A Conversation for The Meanings of Usernames
Alternative Writing Workshop: A442333 - The Meanings of Usernames
Martin Harper Started conversation Jan 29, 2002
Entry: The Meanings of Usernames - A442333
Author: Lucinda (et al) - U129960
I think this is alternative enough...
What does your username say about you?
A442333 - The Meanings of Usernames
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 2, 2003
It is definitely Alternative!
I am going to assume that you are taking no active responsibility for this, Lucinda, even though the conversations are still relatively current.
Could this be worked up for the Post? I can see it becoming a regular spot there, but it would need someone to own it, love it, nurture it, and keep it up to date.
Volunteers, anyone?
In the meantime - Lucinda, can you make a decision on whether or not you still want it in AWW?
A442333 - The Meanings of Usernames
Martin Harper Posted Mar 3, 2003
I'm happy to transfer ownership of this entry to anyone who wants to take it over, or whatever. If nobody volunteers, though, I'll happilly remove it from the AWW.
A442333 - The Meanings of Usernames
a girl called Ben Posted Aug 9, 2003
No, you won't Jodan. We have other uses for you, darling!
I still think this is Post Material, and it would be great if it was more current.
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Alternative Writing Workshop: A442333 - The Meanings of Usernames
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