A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

The pub is open!

Post 821

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Oh good!

*grabs a glass of water for Dragonfly and brings it back to her*


The pub is open!

Post 822

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Stranger takes some more candy:: smiley - tongueout


MMM!?? Huh!??

OH, Auntie Em... I had this dream... and you... and you.. and you... and you were all there!!!

Only... it wasn't a dream... smiley - tongueout

The pub is open!

Post 823


No, D, it wasn't a dream .. it was the Halloween party. Have you rememberd more about it? Do tell ...

The pub is open!

Post 824

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I don't DARE say what I was-- I mean-- what I remembered!!!

I believe I made myself a fool... But everyone seemed to like me... except this little bug in my ca--

Oh dear!!! I had cat ears and even a cat tail!!!

And I was a cat!!!

And KES!!!

::yanks on his jacket and whispers in his ear:: I slept in your lap... I'm so ashamed...

I MUST go outside to get some air...

::stands up, her knees wobbly::

Oh... no...

I must go back to the Musehome and visit the Church or Erato and repent!!!

Farewell, I will return, friends...

::Can't look Kes in the eye::

::walks out the door::

::stranger throws the wrappers on the floor and scratches himself:: smiley - tongueout

The pub is open!

Post 825

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*picks the wrapper up off the floor and fixes the stranger with a stern glance* smiley - winkeye

Goodness, Kes. I do hope Dragonfly will be alright. I suppose that it would be quite a shock realizing that you were a cat the day before... Perhaps you should go after her, just to make sure she makes it to Musehome alright?

*realizes that playing matchmaker can be fun and wonders why she didn't do this years before. Supresses the urge to giggle.*


The pub is open!

Post 826


*Haiku from eponymous PS:

"To be Matchmaker
Is to create many flames.
Strike them with caution". *

smiley - winkeye

Yes .. she seems quite upset ... though she has no cause. (Remembers something). I might have got into all sorts of trouble over Halloween if I had not had a sleeping cat in my lap. As it was, the night passed without event ... if you get my meaning ...

Maybe she needs some time to herself ... then again, you may be right .. perhaps I should go after her.
*Kes moves towards the door, and stands there uncertainly .... In the darkness outside, perhaps he caught a glimpse of a cat running around the corner ...*

The pub is open!

Post 827


*Has to calm her three pooches down due to the abundance of small beasties scurrying around the Pub*

Thanks for the veggie doggie chews, Pandora darling...

Kes, whatever lady-like airs and graces that my good friend Pandora adopts, just remember that she's an old lush underneath it all, pretending to be a born again virgin! smiley - tongueout

*Pours herself another coffee and settles down to read the h2g2 Post*

The pub is open!

Post 828


*Kes reflects that it's probably not possible to be a young lush .......*

The pub is open!

Post 829


*Looks up from her copy of The Post at Kes*

Young? *Sprays coffee over her paper* Pandora??? Oh that is so rare! smiley - tongueout

*Slides off her stool in fits of laughter and tears rolling down her face* smiley - bigeyes

The pub is open!

Post 830


*Kes wipes coffee off his shoes, then assists Gwennie back onto her stool*
There! Didn't mean to disturb the even tenor of your ways to that extent smiley - winkeye .
Er, you didn't see a cat outside as you came in, by any chance?
*His gaze strays to the window, looking out into the garden, looking for that elusive cat ...*

The pub is open!

Post 831


"Yep, I KNEW that umbrella would come in handy!" smiley - winkeye
"I am not ashamed of my age...or lack of, there of...I experienced lushdom at a very early age! Someone guessed my age at 30 on Saturday. I know it had absolutely nothing to do with all the wepons in my cabin. It may be because I think & behave like a
'Jung' thing!" smiley - tongueout "May I have a very dry vodka martini with several olives? A gals gotta' eat!" *hope Gwennoe dosen't find out that the dog chews have doggie downers in them*

The pub is open!

Post 832

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

*Engländer comes in from nowhere. Looks into the haze of an autumn day and walks over to the jukebox. He picks out Joni Mitchell´s "Hejira"

**I´m traveling in some vehicle,
**Sitting in some café
**A defector from the petty wars,
**that shellshocked love away...

Huh, anyone got a real biiiiiiiiiiiig drink for me? Something that will take my shoes off, and let me get back to the sun and fun of playing lego without having to think about the effects on your nearest and dearest? Oh, my beloved, where is this paradise everybody is dreaming of?

*Engländer slobbs into the corner, looking REALLY depressiv. So don´t try and cheer him up, or he´ll throw fairycakes at you! (With the totalperspective vortex attached to it!*

The pub is open!

Post 833

ringo (it's not all right)

a smiley - stout to the weekend, please

The pub is open!

Post 834

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

* Comes in, sits down next to ringo and throws a fairycake over to Engländer *
Hmm, I didn't know that playing Lego would make you depressive. I experienced that the pieces always fit together.
Well, I better stick to a beer, some Kilkenny perhaps ?

The pub is open!

Post 835

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::a black cat breezes in through the door as the stranger walks out of the pub::

::she runs over to Kes and hides behind him::

The pub is open!

Post 836


*Pan tosses back the martini & rips the olives off the pick* "May I plsh hab a pisher ob ratinish? An shevearl ob thesh goo olibs?"
*knows it's not polite...but is hungry*

The pub is open!

Post 837

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

hey! you a ventriloquist ?

The pub is open!

Post 838


"No...but after a pitcher of martinis I sometimes become a stripper!" smiley - tongueout
*throws fairy cakes in all directions & yells...* "Food fight!"

The pub is open!

Post 839

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::cat runs for cover::

::Kes runs for cover::

::the purple couch by the Guest Hearth runs for cover::

The pub is open!

Post 840

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

:: seeks cover behind the bar and starts throwing out cookies like they were frisbees
and takes good care of his beer as well ::

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