A Conversation for The Meanings of Usernames


Post 521


Also ran... you feel like you are always in the after thoughts ..as in also ran was there too but here on H2 G2 that isn't true..you are accepted for one you are..a person with real spirit and i think courage.
I think you are highly thought of by fellow researchers.


Post 522


NB for wayfarer..i don't know if this is relevant but when i was looking at your name..a tarot card came to mind. The fool..a man is walking towards a cliff and a dog is pulling at his trousers to stop him...It usually means being childlike or gaiety.Perhaps you are rushing head long into something? or perhaps it is telling you to be more childlike in your view of the world..seing it through new eyes?
just a thought Tabsx


Post 523

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

i always pictured someone walking *along* a cliff, wearing a dark-- probably dark blue-- hooded cloak, possibly holding a staff, in a thunderstorm, although the nature of the cliff changes.(sometimes i picture the ground below as countryside, sometimes as the ocean, sometimes as beach.)

you're right about the travel, i would love to travel, and have always liked boats. haven't been sailing in a good long while though, more's the pity.

helpful, well, i try.smiley - blush

your name-- even 'Tabitca' has something cat-evoking about it. maybe that it's sort of close to 'tabby cat'. i picture a warm and friendly cat, who'd probably not scratch children who tried to pick her up without knowing any better, playful in a nice way.(as oppossed to a cruel way.) you're even the 'thingite cat' which reinforces the impression.
'keeper of tatty fleabags', you'll accept and love all, no matter whether they're pretty and perfectly groomed or not.
'house for sale' i think speaks for itself, that you are selling a house and are either trying to aid the selling of it or are just telling everyone of a major change in your life, moving.
'just plain old me' well, modest, with no need to pretend to be anything other than just yourself, without any pretenses.

at first glance it looks like your name says, 'cathouse for sale' smiley - yikes don't know if i should make anything of that as it looks fairly unintentional.


Post 524


smiley - laugh cat house for sale is probably right !


Post 525


SOKO....sounds japanese...it's also the name of an experimental jazz band , a computer game and decorative hardware such as door fittings...hmmm
You like to be different, perhaps admire some of the japanese culture..maybe you wanted to be a samauri or ninja. you dress in a different or stylish way and you like to stand out from the crowd or maybe you are a quiet little mouse who would like to be more of an individual and roar.It's a very oriental and individual name from someone who likes to think that bit differently.


Post 526


E'Dalethni II...makes me think of dalek or darth vader. You see yourself as not being handsome or attractive but almost a monster or ugly..maybe thats why your name is monsterous in origin. i think it is a lack of confidence that makes you feel like that. you are probably fairly young and perhaps a bit shy with women or feel you don't understand them. 11 suggests this is a newer better version of yourself..perhaps you have re-invented yourself? You are a nice person under that ugly facade of a name and perhaps your name reflects the power you would like to have.may the force be with you!


Post 527

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

You think you can do me? If you want a real challenge (and trust me, it'll be hard), try 'Quicksilver' (a common RPG name I use, and it was my second choice for my H2G2 ID).


Post 528


Quicksilver is the old name for Mercury..a metal that is liquid and also poisoness and also the winged messenger of the gods.
You are quick either to think or quick on your feet. you like to think you have a sting in your tail and like to give out information.
Wargamer is obvious ..you like to play or would like to be involved in war games. You would love to be the all action hero..Jean Claude Van Damme...of H2G2. The point is this is all fantasy,game playing..you are in RL a nicer person than a warmonger. If you were the all action hero you would be saving people not slaughtering them. You would fight only to defend. I can see you as a paint baller or role play gamer.
I think you are quite young but sensible when you have to be.
Mercury is also the God of Fire under a different name in some old religions e.g. LOKI , I think you have passion and fire in your heart but for good causes not for bad.
any good?let me know if I get any thing right.


Post 529

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Feth! Wargamer is spot on, and Quicksilver's pretty good too! smiley - wow
In RPGs where Quicksilver is used, he carries pistols, often concealed, and always uses a false identity. He gives out information to his superiors, often about a 'mysterious attacker' before revealing himself at the last minute. I suppose your reference to fire might refer to firepower; Quicksilver has a passion for weaponry.
As for Wargamer, you're exactly right. I play RPGs, and even my bad guys have a nice side. The only error is paint-balling (I've never played smiley - sadface) but I do Laserquest whenever I can.

