Guy Chapman? He's just zis Guy, you know?
Notice: Due to an increase in Things, I am rarely to be found hereabouts these days - but I've just found out what my username and password are, so at least I can now log in. You can contact me via my website or find me on uk.rec.cycling (also available via Google Groups).
Looking for a good cup of tea? |
Check here for important information on what is believed to be an emerging new field of mathematics, if only we could be bothered to find out.
My home page is at It's hosted, thanks to the miracle of dynamic DNS, on my server Zaphod at home. To send me an email try [email protected].
About Me
My name is Guy (see above) and I live in Reading, which was also my first Edited Entry. I am married to Felicity and we have two sons. I have a B Eng. 2:1 in Electrical Engineering frmo Southampton University.
I work in London and I get there by train and n a Brompton folding bicycle.
I do things around the house sometimes. I built a verandah with a bike shed underneath - I found out the hard way how to make staircases. Next time I'll do it better. I also sing in Reading Bach Choir and occasionally solo.
Note for those who are still here after all this rambling: the reason I keep typing "form" instead of "from" and so on is that when I was very small I ironed my left hand, which made it nice and flat; also, I found, quite uncomfortable for a period of several months, especially the months when it was bandaged. In those days (reaches under desk for flat cap and semi-lunettes) they didn't give you physiotherapy, so my left hand moves at roughly half the speed of my right. Thus I cannot play the piano, or touch-type. I can, however, dislocate the fingers of my left hand. For some reason this is seen as a less useful social attribute than pianism.
Those entries in full.....
These are some entries I call my own. There are others, but I only contributed to them in passing. These are all or mostly my own work:
Continued at page 94.
The Chapman PagesSETI@home
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Apple Computer
Cray Research
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Hi Guy | Dec 2, 2016 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Jan 29, 2007 |
Happy 6th Hootooversary! | Aug 22, 2005 |
Your attention? | Feb 17, 2005 |
Updating Brussels | Jun 23, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Hi Guy | No Posting | Dec 2, 2016 |
Theramin | Jan 7, 2001 | Apr 12, 2014 |
Theramin | Jan 7, 2001 | Apr 12, 2014 |
A436682 - Ricecakes | No Posting | Apr 12, 2014 |
Oh Dear | No Posting | Apr 12, 2014 |
Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence
Researcher U54363
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