A Conversation for Lazy B*****ds

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 61

Archangel Zax

*hands over tray of brownies and a pitcher of Guinness, smiles in what he hopes to be a concilliatory manner) in the general direction of the floor, then returns to previous position of supporting the wall*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 62


*summons just enough energy to eat a brownie and down some Guiness. He can feel the carboloading starting to work, but stays put until the motherload kicks in*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 63

Archangel Zax

*thinks about cafram's name change*
*tries to remember what it changed to*
*gives up*

*tries VERY hard not to let the wall fall*
*tries even harder to hold the floor down*

*abandons both tasks as lost causes, and begins to snore*

<hhhhhhnnnnng!!- tzzzzzzzzzsssssssss.....hhhhhnnnnggk!-...-tzzzssss?

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 64

cafram - in the states.

sleeping...standing up? Too lazy to even lie down, eh?

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 65

Researcher 99947

Caf- ugh name too long

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 66

cafram - in the states.

Can't be bothered changing it....

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 67

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*tries not too hard to raise his head up*

Oh I see that Namele...

I see thhh..



*Thumping sound is heard, as head drops back to floor*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 68

cafram - in the states.



*gestures hopelessly towards comfy chair before collapsing again*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 69


*finally the carboloading is complete and the motherload of energy courses through B-17 body. There is so much, he wonders if he might be able to eat more than 1 brownie this time. He does! He eats two and a whole pint of Guiness, then collapses through the exertion again, but not before dragging himself over to the handy sofa, along with more brownies and guiness. He falls against it, exhausted, but happy!*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 70

Archangel Zax


Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 71

Researcher 99947

I'd be careful of guinness as of late

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 72


*looks up from his recumbent position next to the sofa*

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 73

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


*rolls over from lying on stomach to back, and doing this reveals rather peculiar patters in forehead, from laying with face down in floor nearly a week*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 74


It's ok I found out about the guiness, but this, I think, is fine.
At least i have no ill effects over the last few hours, and going by what happened to DD, it should be almost instantaneous!
*falls back against sofa again, exhausted after saying all of that!*

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 75

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Nods slowly

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 76


Sooo lazy, couldn't be bothered typing here recently.

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 77

Researcher 99947

the same goes for me... I keep telling myself that one of these days I'm going to get some grazfzzzzxxxxxxxxxx *dozes off, obviously extremely exerted*

Lazy B*****s (and co)

Post 78

cafram - in the states.


*gazes around...confused...*

Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 79

Researcher 99947

*wakes up, decides better of it*


Lazy B******s (and co)

Post 80


A.....can't be bothered...........fghsfkhslk
*collapses yet again*

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