A Conversation for The Kingdom of Balwyniti

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 361

Lady Scott

no.. hardly at all.

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 362



Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 363

Lady Scott

You wouldn't care to explain it to me, would you?

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 364



The above is a link to a scorecard, now which bits dont you understand smiley - huh

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 365

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - biggrin

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 366

Lady Scott

Maybe I should send you a link for directions for crocheting an afghan or doily... see how you like reading gobbledygook...smiley - winkeye

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 367


I'll have you know I can crochet smiley - biggrin

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 368

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Im gonna have to leave the run explanation a bit longer I'm afraid, as I am off to bed - need to be up in time for the england match after all...

Goodnight you guys, see youse later
smiley - hugvp

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 369


smiley - hug

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 370

Lady Scott

smiley - wow

So tell me... how/when/why did you learn to crochet?

And what have you crochted lately? smiley - winkeye

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 371


recently nothing (same goes for knitting) but I did whip up a shirt on the sewing machine a couple of monrths back smiley - smiley as when, as a kid smiley - smiley

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 372

Lady Scott

You are truly amazing...

So who taught you these skills? Or are you just so smart you picked them up on your own?

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 373


the sewing I picked up doing historic reanctments, the knitting & crocheting from my original mother smiley - winkeye

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 374

Lady Scott

wow... neat... you just amaze me sometimes...

How about cross stich, ever done any of that?

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 375


I'm not a great man for the technical terms of these things so er.. maybe smiley - erm

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 376

Lady Scott

Counted cross stitch is worked from a graphed chart, where symbols in the little squares represent different colors of embroidery floss to be used. All stitches form an "x", and they're worked by stiching in the spaces between threads on even-weave fabric to form a picture of some sort. I've done tons of cross stitch....I still have stacks of finished pieces that I need to frame, or make into pillows, or christmas ornaments...

How about basket weaving?

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 377


I not done embroidery since i wuz at school, no to baskett weaving but I did do a bit of brass rubbing as a kid ...

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 378

Lady Scott


Now, if I could just figure out what brass rubbing has to do with Cricket...smiley - huh

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 379


not a lot apart from the fact that it some thing to do if the match is rained off smiley - winkeye

Balwyniti Cricket Pavilion

Post 380

Shea the Sarcastic

I have a question ... this is Balwyniti, correct? So why do we have to know *how* to play Balwyniti Cricket? Shouldn't we just play?

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