A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 101

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

no worries lass lost a brother to the drink last summer he was only 50 still dealing with thatsmiley - wizard

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 102


Hi everyone

I wanted to say a special hi to Della, I have not experienced losing a family member in such a way. I imagine the heartache must be tremendous, and with an ill son at the same time, your worries sound very big. I am so sorry you are going through all this and that your paranoia is coming out because of it. Hang on in there, you have a lot of people who care about you, that must be because you are a lovely person to know! smiley - cuddle

Crazyhorse, that sucks to wake up in a hospital bed like that, and your brother had the same problem, I guess it runs in your family then. Good luck with the tests and keep smiling, that may trite, but sometimes I don't really know what to say, but smiles seem like a good place to start. smiley - smiley

Hi Vixen, seems like you started a good place to talk when you started this thread.smiley - hug

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 103

Researcher 556780

I simply can't imagine..smiley - sadface

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 104

Researcher 556780

Aww thanks Kaz smiley - hugsmiley - ok

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 105

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i'm havin a larf laughter is the he best medicinesmiley - wizard

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 106

Researcher 556780

Very true....smiley - smiley

Gotta dash and throw the G at the bus and run up cardiac hill to work....smiley - puff back laters sometime ~waves~smiley - run

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 107

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

have a goodun lass

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 108


If laughter is the best medicine then can we use someone really unfunny as a weapon of war? Suggestions?

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 109


Keep laughing crazyhorse, thats gotta help.

Do you want to talk more about your drinking habits, I am happy to listen. Its not something I understand in the same way, sometimes I need a drink, but one beer or glass or wine is all I need. I drank myself into oblivion as a student, but didn't we all?smiley - winkeye

I like the way booze makes me feel, but again as I do not need much of it, it never becomes a problem for me. I have eaten choc until I was feeling sick though, so I kinda understand a little about compulsions that make you ill but you continue them anyway.

Have a smiley - tea
smiley - laugh

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 110

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

unfunny weapons+george dubya.....ive been there with chocolate...but i reckon tobbacco is the we worst,,,could use a decent joint fer a changesmiley - wizard

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 111

Number Six

Marvin, you've got a point there. After all, they always send out Jim Davidson to entertain the troops...

smiley - mod

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 112


I read that they also sent out some of the actors from Stargate to entertain troops! Weird!

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 113

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

monty python defeated the entire german army with one joke

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 114

Researcher 556780

From Stargate, who would've thought!

Hey all smiley - biggrin how is everyone?

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 115

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

not bad how was work lass?

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 116

Researcher 556780

Busy, busy..charging up and down the wards, running patients over and delivering stuff to all the wrong areas....smiley - laugh

Nah...not really, just busy, I exaggerate as usual smiley - winkeye...I'm very courteous and happy smiley and sedately move in a quiet frenzy...smiley - smiley

I have to pop off again inna mo and get dinner on the go, I thought hubbie was working late again tonite, but he just e-mailed so I'd better go throw some chicken in t'oven!

smiley - biggrin

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 117

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

good onye make sure it's hotsmiley - wizard

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 118

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Thank you, Kaz. What I meant about paranoia, is about illness, I have always worried about either of my sons being ill... (I couldn't care less about my own health, especially now.)Thanks for your support.smiley - smiley

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 119

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Jim Carrey, or Adam Sandler would be favourite...

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 120


Hi Della, I never answered your question about whether I believe in reincarnation. Before I had my breakdown, I believed in reincarnation very strongly. After my breakdown, I was not so sure, I doubted every thing in my life. Gradually, I grew back into a belief that there is an afterlife, and that it is some sort of combination of heaven and reincarnation. I think if people reincarnate, it is because they want to - to experience the thrill of being alive, and to help the world grow. I think anyone who would rather stay in heaven can, and that we can always recognize our loved ones on the other side. I think people in heaven can appear as any of there incarnations - that just makes sense to me. I'm a Universalist - I don't believe in hell. I believe what I believe mainly because of 1)dreams I have had 2)precognitive events I've experienced 3)books I've read, like Life After Life, 4)psychics I have seen or known and 5)just my own gut feelings.

smiley - towel JEllen

PS Maybe we should start up a thread just about reincarnation!

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