A Conversation for The Meanings of Usernames


Post 541


big job this..I'll do my best Tefkat

Trillion.....a mathmetician....you are good with figures perhaps have to balance a budget?
trillion is also a former Chicago band..so an interest in music.
The Trillion atom is what they have used in the first experiments in transportation...perhaps sometimes you would like to say "beam me up Scotty" to get away for a while.
entity formerly known as..you feel you have changed...your life may now be different in some way
heinz 57 suggests you have to play a lot of roles in life but because Heinz 57 is a whole ..you keep it all together
Peace bear....you have to keep the peace between others either at home or work..you would also like some peace yourself!
Smilodon fatalis was a sabre toothed cat ..large and menacing..you have claws and will fight for your family and your rights..but you want people to know you are not a push over.
cafe au lait is a mild coffee showing your mothering side and empathy for those in pain..it is also a website devoted to JAVA script..showing your interest in web sites and computers.
Madame Kat shows your sexy side...it sounds like a lady of sexual persuasions..and you not too old yet to enjoy what life has to offer.
Tefkat is like teflon..a non stick cat..nothing sticks to you or gets you down for long. you may get exasperated sometimes with what life throws at you but you are a fairly feet on the ground sort of person

any good tefkat?


Post 542


smiley - wow That was surprisingly accurate - though not always for the reasons I thought I'd chosen the names. (Cue 'Twilight Zone' music)

Thanks Tabs. smiley - kiss

(Heinz 57 is what I put on forms that ask for ethnicity and café-au-lait is a more polite name for my skin colour than khaki (or cacky smiley - ill)


Post 543


thank you. smiley - blush I do my best.

Hello... Still open for business?

Post 544

Pug the Mini-physicist

I'm Pug the Mini-Physicist, aka ellierigsby. This analysis thing you do is really cool! COuld you have a bash at my name?

Analysis, please

Post 545

Researcher 199529

Thi is a test, im new to this

Analysis, please

Post 546


I haven't forgotten you ..I'm just back at work..will post your analysis tomorrow,smiley - ok

Analysis, please

Post 547


Pug ..a dog that is ugly but cute and a pedigree..also a computer programme club in Europe for Linux. It's also the name of an underground magazine.So an interest in computers ,you are not too keen on how you look ,a little self conscious,but like to be a bit different.You are a pedigree though!I think you are female.
Mini...suggests you are either small or just starting out..a student perhaps?
Physicist ..laws of nature and maths...You would like to know how things work...a natural curiosity.
Ellie Rigsby..either a name you use in a group or club ..or after the beatles song....I hope you don't keep your face in a jar by the door.An interest in music not necessarily modern music.
I think you are quite upbeat but I'm not sure if you are young or young at heart
any good?

Analysis, please

Post 548


Kiddo 25

There was a basketball or base ball star called kiddo Davis who starting playing professional at 25 ..so a sports fan?
25 could be your age or you had to add a number to your user Id at some point because there were other people with that name..
I think you are either a parent or perhaps you don't want to grow up..a peter pan..there's nothing wrong with that..you can relive your childhood through your own children.
You could enjoy fantasy games/ideas such dragons etc.
kiddo is a friendly term so a friendly sort of person., easy going.
Not a lot to go on I'm afraid but let me know if any of it is right.

Analysis, please

Post 549


Would you be good enough to analyse me please?

Toccata smiley - smiley

Analysis, please

Post 550

Pug the Mini-physicist

well, pug is bit of an obscure thing. Its a name that came from nowhere to be honest, and its a term of endearment amongst my friends. (Not because I'm ugly, or a computer geek)
Yeah, i'm a student scientist.

Ellie rigsby comes from my actual name and a univeristy nickname.
Upon finding my name is Eleanor, some wits think its funny and origianl to call me Rigby after the beatles song. this became corrupted to rigsby, because it sounded better in my accent.

Its weird, but most of your personality things are right. And I am young.

Analysis, please

Post 551


Toccata...sounds italian...are you a foodie or music lover?
Toccata is something to do with touch...either you want to be touched or you don't because you have been hurt.
Music of complexity i think..you are a quite complex person at the moment...it may not be a permanent state ..it is how you are feeling at the moment..not sure of what the future holds.
Toccata is the name of a braille software programme..touch again..perhaps a feeling of blindness again....not knowing what is going to happen next.On a lighter level it can show an interest in computers.
It is also the name given to some research done on road holding..an interest in cars or something similar...you like speed.
Toccata is the name given by some to a Mutant egg plant...perhaps you feel a mutant in that you no longer fit in to your old plans for life. you have left some of it behind and are moving on.You feel different, don't fit a mold.
It is also the maker of vintage toy trains..again transport and moving on.
I am not sure if you are male or female but think you are female. you've been through something and are now coming out of the other side ready to start again. Just like music going from a single chord to an orchestral peice.
I could be completely wrong but I get a feeling of worry now going away. I'm a psychologist not a psychic but I do sometimes get things from people's names of how they felt when they chose that name.

Analysis, please

Post 552


smiley - wow Do you look at home pages, or do you work blind?

That I'm Female, just got divorced and an ex biker is stated there.

I chose the name about a year ago, when The divorce was a bit messy.

Not Italian, but I do like Toccata & Fuge in D Minor By JS Bach, its the piece thats used in the old Hammer Vampire films smiley - vampire

The touching bit wasn't lost on me though, I can be quite Tactile smiley - winkeye

Foodie, Hmm well, I DO like to cook & eat smiley - bigeyes but I'm not into the trendy stuff.

As for the not fitting in, again as mentioned on my home page, I have really found out who my friends are in the last year or so, and am slowly developing new ones.

I'm not sure where things are going, but I'm having fun finding out smiley - winkeye

Analysis, please

Post 553


I don't look at home pages cos that would be cheating...I look at the meanings of names and work from there...sometimes i'm right some I get wrong...that's the way it goes.

Analysis, please

Post 554


Well, this time you are really quite right smiley - smiley

I didn't spend long deliberating over it, it just happened really.

smiley - cheers Toccata

Analysis, please

Post 555

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I would still love to learn how you do it. I've been trying to think of some that I've used in the past for RPGs (which are often chosen because I like the sound of them).

Oh, before I forget, can you do 'Iyandes' for me? He's a h2g2 member, but he can never get on (AOL doesn't like h2g2 smiley - grr).

Analysis, please

Post 556

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

PS: It's a capital 'i', not an 'l' okay? People just seem to get is wrong a lot...

Analysis, please

Post 557

Self-Paradoxical - Thinking of returning to H2G2 after a 5 year hiatus

Hmm... This name analysis looks fun. If you get some time, I'd very much like your analysis of my name:

Self-Paradoxical - God of Uncertainty

Analysis, please

Post 558

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

*inclines head respectfully to Tabitca*

I have come long and far (well...) to seek out your famed services. smiley - smiley

*smiles hopefully*

Analysis, please

Post 559


Tabs is on holiday work will resume on 19th August.

Analysis, please

Post 560

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

So what does my name say about me smiley - blackcat

This is actually an alter ego - in real life I am Bassman, so what does that say about me smiley - blackcat

Congratulations are in order, you are Dark Disciple #18, welcome to The Ministry smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

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