A Conversation for Lazy B*****ds

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 141

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*isnt sure wether to laugh or help the animal. Decides to do neither*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 142

Researcher named for a cat

Agrivated by the action of the lackey, who was supposed to be living for him but decided he was to lazy to even live for himelf and now lies lifeless near the doorway, Researcher lies still, then, in a fit of inactivity lies still some more.
Then faints from the exertion.

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 143

Witty Moniker

Ponders how to find lackeys who are immune to Lazy B*****d Syndrome. Gives up.

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 144

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*Recalls the many brave researchers who have struggled to find a cure for LBS, only to get it themselves. Stops recalling this and falls asleep.*

I am a Lazy B*****d

Post 145

Researcher 99947


*thinks - sorry... no, just a brain fart*

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 146

Researcher named for a cat

Recovering from his faint and at once overjoyed at hearing that there's a name for his condition (LBS). RNFaC lies still, in celebration he emits an actual sigh, and hopes that there will be lots of government funded lackeys appearing soon to study him and bring him more Guiness, (and maybe that keg of scotch).

Unfortunately the concious act of being "overjoyed" coupled with the "actual sigh" and previous exertion from his "fit of lying still" proves too much exertion for the course of several days.
Researcher slips into comatose state, in which he dreams of many kegs of scotch and many underpaid lackeys to deliver many hoses attached to constant feed pumps, he, in this dream, consumes the kegs and then passes out.

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 147

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*Government researchers enter the room in the hopes of curing LBS. They distribute release forms so that they may gain test subjects for their studies. Unfortunately no form is returned, and the researchers are forced to give up. Several of them also contract LBS and fall to the ground.*

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 148

Researcher named for a cat

Revived enough to have a hangover. Sees release form, scrawls an R on the wrong line for name, RNFaC then realizes that he has forgotten how to form letters.
This might not have been so bad save for the fact that one of the Government Researchers has fallen across me, after very pointedly not giving me a Guiness.
Conciders trying to slither out from under the now terminally lazy Government Researcher, but then decides to slobber instead, as this requires less energy.

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 149

Lord High Wombat of Glee

*Technoyokel appears - too lazy to log on as herself*

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 150

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*Decides to join Technoyokel asleep*

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 151



I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 152

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan


I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 153

Researcher 99947

smiley - fishoº0O

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 154

Researcher named for a cat

RNFaCat, makes faint grab at fish, misses, desides it's not worth the effort and goes back into coma, where there is still scotch left to drink.

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 155

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Wonders if someone will come and spoon feed her chocolate if she looks weak enough*

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 156

Researcher 99947

i doubt it

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 157

I'm not really here


I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 158

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Hellooo... I'm a lazy bastard and want to meet other like-minded people. Here's my contribution: You know you're a lazy b*****d when turning on the TV is too much effort.

I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 159

Researcher 99947


I am a Lazy Bastard

Post 160

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Ur right, especialy when its too much hassel even if you have the remote in your hand!

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