A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 341

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[NYC] wow... look at it... it's almost mesmerizing... how that fat jiggles so...

[sea] ooo...

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 342

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Oh come ON, Yo. You lot can hardly pester ME about continuity if he's going to go and do something like THAT! a) Your legs had already been mangled by the ammo-explosion. b) Teflon spray, or any other household alkali, will NOT be able to neutralise <quote> concentrated molecular acid. c) Mm, hm. You can see me through the wall, huh? WHATever! d)Z&E: Emar was feeling dazed and confused from losing his puppet, which is why his true, Emar-only feelings were showing through.

Yo: Despite your heinous continuity breaking, I'm prepared to let it pass and accept it as having happened seeing as the other villains are being so whiny about not being able to easily injure me.

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 343

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

Giguschild, only E&Z can decide what E&Z will think. that is the gravest of continuity breaks. If you decide to take it upon yourself to create thoughts for another researcher's character, then why not just stop this fight now.

which reminds me.

*NYC lights the flame-thrower he's been unsuccessfully trying to use so far*

I never remember a xenomorph I couldn't toast. who wants xenoburgers? I promise they'll be well done!

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 344


smiley - tongueout

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 345

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Woah. Bad Vibes. Man.

Let's forget all about this contiunity malarkey, and play like nice children.

Oops. I lost mys-e-e-e-e-elf.
(That bit was a gag. In case you wondered.

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 346

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

*Sigh* Oooohhh...what's the point?

LOOK! Does it MATTER!!?!?! If you want to be anal; if you REALLY feel bad about this, then FINE...burn me!! BURN ME!!!

*Giguschild hands a fire extinguisher to Uncle Heavy, and walks into the center of the forum. He falls, Nicholas Cage-like, to his knees and throws his arms back. Throwing his head up, he lets out a long, mournful screech...*

I love the smell of bacon in the morning...

Post 347


Nicholas Cage ? looked more like the Teletubbies smiley - tongueout

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 348

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] you know, i don't think it's as much fun if you ASK him to do it.

[evillene] i'd still enjoy it.

[sea] yeah, but you'd wait until he was charred, then kick him, then pull out your sword and cut him up quite a bit, then you would--

[evillene] *interrupts* stop giving away my plans!!!!

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 349

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*Offers NYC some matches*

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 350

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

he called me henious!
sure. That works for me.

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 351

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rubs her temples. evillene runs over, grabs the matches, and strikes one and tosses it at giguschild*

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 352

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

oh, hell. there's no skill involved in this.

*NYC sets down the flamethrower, pulls out a cot, and proceeds to lie down on it*

I love the smell of heroburgers in the morning...

Post 353

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

oh, hell. there's no skill involved in this.

*NYC sets down the flamethrower, pulls out a cot, and proceeds to lie down on it*

I love the smell of deap heat. Don't ask me why. I just do. OK?

Post 354

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*NYC sits on a TAK-Tomato and is blown sky high blahblah*

I love the smell of smelling in the morning

Post 355

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

hows that for a totally useless subject title?!

I love the smell!

Post 356

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

*Gets up*

Well, there we go. All OK now?

*Walks over to the cot.*

Well? What'll it be, NYC? Hasty disemboweling? Partial dismemberment?Letting of blood? Flesh wounds? Minor cuts and bruises? Nothing? You attacking me? You killing me? It would appear to be your choice. Well?

I love the smell!

Post 357

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

since when was it in a xenomorph's interest to negotiat anything? or, at that fact, speak at all? I would have assumed you to be trying to maul me as best you could right now, but since you aren't...

*NYC puts earphones on and nods off to all reality*

I love the smell!

Post 358

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

A good mauling? A wise choissce, sssir...

*Camera pans to ceiling, and various gristly and crunching sound effects ensue, acompanied by the odd scream or a squirt of blood/other bodily fluids.*

*They temporarily pause*

It'sss all thiss continuity malarkey, ain't it, guv? Gotto assk you first, ain't I? Rulesss is ruless...

*The sound effects, screams and blood squirts resume. After a few painful sounding minutes, the camera pans back down to NYC, who lies there groaning and in at least a little pain. Still listening to his earphones, though.*

I love the smell!

Post 359

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea sighs, walks over to NYC, leans over, and gives him a healing kiss*

[sea] that was most unfair... that wasn't what he said and you know it.

I love the smell!

Post 360

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Excuse me, but what part of the thouroughly dismembered NYC did you kiss? Do tell. Good Job, G.

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