - there's nothing better than a cheer of resounding agreement2. If you disagree, or think that more information needs to be added, please say so.

This system has the advantage that all Researchers can have their say, and we're hoping that these conversations will be incredibly busy3.

Happy recommending!

Important Clsing Comment

If all this talk of beer leaves you thirsty, there are two possibilites. The first is a trip to the Forum and Firkin where, through the miracles of the Guide, everyone knows your name; the other idea which ocurred to me today is a virtual beer-tasting. What do you think? If it seems like a runner, tell me here.

1hopefully, anyway2Except maybe a nice pint of beer3Especially as we're always looking for new beers to try

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