If you want a really tough one, try N'kai. I bet you'll never get it. smiley - winkeye


Post 530


N'Kai is the black realm..H.P.Lovecraft mentions it in his stories...you need to read the Yothic manuscripts to find it. I'm a bit rusty on Lovecraft ..long time since I read it. shapeless horrors live there worshipping evil entities.
for you it relates to the black part of you from which the dark evil rises..perhaps you are a little afraid of these dark feelings and play them out in games/role play to get rid of them? or enjoy playing the dark beings in games?


Post 531

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Well I don't know who H.P. Lovecraft is, but N'kai is most certainly dark...
N'kai is royalty, cursed with a bloodlust that 5,000 years of war has yet to cure. He is also very nostalgic; he hates his race for their inferiority to the 'pure' race that he is a part of. He's not evil, he just uses evil as a tool.

I'd love to be able to do this name thing. If you'd like to try some others, I've got dosens of them.


Post 532


Peet here goes..though it's bit difficult because I know you...I didn't know any of the others!
The pedantic...you like order out of chaos..you like to know where you are going and would like to have some more security and settlement in your life.you would like to draw the line but the rest of your user names tell a different story. I think this is the face you like to give outsiders but inside ..the zaphodista is in charge..you are a natural rebel and dislike authoritarians.you would stand up for your principles, or lay down on the road for them if needed.
you also like to be a bit off the wall..lateral programming but perhaps are held back by other factors.
I think the opposition in your names i.e. pedantic vs Zaphodista is because you feel held back from what you would really like to do....you cannot fly with broken wings. you are a quite a strong character in your immediate world and people come to ask for help because they know you will reply. I feel you have a lot to offer but are held back either physically or financially form what you would really like to do.
don't be afraid to say if this is complete rubbish Peet..as I said it's difficult because i am trying not to let what i already know about you cloud my ananlysis!


Post 533

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

smiley - blushsmiley - ok

Surprisingly accurate... smiley - biggrin


Post 534


Why surprised? remember I analyse people for a living!


Post 535


Genie....the girl in the bottle..keeper of girls night out.
I think you are more of a woman than a girl. You like to have fun..you like nice things..good shoes,nice bright clothes...i think your fantasy would be the Arabian Nights type..the handsome prince on his horse, the tent in the desert..the seven veils and lots of floaty stuff around.
I see pink and gold.
i think you have a taste for luxery but wether you can afford it is a different matter. If you can't you will have a large overdraft! The majic of the genie attracts you too....if only you could rub that lamp and make dreams come true..not just for yourself..you are not a selfish person..but for others too.
let me know if any of this rings true!


Post 536


anyone who has been waiting in the backlog that i have missed ..please leave your name again and I promise to put you to the front of the line!


Post 537


One of my old nicknames while I was nursing was "Mizzog" and was given to me by someone I worked with on night duty.If it will help with your analysis,I was a male nurse(I'm still male!!!!!)and was damn good at my job.Pity the powers that be didn't appreciate it.


Post 538


Mizzog....Mizz because you were or still are doing what is considered a female type occupation,unfortunately. Zog was the king of Albanias until 1961. Zog is often used for the name of aliens and is also the name of a couple of Techno bands.
So i think part of your name was because of your occupation and the other because you are a bit different.Perhaps you have a kingly air about you? or opposingly because you don't and people think you should have. You have an interrest in music.

Compo..much easier...Compo is a compilation so perhaps a person of many parts. Also could be because you see your self as the scruffy but happy layabout on the TV show.(who is sadly no longer with us)
Boyett-Compo writes fantasy novels so perhaps again an interest of yours?
Compo and Zog are also both computer programmes which could mean you are a computer buff.
I don't know if any of this makes sense but let me know. TabsX


Post 539


Pretty fair description of me Well done and thanks.Although no longer in the caring profession (to much paperwork and bureaucratic bulls**t for my liking nowadays) I have had several jobs over the years ranging from nurse to labourer to long distance driver and a lot in between.Am also my own person,but have no (false)royal airs and graces.
Yes,I can relate to the much missed character of Compo in a happy-go-lucky sort of way,but not quite as scruffy.And,yes,I am a big music fan.


Post 540


Tabs dear, could you possibly have a look at post 449 and put me on your list please?

smiley - cappuccinosmiley - cat

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