A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 2, 2003
Ideas can be confusing, especially when I'm trying to tell them
I'm answering your questions.
Soul is not completely seperate, it is what you are made of but it is not a physical thing. It is the spark inside you that survives physical death of the body.
You can't touch it or see it, but you can feel it.
This is what I believe; the thing we call God is made up of everybodies soul. Soul is an energy.
I believe that soul takes on a physcial body to experience things of the body
Love - hate
Anger - Forgiveness.
Pain - Comfort.
Sadness - happiness.
Life - Death.
It is impossible to fully feel one without the other.
We would not understand the meaning of the word hot if there were no cold. There would be no up if there were no down.
When a body dies , the soul part of the person returns to the energy source from where it came.
I believe in reincarnation, which seems logical to me to explain why people can die without apparently experiencing a full life.
Therefore, there is an opportunity for another experience in another body.
Soul is you, in many forms and the choices it makes, the destiny of the body, the fate of the body is your souls choice, just as you might drive a car and make the choice of the direction you travel in.
(really bad ananlogy ! )
The body is not as important as the soul, it's merely a 'coat' to be worn to experience all that life has to offer, which includes the good and the bad. although to soul/god all experiences are valuable.
From each experience, the soul/god learns and evolves.
I am not condoning the actions of the those who make other people suffer in this world, by saying that they know not what they do.
out of the blue
%- | ? Posted Feb 2, 2003
A. so, i can better understand your conceptualization of the "soul", could you answer these questions?
1.there is ONE "soul"?
2.if the "soul" "decides" on the destiny of a particular life of a certain human being before incorporating the "soul's" essence into the physical body, are we to think of the "soul" as an entity that is sencient and "thinks" in a similar manner to humans?
B.and, i was wondering why it is more reasonable for you to believe in the "soul" than what amanda and i believe in: that we are here as accidents of nature. something that came about because we COULD. because the physical laws of this universe were such that we COULD eventually come to exist somewhere, sometime, on some planet .
furthermore, that all of our lives have no intrinsic meaning. we are simply biological beings driven by the same things as all other organisms, with the addition of large neocortices, leading to engagement in higher cognitive functioning, leading to many layers of illusions, complicating things tremendously...
why is the latter less reasonable?
peteY out
out of the blue
Amanda Posted Feb 2, 2003
If the soul is a separate part of us, surely that makes us like simbient beings. Two in one. A soul and a 'us' thing. Human?
I can't buy that.
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 3, 2003
2. The soul is aware, thought is not the same without a physical body.
B. It is not more reasonable, it is just different. I think I explained why the idea of a life of random chaos, followed by biological and final death does not appeal to me.
It feels perfectly pointless to me.
Is the universe pointless or does it's existence have a meaning.
Isn't this random chaos theory (which it still is) based on cynicism?
certainly like my ideas it is not based on provable fact.
So you have chosen to believe in the pointlessness of living a life and I have chosen to believe it has some meaning.
so the reasonableness is based on how we feel about the lives we live.
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 3, 2003
When a soul inhabits a body it is not two different and separate things. Your brain does not 'inhabit' your body, it is part of it.
Your soul is your conscious, it does not inhabit your body it is part of it and what makes you, YOU.
so soul is simply that part of you that carries on when the body dies.
out of the blue
If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 Posted Feb 3, 2003
If our life is determened before we r born then wat about other people actions, say one persons life was meant to be a homisidle maniach and he kills hundreds of people and one of them was me, would my soul have decided that or could that person have ruined my souls intentions?
out of the blue
If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 Posted Feb 3, 2003
u say our soul is on a journey, so wat will happen when that journey is finished?
out of the blue
Noggin the Nog Posted Feb 3, 2003
Intrinsic adj. from within, having internal value, inherent.
