A Conversation for frog

the lime tree café

Post 9481

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sure. Time's relative anyway, especially when I'm spending it with relatives smiley - winkeye

the lime tree café

Post 9482


*CYBERHUMAN turns on the TV set up in the corner of the café. He sits watching the TV*

the lime tree café

Post 9483

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - bigeyes We have a TV? smiley - wow Which channels do we get?

the lime tree café

Post 9484


*CYBERHUMAN turns to her*

We've had a TV ever since I brought one in from my spacecraft a few weeks ago and set it up in the corner here. I'm surprised you've never noticed it before. It's a design that was developed on Earth in the early 22nd century, and it gets over 700 different channels, and not only from Earth either. You can get channels from other planets and star systems too. So don't ever complain that you don't have anything good to watch on TV!

*He resumes watching the TV*

the lime tree café

Post 9485

Malabarista - now with added pony

Who needs a TV? Frogs don't like TV. smiley - erm

the lime tree café

Post 9486

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool

the lime tree café

Post 9487


*CYBERHUMAN looks at Mala*

Well if you don't want to watch TV then that's your choice.

the lime tree café

Post 9488

Malabarista - now with added pony


*Hops off to do something sensible*

the lime tree café

Post 9489

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor


We don't really need it here, but when there are no customers I guess I'll be happy to have it.

the lime tree café

Post 9490


*CYBERHUMAN sighs and shakes his head wearily*

the lime tree café

Post 9491


*CYBERHUMAN wanders around, bored*

the lime tree café

Post 9492

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Hi, sorry. smiley - run

Seems like snow is coming. It has this speciall smell outside and the clouds are so strange, too.smiley - smiley

the lime tree café

Post 9493


*CYBERHUMAN sits down*

In Britain they are experiencing the warmest year on record thanks to the effects of global warming. The average daily temperatures for December in Britain are much higher than they should be, and weather experts are predicting that winters are going to become more like springs in Britain. Some flowers that shouldn't bloom until the spring are starting to bloom in the autumn and winter now. So that's worrying news as far as the climate and the future of planet Earth are concerned.

the lime tree café

Post 9494

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - sadface

the lime tree café

Post 9495



Don't worry Tav. There are hundreds of planets out in the galaxy that are habitable for humans and other creatures to be found on Earth. So if the planet Earth does become inhabitable in the future, then mankind can just move to a different planet, taking along various animals to use as livestock or to keep mankind company. It'll probably take nearly a whole century to move the population of an entire planet though, so let's hope mankind gets some advanced warning before he has to move planet eh? smiley - biggrin

the lime tree café

Post 9496

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

You mean so we can destroy another planet?smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

smiley - erm

the lime tree café

Post 9497



Quite possibly! I would personally like to see mankind move to a different planet and then encounter some local inhabitants of that planet, so that the question of "Is there intelligent life on other planets?" can finally be answered once and for all.

the lime tree café

Post 9498

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

my My Conversations window doesn't work. I can't see your posts.

the lime tree café

Post 9499

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Hm, I'm not sure. They certainly wouldn't like it if we'd get there.smiley - erm

the lime tree café

Post 9500



Depends if they are friendly or hostile aliens. I've met both kinds on my travels throughout the galaxy.

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