A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 61


Hi guys,

Wanted to clarify - I wasn't actually maced - the police just threatened to mace me. Luckily they did not follow through on the threat.

I still love listening to music - it just isn't as intensely amazing as when I was manic. smiley - smiley


Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 62

Researcher 556780

Hey Della,smiley - smiley

Some people like to be able to deal with the problems they have themselves and are only willing to share after the event when they have come to terms with it. At least he tells you eventually. smiley - biggrin

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 63

Researcher 556780

Glad you wasn't actually maced JEllen smiley - ok did you get my e-mail? I thanked you for sending me your picture to look at, cos it made me smile...so BRIGHT smiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 64

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< At least he tells you eventually.>>
Yes, that's great!

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 65


Hi Vixen, yah I got your email.smiley - ok Glad you liked my sun picture.smiley - rainbow H2g2 was having technical difficulties tonight, it was so frustrating not being able to get on!

You'll never guess what was on the Craig Kilburn show this week. They actually had a character called "Bipolar Bob", making fun of manic depression. I was really horrified, I hope people don't see me that way. I feel like writing him and saying why don't you do a "Cancer Carl", as long as you are poking fun at people with illness.

smiley - towel JEllen

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 66

Number Six

That's rotten! smiley - grr Go on, write the letter before you calm down... I work in the media and it's surprising how much notice they do actually take of people who write in - particularly if it's a written letter rather than an email.

I'm not quite sure why this is in that last case, but anyway...

smiley - mod

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 67


Good idea. I just wrote him an email. (Not going to waste a stamp for that, LOL)

smiley - ta JEllen

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 68


Go for it JEllen, sounds very insensitive. I often say I will complain about things and never get around to it, e-mail does make complaining easier!

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 69

Number Six

True - although it's also easier to ignore, though... production staff can usually get away with deleting emails, but somehow it's harder to chuck away a physical paper letter and get away with it.

But nice work at getting round to complaining anyway smiley - ok

smiley - mod

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 70

Researcher 556780

Hey JEllen, sounds like that show, with Bipolar Bob really hit a dischord with you. Not having seen the show, or having heard of Craig Kilburn I can't judge how tasteless it was.

Considering how you felt I'm glad that you wrote to the show about it, however I agree that a handwritten letter always packs a better punch right between the eyes, at least its off yer chest now, and someone had to read it - keep us posted if you get any replies smiley - ok

My view about the subject of humour about mental illness, is that people have a hard time dealing with some of these issues and wrapping their heads around other peoples mental issues - and sometimes comedy can be a good way of getting messages and thoughts across. Sometimes people deal with pain allot better with a black humor.

I also happen to think that the saying 'those who laugh the hardest are more often than not those who cry the hardest' and altho the show's character Bipolar Bob was not to your taste - perhaps others may find it amusing and takes the edge of their own worries. Ah dunno, just speculating...also to coin anuffer phrase *rolls eyez at self smiley - winkeye
*you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time* or something like that. The also hard hitting point to my mind is that it also brings to the attention that Bipolar is not uncommon anymore, something to muse on.

smiley - tea

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 71

Researcher 556780

Do I sound really opinionated and a knowall? I do hope not, just sharing my thoughts on subjects smiley - ok I always open to new ideas and try to get mi head around different ways of thinkin smiley - smiley Suggestions welcome!

By the way I was thinking about this walking upto library, that show, mebbe at the end as a nice afterthought they could've posted along with the credits, helplines as such, for bipolar disorder to show that they are sensitive to others emotions about the humor portrayed...or mebbe it just wasn't that kind of show...I know some programs do that, like say for instance...errr smiley - erm..off the top of me head...EastEnders - when they cover issues they give out advice helplines..n' stuff..after the show/episode has ended, which I think is wonderful.

Isn't there still a program kicking around called 'Points of View'?

smiley - tea

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 72

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

well as a group therapy session i must say this is most cathartic got to amit never er heard of hypomania

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 73

Researcher 556780

'ello crazyhorse..smiley - tongueout

I had to go look that word up, not come across it before...smiley - laugh

Got anything you need to purge, or something you might like to vent, or an axe to grind..hmm?

smiley - teasmiley - cool

I had never heard of hypomania either...smiley - laughsmiley - runsmiley - magic

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 74


I dunno what I've got...probably just depression. Scary statistic - ten percent of teenagers will experiment with self harm at least once. Scares me, and I'm one of the ten percent. Prolly less then ten percent try it more than once.

Thing is, it's incredibly hard to stop doing. The endorphins released become addictive - it has pretty much the same intensity as a heroin addiction, as the chemicals are basically the same.

Ah weel. At least I'm still alive...although, being a Cristian, don't consider dying the end, so suicide less attractive.

Better to die, and make an end...better still to never have begun.

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 75

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

My brother just did (2 and a half weeks ago) commit suicide - and I believe he was a Christian... I think he'd just taken his eyes off God, and therefore lost sight of the goal.
I know about depression,(I just wanted to follow him) because it's common in the whole family which is probably one of the reasons he did what he did - he wouldn't seek help because he thought of his *extreme* as normal!
I don't know what country you're in, Changeling, but there are some good school counsellors out there (my son has seen one to deal with ehat happened to his uncle) and they *do* respect confidentiality. Please, at least enquire!

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 76


Hi Vixen,

Jumping back a few posts, as to black humor and dealing with illness, I do usually keep my sense of humor about my experiences. This is something that happened to me, true story, which I find hilarious: When I had my mania in '93 I thought that Nazis where reestablishing themselves, and taking over the government. And I thought I was the reincarnation of a WWII resistence fighter. So when they sent me to the hospital, guess which doctor they assigned to me. A German one!! smiley - laugh He had a heavy, heavy German accent. He said, "I'm Dr. So and So, and I'm here to help you." And I said, "Yaaaaaaaaah, right!" Not funny at the time, but very very funny afterwards.

smiley - laugh JEllen

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 77


Sorry to hear about your brother Della.

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 78

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Thank you, JEllenJ42.
That's partly why I am on this thread - because I have been so sensitised to the fears and dangers of depression and related things...
As to your posting above, about your experience - I suppose it *is* funny in retrospect! (BTW, do you believe in reincarnation? I do...)

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 79

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i think hand written replyies are more effective due due to the high rate of illiteracysmiley - 2cents

Hypomania - a mental illness

Post 80

Researcher 556780

Changling - I do hope that you learn to control your self harming, have you seen anyone or talking to anyone at all, apart from mentioning it here?

Maybe you feel right now it might be better to die, but what if you miss out on feeling something worthwhile?

As for better not to have begun - I'm sure your parent/s/guardians don't feel that way about you.smiley - smiley

You know sporting activities realease much the same sort of addictive endorphin rush..as with exercising and body building stuff.

smiley - smiley

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