Any meaning our lives have must be intrinsic; to answer the question, "Where does meaning come from?" requires the assumption that there must be no meaning at the beginning, or you're just begging the question. There may be no question begging answer, of course.
out of the blue
%- | ? Posted Feb 3, 2003
sometimes i wonder if my life had been more pleasant, would i think that there is intrinsic meaning in life
but based upon my life and the ideas that i somehow came to adopt, i must consider the universe to be without a "meaning" as most people think of "meaning".
and it seems that i'm not alone.
hmm... i wonder if we've all had messed up lives
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 4, 2003
If you were the victim or the maniac *you* would have chosen either role when you were in a level of consciousness that realises that things that happen on earth are part of an illusion.
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 4, 2003
What happens when you journey is complete, through many lives, is that you remain within the energy source that you originated from. what you have expereinced in lives adds to the some total of the knowledge with evolves the energy source that people call God.
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 4, 2003
Our lives have no intrinsic meaning
Add; to our bodies,
Is the universe pointless, or does its existence have meaning.
This was a simple question.
you could have said;
what is the definition of all of the words I used to make it more complicated
I raised the question therefore it exists . Another
The meaning of life begins where life begins.
out of the blue
Amanda Posted Feb 4, 2003
The Raelians (THInk that is how you spell it) sect, believe we are the product of the cloning process started by aliens.
This puts another slant on things, could we have been designed as a new race to live here on earth and therefore our meaning is to continue an alien race?
OR something like that.
There are well over 200 main and recognised religions in the world, and no one knows which if any of them are correct. Maybe this is what happened.
I would be interested in your views on this.
OR should I start a new forum on the sect?
Amanda, over and out.
out of the blue
If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 Posted Feb 4, 2003
i think that outside our universe there is a race of aliens that create universes for some reason or other, so we therefore see them as gods, for they created us, maybe if we do something right watever that may be, we will go to them and recieve inmortality and super inteligence
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 4, 2003
YES I've read about this sect , but only in reference to their claims that they have cloned the first human baby.
I note that they have not given any evidence for this even though they now have something like (US) a court order to provide evidence.
Personally what ever I believe, I wouldn't get involved with sects or cults.
Their bottom line seems to be control over lives as are many religions.
If you want to discuss it here, that's fine, but I shall be answering from an unknowledgable position.
I'd suggest why use clones of themselves when the birth process works so well. All *they* would have to do is add to the primeval soup to generate life.
The funny thing is that most religious people would agree that their idea of God as something that is not of this earth means by defintion of the word that God is an alien, but the science fiction connotations would have them deny the use of the word.
I personally don't see god as having any physical form, otherwise it negates my ideas.
People seem always looking for somebody else to tell them how they should feel about God and there is no reason why they cannot make the connection themselves from their own experiences
If it makes you happy to believe this, so be it.
I would ask the question why would they do it and never return (apparently) to see what became of their universes and what is their purpose.
I often wonder if the whole point of evolution is extinction as other models have shown us.
out of the blue
If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 Posted Feb 4, 2003
well about the cloning thing they can use it to provide organs, say if i need i new heart, make a clone and steal its heart.
Reasons for those aliens making universe, well if i knew that i would know the meaning of life, when u think about it, we r basicly doing the same thing with clones, EXPERIMENTING they might be doing this to help them in science, see wat sort of things we do, and it doesnt actually make me happy to think this i just think its a bit more scientifically believable than god, though this is unknown force which no one has yet to physicly explain, maybe he might exist, but also there is the question of how such a being could have come into existance
out of the blue
Amanda Posted Feb 4, 2003
Their bottom line seems to be control over lives as are many religions.
How So? Religions do not control over your life. I am not religious as you know, but I know people from different religeons and they are not being controlled by anyone but themselves. They are rational people and believe in something for a reason. Not because they are being ruled over.
