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any good at riddle's ?

Post 121

McKay The Disorganised


any good at riddle's ?

Post 122


RE: post 108

"That man" is the speaker's son.

any good at riddle's ?

Post 123


Yes, that one is much easier if you replace 'my father's son' with 'me'. (The only other option is 'my brother', and the question said I don't have any.)

I still never saw answers to:

Post 1 riddle 3

Post 14 riddle 2
Post 14 riddle 4

Post 15 riddle 1
Post 15 riddle 3

Gif smiley - geek

any good at riddle's ?

Post 124

McKay The Disorganised

Post 1 riddle 3 I'm still stuck on that too smiley - headhurts

Post 14 - riddle 2 - Dunno.
riddle 4 - The two men are playing chess - one makes winning move then leaps up and bangs head. ( Has cramp, is hit by opponant, whatever)

Post 15 Riddle 1 - OK make yourself comfortable. The winner says his dot is blue. Why ? As all 3 of then can see blue on one of the others then it cannot be that all 3 are red. If the man can see blue and red, then his own can't be red because otherwise the man with the blue dot would not be able to see any blue and would not have raised his hand. If he can see 2 blue dots, then theoretically his own could be red - but if that was the case then one of the others would have worked out the answer above. Therefore all the dots are blue. smiley - ok

Riddle 3 assuming that is A man and not A aman and this is a religous riddle smiley - smiley fell from an aeroplane is the answer and froze on the way down, though I think he should have smashed to pieces on landing! So ammending the standard answer. The guy is attempting a free fall parachute record, however gets caught in an updraft and is repeatedly blown into the stratosphere, eventually he drops and the parachute is automatically triggered at its minimum height, and opens. Alas still being froxen it can't take the strain, and the harness snaps. Leaving the body to plummet a shorter distance. smiley - wow

any good at riddle's ?

Post 125

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Post 14, #4: smiley - ok Yep smiley - smiley

any good at riddle's ?

Post 126


Re:post14 #3
Is he painting white lines on a road ?

any good at riddle's ?

Post 127

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin


While I'm here, virtually all the bits are there for the answer to post 14 #2... you just have to put it all together... smiley - winkeye

any good at riddle's ?

Post 128

McKay The Disorganised

OK 14#2 - The man has recently had an operation on his eyes. Whilst on the train back home he decides to remove the bandages to see if the operation has been a success. As the train is in a tunnel and everything is dark he thinks its been a failure and throws himself off the train because he cannot face life blind ?

smiley - ok ????

any good at riddle's ?

Post 129

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

That's close enough for me! smiley - ok

That's why it had to be an old train, see. All the new ones have lights in them... smiley - winkeye

any good at riddle's ?

Post 130


Hi all, long time no text smiley - biggrin
I have a very good reason.... it involves straw baling, my hands and a baling machine... and some bloody good luck.
I had promised to fill in the missing riddles then suffered a mishap. while trying to free the bale twine the baler decided to eat my fingers.... typing in cot bandages is nigh on impossible as you press three keys at once! but now i'm back at almost 50% efficiency! just the one hand.... smiley - groan Must struggle on.....
Apologies aside i will now leave and add something more appropriate next thread.... Ciao
Beeg smiley - biggrin

any good at riddle's ?

Post 131

McKay The Disorganised

Could almost be a riddle - Why did The Beegle stop posting and change his name to RTYghjwer VBNwerwerfghkl;wer ? smiley - ok

any good at riddle's ?

Post 132


Thanks McKay..... A good riddle if ever was one posed! smiley - biggrin
good news is that my fingers now work even in an upward downward movement which is very good.... even the Doctor is pleased... now that is saying something.... he's the kind of GP that says 'Does that hurt?' and when you say 'Yes.... OW YES!' he does exactly what he just did but harder or at an even more abrupt angle.... Sadist Doctors....
On the riddle front... I posed verbally the St. Ives riddle to one of my peers the other day and not only had he never heard of it he also got it wrong.... AMAZING!
TTFN smiley - biggrin

any good at riddle's ?

Post 133


this riddle was solved by 70% of preschoolers tested and 17% of stanford uni students "what is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you will die?

any good at riddle's ?

Post 134



What gets wetter as it dries?

Gif smiley - geek

any good at riddle's ?

Post 135

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

A smiley - towel.

What gets bigger the more you take away?

any good at riddle's ?

Post 136


A whole?

any good at riddle's ?

Post 137

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

A whole what?

any good at riddle's ?

Post 138

star of taliesin

A bag with 10 red balls and 10 blue balls. Howmany balls do you have to take out of the bag (without looking, obviously smiley - smiley) to have at least two of one or the other colour in your hand?


any good at riddle's ?

Post 139

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Just three.

any good at riddle's ?

Post 140


OK, you have 10 piles of 20 coins each. One pile is all fake coins, the other nine piles are all real coins. You have one set of scales (the electric type, not the balance-type). You know that a real coin weighs 1 ounce and a fake weighs 1.1 ounces.

How many weighings must you make to find out which pile contains the fakes?

Gif smiley - geek

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