A Conversation for Lazy B*****ds

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 81

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*after being awake for sometime, finally has gathered enough strength to open eyes and mouth*

I think maybe its about time I... nah..

*goes back to sleep*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 82

Researcher 99947


I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 83



I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 84

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 85

Researcher named for a cat

Considered "?" then "!", decided !&? Take too much energy.

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 86

Researcher 99947

Ugh? wha? dllllllllllll *drop of drool spittles down cheek*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 87

cafram - in the states.


I am a Lazy B******d

Post 88

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*Wanders in bemused. Considers introducing herelf but simply can't be bothered*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 89

Researcher 99947

*makes a few unintelligle "ugh" sounds, points, gestures with his left thumb, suddenly is enveloped into lounger chair, blissfully, due to his exhaustive gesticulations*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 90


*Feels an itch on her knee, conciders scratching it.*
*Nah, dont think so.**

I am a Lazy B******d

Post 91

Witty Moniker

*rolls over, nods to hezher, stares at spot on wall*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 92

Stealth Munchkin

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 93

Stealth Munchkin

I *am* a lazy b*****d, but I don't remember saying so... oh well...

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 94

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

*spots comfy chairs, curls up happily, sleeps*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 95

Researcher 99947

*considers yawning, but realises that his jaw would most likely suffer a charlie horse, as he can't quite remember the last time he bothered to open his mouth that wide*

I am a Lazy B******d

Post 96

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*takes the nod to mean "welcome, join us" and with a sigh of relief flops onto the nearest chair. Hearing the muffled cries for help she realises she has just sat on Technoyokel. With barely enough energy to grunt apologies she rolls off onto the floor.*

I am a Lazy B******d

Post 97

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*takes the nod to mean "welcome, join us" and with a sigh of relief flops onto the nearest chair. Hearing the muffled cries for help she realises she has just sat on Technoyokel. With barely enough energy to grunt apologies she rolls off onto the floor.*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 98


*almost laughs at the sight, but can't even manage a smile. Too exhausted. left corner of mouth twitches ever so slightly. If anyone was active enough to blink, they could have missed it.*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 99

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*Thinks about thinking about moving, but gives up because its too much effort*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 100

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*Some underpaid lackeys open the door, and wheel in a very comfortable chair containing a very comfortable Big 'Evil' Dan. His eyes open, and the chair is wheeled around the room so that he may see everybody. He makes a small gesture, so insignificant that most people would miss it. Dan, however, has had years of practice at this, and the gesture is understood by all to mean:*

Hello. I too am a lazy b*****d.

*He then goes completely limp.*

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