YOU "I would ask the question why would they do it and never return (apparently) to see what became of their universes and what is their purpose"
ME - They are 'seen' in the skies all the time. Apparently they do not want to scare us or something and will not come to earth and say 'Hi' until we agree to it. A council is being set up on earth on our behalf by Raelions (Spelling) and when we get a international committee to convince us we were cloned by these beings and they are our friends, not our enemies, they will land at a designated place at a designated time and come in peace.
out of the blue
hasselfree Posted Feb 4, 2003
Religion is about control. i didn't use the 'rule over' words.
we have a choice.
A person does not have to know they are being controlled for it to be so.
Religions can tell you what to think, what to eat and how to live.
Some religious control helps people to sustain a better life, some have them committing mass suicide.
Any religion brainwashes people, example fundamental muslims coercered into crashing planes into buildings in the name of Allah.
although I think it is unlikely that allah directly told them to do so, but more likely a controlling human said that Allah would be pleased at this terror.
George bush uses Christinaity to control the feeling of Americans and tell them that other people are evil.
humans control other humans by telling them god said so and that they are too insignificant for God to tell them himself so a go between has to be employed.
I can't see why this should be so.
I'll ask you the same questiona about Realiens you have asked me about my beliefs.
How do you know this? Has a higher power told you it is true?
Do you have a personal expereince of alien life?
when I think about a theory of the meaning of life I like to have answer to all the feasables that staisfy me. such as
Why, how and what comes next.
Realiens, seems to me to be very like a container cult. That is a tribe of unknowing natives who saw an aeroplane in the sky, decided it was God and that god would deliver them from starvation and all the other ills of mankind. so they stopped growing food and hunting and began to build a runway and sat and waited and waited for God to bring them salvation. This didn't happen and the tribe died waiting.
This is the sort of religious idea that we are not responsible for our own lives and that we are in the power of unseen forces who may or may not 'rescue' us.
in other words we are helpless to the whims of higher beings and therefor can do nothing ourselves.
imagining the scenerio to be true, it would be a happy day that peaceful aliens landed - for those who are alive at that time and a miserable idea for the billions who did not make it to the designated place.
out of the blue
Amanda Posted Feb 4, 2003
How do you know this? Has a higher power told you it is true?
Do you have a personal expereince of alien life?
No, I do not believe it, but I can not dismiss it as I have no evidence it is wrong as they have no evidence they are correct.
Although, they do state on their web site that they have been visited.
I do not know why we are here, nor do I care to be honest.
We are here and thats that. We will die as well.
Religions are born out of of cults, you can not slag them off for having the bottle to start a group.
I do not believe in your brainwashing theory.
People often 'see the light' and reach for a religion, they are not gotten at by a group of people and forced to believe what they want them to believe.
I am off now, need some food.
out of the blue
%- | ? Posted Feb 4, 2003
i consider the raelian cloning thing to be as believable as santa claus, the Keebler elves, the easter bunny, Snap, Krackle, and Pop [of rice krispies], the tooth fairy, and God. don't forget God.
as manda said, ya can't prove it. ya can't DISprove it.
so, all you can do is make fun of it.
petey out!
Key: Complain about this post
out of the blue
- 301: hasselfree (Feb 2, 2003)
- 302: %- | ? (Feb 2, 2003)
- 303: Amanda (Feb 2, 2003)
- 304: hasselfree (Feb 3, 2003)
- 305: hasselfree (Feb 3, 2003)
- 306: If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 (Feb 3, 2003)
- 307: If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 (Feb 3, 2003)
- 308: Noggin the Nog (Feb 3, 2003)
- 309: %- | ? (Feb 3, 2003)
- 310: hasselfree (Feb 4, 2003)
- 311: hasselfree (Feb 4, 2003)
- 312: hasselfree (Feb 4, 2003)
- 313: Amanda (Feb 4, 2003)
- 314: If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 (Feb 4, 2003)
- 315: hasselfree (Feb 4, 2003)
- 316: If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42 (Feb 4, 2003)
- 317: Amanda (Feb 4, 2003)
- 318: hasselfree (Feb 4, 2003)
- 319: Amanda (Feb 4, 2003)
- 320: %- | ? (Feb 4, 2003)
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